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Agni-5 can target our Harbin city: Chinese daily

I'm telling you U.S is trying to make you start one! If anyone of your neighbouring countries in this case, India increases their military spendings you have to do the same. Otherwise you will face a threat in the long-run.

It's possible that there won't be any extension in their military budget, but with the use of propaganda and test-launches they make you to feel unsecure for example: west interference in the china's internal affairs such as tibet, taiwan, human rights issues and ect...

With the challenges such as these ahead, you will have to think twice...
And btw every country has a hidden budget for their military spendings, in the case of china i believe they also have this. But they don't want the west to know the affect of this fact on their GPD. Believe me we Iranians know the west better than anyone on this planet!
Thank you for your kindly suggestion!
In China We all know that US and other western countries are not true friends of China!China will have thousands of billions asset globally in the future and we need to protect them not robbed by other countries. So we need enough military power to defend ourself. We don't have too much debts as US and our economy is heathy. We need to catch up western the countries with both economy and military. I prefer to spending dollars as military expenditure rather than lending them to US!
On when india get sanctioned by UN? Oh i think its only in Chinese books only not in UN book.

Oh really that why you supported N.K and PAK and send your Nuclear blue print to lib Libya, a known terror country?

You want proof?? Ok, here you go. http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/6202.pdf

Second of all, I believe India is much bigger of a terrorist country than Pakistan. China was only engaged in 9 conflicts, Pakistan had only a total of 8 armed conflicts since its independence, while India had 17!!! I don't see how you can say India is a peaceful country while Pakistan is not!!!

Pakistan:Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 / 1965 / 1971 · Bangladesh Liberation War · 1970s Baloch Insurgency · Siachen conflict · Kargil War · War in North-West Pakistan
vs USSR Sino-Soviet conflict (1969)
vs USA & its allies Korean War (1950-53) · Vietnam War (1965-70)
vs India Sino-Indian War (1962) · Chola incident · 1987 Sino-Indian skirmish
vs South Vietnam Paracel Islands (1974)
vs Vietnam Sino-Vietnamese War (1979) · Johnson South Reef (1988)
India:Indo-Pakistani wars of 1947 / 1965 / 1971 · Operation Polo · Operation Vijay · Sino-Indian War · Chola incident · Siachen conflict · Blue Star · 1987 Sino-Indian skirmish · Indian intervention in the Sri Lankan Civil War · Operation Cactus · Kargil War · Kashmir insurgency · 2001 Indian–Bangladeshi border conflict · Operation Parakram · Naxalite-Maoist insurgency

So DON'T tell me that I didn't give any credible source this time. :sniper: Or are you going to tell me that Wikipedia is a Chinese book??:rofl::china::pakistan:
Are they all capable of countering Indian missile threats?

We got a pretty capable muti-layered (IADS) to counter missile threat.

China’s Air Defence missile systems
Dr Carlo Kopp
Congress on China’s military power. Last year saw an important incremental improvement
in what is already a formidable air defence capability, as the PLA deployed four battalions
of the S-300PMU-2 / SA-20 Gargoyle high mobility long range SAM system. This is another
step in China’s long march since the end of the Cold War to deploy a modern multi-layered
Integrated Air Defence System (IADS).:cheers::china:
You want proof?? Ok, here you go. http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/6202.pdf

Second of all, I believe India is much bigger of a terrorist country than Pakistan. China was only engaged in 9 conflicts, Pakistan had only a total of 8 armed conflicts since its independence, while India had 17!!! I don't see how you can say India is a peaceful country while Pakistan is not!!!

