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Agni-5 can target our Harbin city: Chinese daily

First of all, will you please stop posting a real long post every time ?

Just cut your B.S. in short, ok ?

Talking about one on one, Did Chinese kicked your Indians A@S in

1962 One On One ? Yes or No ? man enough to answer such a

simple question ?

Now, stop trolling and stick back to the topic;

May be you Indians should fix the problem that cause failure of Agni-2

test first before dreaming about the so-called Agni-5 will sure help to

avoid further embarrassment.:smitten::pakistan::china:

its not bs.... if its against u doesnt make it bs...

yes we lost in 1962....
n u lost to Japan.... so accept that...dont try to avoid that by giving wrong explanations of ww-2

and the post was in reply to ur illogical post... which said losing war means India lost dignity....crap... u lost to Japan i think lost dignity if u again wish to equate losing in war to losing dignity...for India it was just a defeat.. a hard reality...

HaHa, a provokation from someone with a bloody nose from 1962

A@S kicking defeat ?

You should ask yourself a simple question= what you going to do

to redeem your lost dignity ? :smitten::pakistan::china:

dont write illogically like above again..

and yup u r rite.....we should stick to topic.....

now coming to Agni

Agni-2 problems will surely be looked into... the scientists are very capable persons... rest assured if there is any fault it will be rectified....coz it is all just speculation.... maybe they were just testing the system with some new changes....and really testing to see how effective the new changes...it is common practise to test new equipment under disguise of some already established platform.... so we can never say...

and Agni-5 will also become a reality one day....:) yes there might be a failure or two during development stage.... but that is but natural.... but the final product will be as good as it gets.....:cheers: the scientist working on them are world classs but surely not GOD to get it right on first attempt... there are bound to be a failure or two here and there.....thats accepted....
Even if India somehow manages to strike Harbin City the Chinese Air force can take out any target inside India.
We stand shoulder to shoulder with china on this issue.

Well other than defeating an unprepared Army what do you have to take pride of??Forgot a$$ kicked by us on 1967??forgot a$$ kicked by Vietnamese ???? forgot a$$ kicked by USSR??? the last major victory you had is rolling tanks on your own people go and be proud of that :china:

Stop trolling or you will be reported, from now on no more reply to

trolls. :smitten::pakistan::china:

there is nothing to report.... if u can remind about the Indian ***** being kicked in 1962... it is only appropriate to remind u about ur ***** being kicked.....:cheers:

Even if India somehow manages to strike Harbin City the Chinese Air force can take out any target inside India.
We stand shoulder to shoulder with china on this issue.

and so can IAF inside China...
yeah IAF will give a befitting reply to any such misadventure...

so u see its loss-loss for both India-China in war... nothing to gain for anyone...

no issues.... u can stick with China.... its ur wish entirely....
we have our own friends to stick with us.....
in international relations its always like that only....:cheers:

Agni-V will give a huge boost to Indian missile capabilities.... but i also dont think the chinese need to feel bad about it in any way... or to take a pot shot on indian Agni missiles... common guys u already have that range missiles.... so just chilll..... and India will never attack China almost certainly..... so dont worry... but India needs to prepare itself to the best coz chances ar more that it will be China attacking India rather than otherwise...if it were to be....

So Agni-V is really good development from Indian perspective...i just love the work being done by the scientists to strengthen their countries defences.... i salute to them...:smitten:
mgmech, tell me how can you still got the nerve to talk about the

so-called Agni-5, when you can't even handle Agni-2 resulted with a

failed test ?

Selling your so called Agni-5 out of imagination will be like doing your

own mental-mast......tion in public. No body will buy your crap until

being proved with facts. I hope you will be mature enough to stop

posting your face saving BS. Regards.:smitten::pakistan::china:
mgmech, tell me how can you still got the nerve to talk about the

so-called Agni-5, when you can't even handle Agni-2 resulted with a

failed test ?

Selling your so called Agni-5 out of imagination will be like doing your

own mental-mast......tion in public. No body will buy your crap until

being proved with facts. I hope you will be mature enough to stop

posting your face saving BS. Regards.:smitten::pakistan::china:

Grey boy you are saying that no country other than India didn't had any failure when developing a weapon from scratch??When you degrade your self as a troll you forget to think what you are writing man.Get a grip on your self..
mgmech, tell me how can you still got the nerve to talk about the

so-called Agni-5, when you can't even handle Agni-2 resulted with a

failed test ?

Selling your so called Agni-5 out of imagination will be like doing your

own mental-mast......tion in public. No body will buy your crap until

being proved with facts. I hope you will be mature enough to stop

posting your face saving BS. Regards.:smitten::pakistan::china:

:taz:wow does it hurt to hear India developing Agni V..???:cheesy:.....ur post shows that only....

we are developing it... if it gives u wet sl..p so be it....

but why r u concerned at all if u dont think it can be made by India...Live in ur dream world... enjoy..

U can wake up when India will have the same in its missile arsenal... or better sleep at that time also saying it is there but am sure it wont work.... i wont mind at all...:cheers:

this was the reply to ur bs....

coming to point...

