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Ahead of India visit: Terrorist ‘safe havens’ in Pakistan unacceptable, says Obama

Obama needs a but plug in his mouth!

Ahead of India visit: Terrorist ‘safe havens’ in Pakistan unacceptable, says Obama
By Web Desk
Published: January 23, 2015
A file photo of President Barack Obama. PHOTO: AFP

US President Barack Obama has said terrorist “safe havens” in Pakistan are unacceptable,The Hindu reported on Friday ahead of a crucial visit to India.

In an interview to India Today magazine which has been published in the upcoming issue of the weekly, the US president also said those behind the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks should be brought to justice

“I have made it clear that even as the US works with Pakistan to meet the threat of terrorism, safe havens within Pakistan are not acceptable,” Obama said.

The US president, who will begin his three-day visit to India this Sunday, said the US has been relentless in its fight against terror.

“We have deepened our cooperation against terrorism, and we work together to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons,” he said.

Obama also said people world over were horrified by the devastating attack on over 130 children in Peshawar, an attack that had paralysed Pakistan.

Of the attack, he said it was a “painful reminder that terrorists threaten us all.”

The Nawaz-led government decided on January 15 to ban the Jamaat-ud-Dawa, which is led by Hafiz Saeed, who incidentally has been linked to being the mastermind of the Mumbai terror attack.

“As President, I have made sure that the US has been unrelenting in its fight against terrorist groups — a fight in which Indians and Americans are united,” the US president said.

Obama said both terror attacks on September 11 and the Mumbai attacks included victims of India and the US.

“On my previous visit to India, my first stop was the memorial at the Taj Hotel to pay my respects to the victims, meet with survivors and send a strong message to the Indian people that we stand together in defence of our security and our way of life,” he added.
A Moron like Obama who is sucking Modi's dick should be given a boot. Our pathetic excuse of a leadership should openly confront this nigger but they are too busy bending backwards. Imran despite of all his so called weaknesses is the only man who can actually stand up to this.
First of all, please don't start your message with smilies because it looks bad and adds no weight whatsoever to the argument.

Secondly, only an ignorant fool would compare terrorist/traitor Mukti Bahini with Afghan freedom fighters who fought to expel invading Russians from their lands. Mukti Bahini was an Indian-sponsored terrorist organization, composed of traitors of Pakistan, who fought a civil war against its own civilian/military establishment.

Thirdly, East-West Pakistan conflict was brief, following cession from Pakistan, no civil war was fought within Bangladesh unlike Afghanistan, where warlords began to fight with each other after Russian withdrawal. During all this time, Pakistan has been hosting no less than 3 million thankless Afghans, who practically destroyed the very social fabric of Pakistani society. Given the circumstances, Pakistan had no choice but to do whatever possible to bring peace in Afghanistan so the Afghan refugees could be sent back. Indira also state-sponsored Mukti Bahini terrorism in East Pakistan in the pretext of refugee crisis so don't try to play holier than thou.

Well said, our Indian friends like to pretend that they are holier than thou but have been instrumental in destabilising the region. Just as Bangladesh is in your backyard so is Afghanistan in our area if interests, in many ways we are conjoined twins and hence we have no choice but to be engaged in that region, just like India's meddling in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. As for the major thorn in the region, Kashmir, the Indians have half a million men keeping those uppity Muslims in their places, but Pakistan flags still manage to flutter in sri nagar.
I agree to what Usa so called super power cant handle ussr directly with our help they got super power tag USA and obama should have looked in pakistani nationals sacrifice we are at war for last 12 years no country in world have been seen that long war and we are doing our best but in return we called terrorist by obama is not acceptible americans are puppets of israelis and indiand got american secure nerve israel now whatever we do usa never going to be happy and they dont support now it is time to change the game turn the tables for usa choose our new partners china is with us we need russia
China or Russia cannot REPLICATE USA.

Your better staying neutral with USA don't give USA an excuse to pour billions into a already powerful country like india by openly being hostile to USA.

YOU WILL be shooting yourselves in the foot.
US has now found a easy way to blame Pakistan for everything, this statement was only meant to please Indians & attempt to only demoralize Pakistan.
USA playing to modi and Indian media.

Trying to show prove to India that they the USA have Indian interests at heart.

Much to Pakistani angar.

Ultimately USA will drop Pakistan eventually they will have to choose.
China or Russia cannot REPLICATE USA.

Your better staying neutral with USA don't give USA an excuse to pour billions into a already powerful country like india by openly being hostile to USA.

YOU WILL be shooting yourselves in the foot.

Uncle sam thinks that it has the God-given right to abuse countries like Pakistan, if they start thinking about dumping this kind of so-called ally uncle sam views that as a 'crime against humanity'. As the proverb goes who needs an enemy when you have an ally like uncle sam. This proverb is particularly true for Muslim states like Pakistan.
LOL these days any one can disrespect Pakistan & warn them ...Koi Izzat hi nahin hai in logo ki....:lol:
well long history of usa first they support when they see that country dont have any interesst they tebd to do that so many examples we have iraq and pakistan are the biggest now it is imdian turn they get well gestures now bit at the end india will be number one enemy of usa it is american history
Let USA go to India. At the moment wherever they go they make the country a fine example of like Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan
lol that untouchable black nigga speak again ? lolz ... few decade back , he cant he go to same toilet as his White country men goes ...
I trust you... you are interested in no knowledge whatsoever but your own theories and fantasies. Do you even know Dalim's relationship with Mujeeb? and you call this 2nd hand information? You are telling me Indira, Mujeeb, Yahya and Bhutto used to hold meetings in your living room? Amazing level of ignorance and defiance.
Two points.
1. The 4 of them did not have common meetings.
2. My father was present in at least 3 meetings between the 1st 2 personalities in your list :)
And thats what I meant by 1st hand information.

Your fact is wrong again or perhaps too holistic. Pakistan gambling for the afghan powerful seat has little to do with what is happening in Pakistan today.
I will not deny that we did not support the religious ideology to bank on our neighbours, now this includes eastern and western.
Pakistan did not.intervene not.until Taliban had risen to the top by overthrowing the seat in Kabul.
And can you please do the honor.and elaborate on how pakistan.intervened in afgahn civil war???
The capture of Kabul was not possible without Pakistan military support. This fact has been acknowledged by all and sundry. And what was that if not intervention in Afghan civil war

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