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Agni-5 can target our Harbin city: Chinese daily

Losses of the capital did not meant the losses of the whole nation. China is still intact.

We did not force the Japanese to withdraw but managed to hold China from falling. China did fight Japanese in the SE Asia too. Is that significant enough?

Yes you are wrong to say China got UN seat because it had the largest population. We got UN seat as we are the allied force in pacific war.

India is in the pacific war too under the British.

Thank you for correcting me on UN seat..Yes both India and Chinese fighted in SE Asia formerly known as Indo-China..It was a significant move ..But if you read from the above posts you can see i am disagreeing to the claim that China defeated Japan in second world war and from your point in this post i think we can have peace and get back to topic
Thank you for correcting me on UN seat..Yes both India and Chinese fighted in SE Asia formerly known as Indo-China..It was a significant move ..But if you read from the above posts you can see i am disagreeing to the claim that China defeated Japan in second world war and from your point in this post i think we can have peace and get back to topic

Hi Seiko,

I am glad with have the same understanding on this issue. I am here to defend the pride of China. However, I will not abuse India to get my point across.

Some of us here are nationalist and simply get too personal.

Back to the topic, I believe India will had their Agni-5 operational someday. China needs to prepare and accept India rising capabilities.
Hi Seiko,

I am glad with have the same understanding on this issue. I am here to defend the pride of China. However, I will not abuse India to get my point across.

Some of us here are nationalist and simply get too personal.

Back to the topic, I believe India will had their Agni-5 operational someday. China needs to prepare and accept India rising capabilities.

A3's capability in missiles is inferior than NBangzi, let alone Pakistan and tg's. but their bragging skills are superior even compared with SBangzi
first here i clarify simple thing some indians never realized: the current china is ruled by ccp since 1949 and it is ccp that makes india first experienced pathetic military defeat by ccp china since its independence from former colonial master british in 1947.......basically it is kuomingtang being impotent to defend china against japanese invasion and certainly not the fault of ccp, but ccp then defeated kmt and defeated india.......so are you considering kmt failures as ccp failures???dont get mixed up!!!!google for kuomingtang if you are pathetically being brainwashed that ccp lost to japanese.....

Absolute Rubbish, Lets site an example of city Harbin. Chinese force outnumbering Japanese to a ratio of 5:1 were unable to defend its positions and retreated without combat (Chinchow Operation) in Japanese invasion of Manchuria WW2 -1931. Gen Ma Zhanshan was also the acting governor disobeyed KMT order to restrain as KMT had peace pact with Japanese.
whats the use to discuss things which happened more than 50 yrs ago.. much has changed since then for ex. japan and america....
please do not derail the topic...
imo even if india has the capability it will downplay it to avoid sanctions... feel free to disagree..and yes dont start nationalist shitting contest again.......
A3's capability in missiles is inferior than NBangzi, let alone Pakistan and tg's. but their bragging skills are superior even compared with SBangzi

Yes. India will develop their ICBM technology in future. Please do not doubt that!

I agree some Indians are good at bragging and had high ego. Some are good and some are bad. This make them a good lawyer and CEO or some swindler.
look there cant be all saints in a country.... we have our share of mix of good and bad people...but then which country does not...
silver lining is that we are recovering and thats great........:cheers:
Lol...........India is not in a weapons race .

Moreover we dont need anything more than 7000km missile that can be launched from far south west corner of India to the far north east corner of China.When its done our missile development will be capped.

any missile in India that carries a nuclear warhead is meant for deterrence only.we are not threatening anyone unlike our neighbour showing up all the missile types.We dont need missile diplomacy.

And at the same time we wont keep up any imbalances.Everything needs to be balanced.And a major settlement is over due for more than 48 years.

You might not have known about the real nationalistic people of India.It might take years to get back, but everything will be settled including the compound interest.

It is actually Chinese that started the rhetoric about the A-V that Ajai Shukla reported on business standard.India has a right to develop a missile of any range.Since India entered the field lately and dont have a friend like US in the beginning to counter russia and didnt get the technology from them,we will take time to develop one after another.
There is a old saying:
I dont care if be late,but you have to be latest.
I.e what India follows.

India can develope any missile they want? I remembered India was sanctioned by the UN because you guys tried to develope Nuclear arms. That did not happen to china, because as a member of the security concil, it's our RIGHT and OBLIGATION to have nuclear weapons and long range missiles to balance the world power. India owning nukes and long range missiles is just as dangerous as North Korea or any other terrorist countries. :china:
India can develope any missile they want? I remembered India was sanctioned by the UN because you guys tried to develope Nuclear arms. That did not happen to china, because as a member of the security concil, it's our RIGHT and OBLIGATION to have nuclear weapons and long range missiles to balance the world power. India owning nukes and long range missiles is just as dangerous as North Korea or any other terrorist countries. :china:

On when india get sanctioned by UN? Oh i think its only in Chinese books only not in UN book.

Oh really that why you supported N.K and PAK and send your Nuclear blue print to lib Libya, a known terror country?
On when india get sanctioned by UN? Oh i think its only in Chinese books only not in UN book.

Oh really that why you supported N.K and PAK and send your Nuclear blue print to lib Libya, a known terror country?

do you have any evidence that China provide blue prints of nukes to Libya?
Such missles are big threat to China!
I hope we can set up a powerful missle defense systems to intercept these missles. :sniper:
Such missles are big threat to China!
I hope we can set up a powerful missle defense systems to intercept these missles. :sniper:

if China does have such a program, it would be top secret. Only the US would know about it.
LOL. I quiet didnt get ur logic. If India target Harbin will China target Mexico? :lol: Just wondering about the ranges shown in the diagram:rolleyes:
Long ranges are always beneficial. It means that if in an all out nuclear war India manages to cripple Chinese response capabilities on land, Chinese assets from all over the world can still hit India from far flung corners.

Thats why I've always argued against Pakistanis just focusing on improving their missiles with current ranges against India rather than going for long ranges.
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