Agni 2 failed yes accpeted but than again the point remains... their are failures but they can be corrected...
u only learn from your failures...

also its still not confirmed that he established version of Agni failed...i mean no one really knows... the main idea is that they were testing it with some changes to the missile system to see how the new changes perform....so if that failed it will not mean failure of Agni-2....also to know more about it go through the thread in indian-defence section:


now u answer me one thing... why there is no news about any chinese failure of a missile...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the point is failure in any project of such dimensions is inevitable....
what makes u think so foolishly that the failure in some tests will mean the final product will not be achieved...??????

maybe ur missiles are failing in 10 times more tests than India but dont have the guts to make public even one..... or u have become GOD so that u dont ever have any failure...:no:
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Ohh really this means china defeated Japan huh??buddy there were representative from NZ and Canada and Netherlands too ..Is that mean they defeated Japan??next time if you are trying to twist the history do some better job ok...or try to preach some one else[/QUOTE

Japan invaded China but China held on. After 8 years of war, only costal China had fallen to Japan. China army and government are still intact.

Japan lost half of her troop in China and there are other nations that fight against the Japanese. In the end of the war, China was considered a victorious country along with 4 other nations. China was given a permanent seat in UN.

Can we consider defeating Japan? This apply to Germany where UK, US and other allies defeat her . Can UK consider a loser or defeating Germany?

India was still a colony in WW2.:china:
Ohh really this means china defeated Japan huh??buddy there were representative from NZ and Canada and Netherlands too ..Is that mean they defeated Japan??next time if you are trying to twist the history do some better job ok...or try to preach some one else[/QUOTE

Japan invaded China but China held on. After 8 years of war, only costal China had fallen to Japan. China army and government are still intact.

Japan lost half of her troop in China and there are other nations that fight against the Japanese. In the end of the war, China was considered a victorious country along with 4 other nations. China was given a permanent seat in UN.

Can we consider defeating Japan? This apply to Germany where UK, US and other allies defeat her . Can UK consider a loser or defeating Germany?

India was still a colony in WW2.:china:

Honor your capital was captured by Japan and if US and allies declared war against Japan the fate of China would have been some thing else...And as for UK and US they invaded German capital and captured it and force them to surrender..Any significant move from China as such?? attacking Japan or capturing Japan and force Japan to surrender??And also you have to note that these countries fight axis powers all over Europe ,Africa and Asia where as China trying to defend Japanese invasion in Chinese mainland only..I dont see China play any significant role in second world war than defending their own territory..

And also correct me if I am wrong did china got permanent seat because of largest population in the world??
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India was still a colony in WW2.:china:

Our troops fought for India freedom.
After what Hitler did to Britain, did u really think India fought at the behest of the British. They were in no position to order India around.
The deal was simple India fought alongside the allies.
It would gain her independence. No question.

So Indians marched to war. otherwise Indian troops would have not followed the British.

Our troops fought the Japanese as well. we kept the Supply line to china open in Burma.

The sacrifices of my Countrymen should also be rightfully recognized.
first here i clarify simple thing some indians never realized: the current china is ruled by ccp since 1949 and it is ccp that makes india first experienced pathetic military defeat by ccp china since its independence from former colonial master british in 1947.......basically it is kuomingtang being impotent to defend china against japanese invasion and certainly not the fault of ccp, but ccp then defeated kmt and defeated india.......so are you considering kmt failures as ccp failures???dont get mixed up!!!!google for kuomingtang if you are pathetically being brainwashed that ccp lost to japanese.....
Honor your capital was captured by Japan and if US and allies declared war against Japan the fate of China would have been some thing else...And as for UK and US they invaded German capital and captured it and force them to surrender..Any significant move from China as such?? attacking Japan or capturing Japan and force Japan to surrender??And also you have to note that these countries fight axis powers all over Europe ,Africa and Asia where as China trying to defend Japanese invasion in Chinese mainland only..I dont see China play any significant role in second world war than defending their own territory..

And also correct me if I am wrong did china got permanent seat because of largest population in the world??

Losses of the capital did not meant the losses of the whole nation. China is still intact.

We did not force the Japanese to withdraw but managed to hold China from falling. China did fight Japanese in the SE Asia too. Is that significant enough?

Yes you are wrong to say China got UN seat because it had the largest population. We got UN seat as we are the allied force in pacific war.

India is in the pacific war too under the British.
I thought we were discussing Agni 5, if we have finished talking China's war can we come back to topic.
first here i clarify simple thing some indians never realized: the current china is ruled by ccp since 1949 and it is ccp that makes india first experienced pathetic military defeat by ccp china since its independence from former colonial master british in 1947.......basically it is kuomingtang being impotent to defend china against japanese invasion and certainly not the fault of ccp, but ccp then defeated kmt and defeated india.......so are you considering kmt failures as ccp failures???dont get mixed up!!!!google for kuomingtang if you are pathetically being brainwashed that ccp lost to japanese.....

First of all you need to realize that only the rulers of china had changed not the Chinese people..From your logic we can say that China defeated only Nehru not India because we are now under Manmohan Singh..when you pathetically defending China you need to realize that your country was also slave of Britishers.Your point of view is completely different from Honor's point of view..which one is right??KMT is the only one fighted against Japan??or is it Chinese people??If it is KMT then dont you think UN seat should be given to Taiwan than China?? You guys take a decision and then come to argue..till then you be a pathetic citizen of Malaysia and be a mouth piece of CCP :china:
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