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Agartala conspiracy case was not false: Deputy speaker

Look at it this way, Bengalis, being the majority were being highly discriminated in every sector. Bengali PM won election but west pakistanis revolted and started a war instead, the majority in Pakistan, punished the traitors with self trained army and left them for good which now we are seeing by the situation of Pakistan. Better history? Majority can never be traitors, they are the rulers, welcome to democracy ;)

You may have a point there, but consider this:

- in 1947 we went for Partition and created Pakistan and separated from India because we thought it will be impossible for us to live under majority Hindu rule
- by 1965 we as Pakistani's fought two wars with India
- from 1960's a section of AL started cooperating and working with Indian intelligence and there was planned armed rebellion (Agartala case)
- the case could not be proven due to lack of evidence and the accused were set free (Sgt. Jahurul Haque was killed in jail) due to mass agitation by AL
- during this great hue and cry, Sheikh Mujib and AL was catapulted to being the mouth piece of Bengali's of then Pakistan, while other political figures like Bhashani was marginalized and side lined

When Mujib led AL swept the election in 1970, Pakistan armed forces was justifiably worried to give power to a person and party with a history of connection and cooperation with Indian intelligence. They could come to power and give away Azad Kashmir to India or something like that. Once they had state authority, since they came to power with India's help and cooperation, they could do anything for India, just as AL is doing today with India's instruction.

Operation Searchlight of course was the greatest mistake. That was neither the time nor the way to find and neutralize Indian agents in our land mass. It was perceived as an indiscriminate killing spree and traumatized the whole landmass and its people and switched their loyalty to the former state and created mass support of independence.

I think the plan mentioned by genmiarjborgza786:

during yaha khans time the whole country was running @ the advise of general rani ,things could have been handled in a much more realistic way had general Akbar khan or general Asghar khan been chief of staff instead of yahya khan, general Asghar khan i believe would have avoided operation searchlight @ any cost , thus creating a negotiating space where by granting east Pakistan complete autonomy or Independence handing it to Maulana Bhashani instead of Sheikh Mujib,Mulana Bhashani i believe was in a good position & could have secured a defense strategic pact between BanglaDesh,Pakistan & China thus avoiding the unnecessary blood shed from both the side's, as well as creating some kind of goodwill based mutual partway with strong military relation between the two wings, which would have countered the Indian influence to a great deal thus creating a good balance of power act in South Asia

or something similar would have been more acceptable to both wings of Pakistan as Bhashani was a trusted figure of both Bengali's and non-Bengali's in Pakistan, he was close to China and he was not trusted by India. We should analyze these facts about Bhashani and what India did to Bhashani in 1971 as an example of a true leader of Bengali's who had wisdom and never betrayed his people and country:

Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Political philosophy

Independent East Pakistan

Bhashani was the first among the politicians to conceive of an independent East Pakistan. In early 1950s he felt that an integrated Pakistan was no longer maintainable with hegemony of West Pakistan. At the Kagmari Conference, he bade farewell to West Pakistan by saying Assalam Alaikum which soon became a reference quote. He declined to participate in the national election of 1970 saying that it will only help perpetuate rule by West Pakistan. Since 1969 his favoirite slogans were Swadhin Bangla Zindabad and Azad Bangla Zindabad. His dream of an independent Purba Bangla (East Bengal) came true when Bangladesh was established as an independent nation-state in 1971.

Chinese connection

Bhashani was known to have a Chinese connection and was the leader of pro-Chinese politicians of East Pakistan. During the 1965 war between Pakistan and India, Bhashani disappeared for several days. It is said[by whom?] that he flew from Panchbibi, Bogra to China, at the behest of president Field Marshal Ayub Khan, to secure support of China for Pakistan.

War of Independence 1971

Bhasani was fiercely independent and a revolutionary leader who did not believe in compromise with the Pakistanis.[citation needed] He considered India a 'difficult' neighbour and occasionally took an anti-Indian stance when he perceived India to be undermining Bangladesh. At the beginning of the independence war in 1971, while Bhasani was attempting to cross over on a river boat at the border of Assam, he was arrested and taken into custody by Indian authorities. When he expressed his attempt to join the war effort with the provincial government of Tajuddin Ahmad he was misled and taken to a New Delhi government house. After a meeting with Indira Gandhi he was taken and kept in confinement at Dehradun, near abouts Research and Analysis Wing headquarters, during the entire duration of the war. He was barred from participating in any activity.

Once, however, the Indian authorities flew Bhashani to Calcutta, India to give voice to the Advisory Committee conference. An apparent propaganda effort by the government of India to show that all parties supported the acts by the provincial Bangladesh government that India in reality dictated. India was fearful of Bhasani's independent and nationalitic proactions and views. It was apparent that Indira's government did not trust any person or party other than the Awami League.

At this conference Muzaffar, Moni Singh including a number of other faces were kept present amongst other Awami League members and Indira's representatives. Press were invited to come in. Bhashani was the one and only spokesman at this conference. This tactic was planned and executed at the direction and pressure of Indira's government. It was a make belief show that portrayed Bhashani including heads and leaders of all movements and political parties of (then East Pakistan) Bangladesh supported the every decision and move by the provincial Bangladesh government. And that with the support and advice of this Advisory Committee, Tajuddin's provincial government is conducting the affairs and war efforts for the independence of Bangladesh. The United Nations Security Council was informed that such an Advisory Committee to the Provincial government of Bangladesh existed for the Independence of Bangladesh, while is actuality it never existed until and up till that single conference.