Pakistan:Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 / 1965 / 1971 · Bangladesh Liberation War · 1970s Baloch Insurgency · Siachen conflict · Kargil War · War in North-West Pakistan
vs USSR Sino-Soviet conflict (1969)
vs USA & its allies Korean War (1950-53) · Vietnam War (1965-70)
vs India Sino-Indian War (1962) · Chola incident · 1987 Sino-Indian skirmish
vs South Vietnam Paracel Islands (1974)
vs Vietnam Sino-Vietnamese War (1979) · Johnson South Reef (1988)
India:Indo-Pakistani wars of 1947 / 1965 / 1971 · Operation Polo · Operation Vijay · Sino-Indian War · Chola incident · Siachen conflict · Blue Star · 1987 Sino-Indian skirmish · Indian intervention in the Sri Lankan Civil War · Operation Cactus · Kargil War · Kashmir insurgency · 2001 Indian–Bangladeshi border conflict · Operation Parakram · Naxalite-Maoist insurgency

So DON'T tell me that I didn't give any credible source this time. :sniper: Or are you going to tell me that Wikipedia is a Chinese book??:rofl::china::pakistan:

I don't understand what you are saying in this post. If you are trying to say that we get sanctioned by UN, brother please read the link provided by you. Its US sanction against both India and Pakistan after we conducted nuclear test in 1998 and majority or full of all the are already taken away. US sanction is not UN sanction. India never got any UN sanction.

The other war lists you provided. I don't understand what you meant. Some of them have no relation with India. Others are war between India and Pakistan.

Its ok that India and China are enemies and you are a friend of Pakistan agreeing that fact, i asking you not to twist history which lays flat in front of you.
oh, ca'mon

it's not that easy for the us to use India as a tool.
if it was that easy, they would have already started using India now.
but they can't.

of course US is using Pakistan as a tool. :cool:

also Pakistanis friends think that Raw and mossad is also involved in it.

OMG, that mean CIA, Mossad, and RAW are using your so called small brother as a tool!!!:sniper:

China, do something about it!!:smokin:

You want proof?? Ok, here you go. http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/6202.pdf

Second of all, I believe India is much bigger of a terrorist country than Pakistan. China was only engaged in 9 conflicts, Pakistan had only a total of 8 armed conflicts since its independence, while India had 17!!! I don't see how you can say India is a peaceful country while Pakistan is not!!!

Pakistan:Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 / 1965 / 1971 · Bangladesh Liberation War · 1970s Baloch Insurgency · Siachen conflict · Kargil War · War in North-West Pakistan
vs USSR Sino-Soviet conflict (1969)
vs USA & its allies Korean War (1950-53) · Vietnam War (1965-70)
vs India Sino-Indian War (1962) · Chola incident · 1987 Sino-Indian skirmish
vs South Vietnam Paracel Islands (1974)
vs Vietnam Sino-Vietnamese War (1979) · Johnson South Reef (1988)
India:Indo-Pakistani wars of 1947 / 1965 / 1971 · Operation Polo · Operation Vijay · Sino-Indian War · Chola incident · Siachen conflict · Blue Star · 1987 Sino-Indian skirmish · Indian intervention in the Sri Lankan Civil War · Operation Cactus · Kargil War · Kashmir insurgency · 2001 Indian–Bangladeshi border conflict · Operation Parakram · Naxalite-Maoist insurgency

So DON'T tell me that I didn't give any credible source this time. :sniper: Or are you going to tell me that Wikipedia is a Chinese book??:rofl::china::pakistan:

hahahahah, :rofl::rofl:

kudos to your made history.

that's all i can say.

by the way, if Pakistan is so innocent, than protect your beloved. :rofl:
Diversion of topic huum. Can we come back please.
hay why r u getting so burned out on chinese or any other countries plrolifications???? mind ur own business, as you cant stop them anyway if they like too. why do you guys make so much fuss when guys dont have the power to stop someone???? wake up dont point fingures on others when you are share the same crime, your part is even worse, you stole it from america, go and check the "atoms for peace " program.
and plz dont drag the thread to irrelvent issues, stick to the topic.


So What truth hurts , someone is burning...... when you people pocking your Nose in India's affair so why cant be.......... We developed our own ....... See Fast Breader TEchnology which till now India posses ........... I think you mistaken PAK AQ Khan from India .. in stolen technology ...... Reality please , you cant deny it.
So What truth hurts , someone is burning...... when you people pocking your Nose in India's affair so why cant be.......... We developed our own ....... See Fast Breader TEchnology which till now India posses ........... I think you mistaken PAK AQ Khan from India .. in stolen technology ...... Reality please , you cant deny it.

Pathetic post:tdown: not worthy of replying:tdown: Guys back to the topic please.

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