Indira was fearful that Bhasani might lead a separate war effort with another provincial government undermining the one India supported. Even though Bhashani gave his full support and made it known through every effort that he supported Tajuddin's government with the Bangladesh Forces under General Osmani. Bhashani wrote to the heads of state of 25 nations regarding the recognition of Bangladesh and for support to Tajuddin's provincial government. This information was displayed by the government of India much later through Bangladesh Documents.
On December 12/13th Bhashani was taken to the temporary camp headquarters of BDF Sector 11 at Mymensingh by four Indian Army officers and was kept there under the custody of the sector commander. He spoke ferociously, nonstop, recounting his experiences and thoughts. Three days later the same Indian officers came and whisked him away to Tangail, Bangladesh. He was released in Dhaka (on 22 December 1971). Later in January, his first demand was immediate withdrawal of all Indian troops and government personnel from Bangladesh.

Politics in Independent Bangladesh

Bhashani wanted to play the role of a responsible opposition. The progressive forces quickly gathered around him and strengthened his NAP with Kazi Zafar Ahmed as its General Secretary. But soon factional differences among the progressive forces emerged and weakened Bhashani.
Unfortunately, the new government of Bangladesh failed to utilize the organizational and public opinion making capacity of Bhashani. Instead he was always under suspicion, although he provided constructive advices to the government. He was highly critical of the oppressive style of the government and its extrajudicial killings of the left-leaning activists. He was visionary enough to see the seed of the cancer of corruption in society and offered his help to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to build up an anti-corruption movement. Unfortunately that was not heeded. He also warned Sheikh Mujibur Rahman against his move towards a one party state and declaring himself as lifelong president. He could not believe that a person like Sheikh Mujib who fought all his life for a multi-party democracy could do that. He saw the destruction of Mujib in this action. Bhashani was deeply shocked at the killing of Mujib, for whom he had a lot of fatherly affection, and his family members. The person who conveyed the news of Mujib's demise described how Bhashani cried and then went to his prayer room to offer prayer.

Support for post-Mujib era

Lifelong president of Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was killed in a military coup d'état on 15 August 1975. A turbulent political scenario followed as coup and counter-coup took place. In 1976, Bhashani explicitly supported the change of regime when General Ziaur Rahman was given the helmsmanship of the country. He made it clear that his support was for the restoration of a multi-party democracy and should not be construed as a support for the inhuman killing of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family members and the barbaric act of the conspirators. His support was to bring stability to the country's politics and to consolidate democracy. It was an act of necessity.
Look at it this way, Bengalis, being the majority were being highly discriminated in every sector. Bengali PM won election but west pakistanis revolted and started a war instead, the majority in Pakistan, punished the traitors with self trained army and left them for good which now we are seeing by the situation of Pakistan. Better history? Majority can never be traitors, they are the rulers, welcome to democracy ;)

But Mujib already was accused of Agartala Conspiracy (69) and had link with Indian intelligence (from 60s), so, he was not enough trustworthy to get the power even he won the election (70).

The whole Pakistan's interests could have been compromised!! So W.Pk were reluctant to give him power.
True and true.do u think that's why he is being discarded by some and ignored by so called intellectuals? Afsos we did not even protest when the name of this great leader was erase ed from novo theatar.
True and true.do u think that's why he is being discarded by some and ignored by so called intellectuals? Afsos we did not even protest when the name of this great leader was erase ed from novo theatar.

I am guessing you are talking about Bhashani, please give us more details with some sources (newspaper article links) as well, if available.
You may have a point there, but consider this:

- in 1947 we went for Partition and created Pakistan and separated from India because we thought it will be impossible for us to live under majority Hindu rule
- by 1965 we as Pakistani's fought two wars with India
- from 1960's a section of AL started cooperating and working with Indian intelligence and there was planned armed rebellion (Agartala case)
- the case could not be proven due to lack of evidence and the accused were set free (Sgt. Jahurul Haque was killed in jail) due to mass agitation by AL
- during this great hue and cry, Sheikh Mujib and AL was catapulted to being the mouth piece of Bengali's of then Pakistan, while other political figures like Bhashani was marginalized and side lined

When Mujib led AL swept the election in 1970, Pakistan armed forces was justifiably worried to give power to a person and party with a history of connection and cooperation with Indian intelligence. They could come to power and give away Azad Kashmir to India or something like that. Once they had state authority, since they came to power with India's help and cooperation, they could do anything for India, just as AL is doing today with India's instruction.

Operation Searchlight of course was the greatest mistake. That was neither the time nor the way to find and neutralize Indian agents in our land mass. It was perceived as an indiscriminate killing spree and traumatized the whole landmass and its people and switched their loyalty to the former state and created mass support of independence.

Remember Mujib wasn't found guilty for it therefore any blame on him could not be justified, and trust me, it was all about power, nothing to do with historical connection. We had two greedy heads and stupid generals who put the country in turmoil. Even now, the family of those heads are ruling us, we never learn from our mistakes.
But Mujib already was accused of Agartala Conspiracy (69) and had link with Indian intelligence (from 60s), so, he was not enough trustworthy to get the power even he won the election (70).

The whole Pakistan's interests could have been compromised!! So W.Pk were reluctant to give him power.

I will give you a quote from gigawatt, why didn't anyone oppose him standing for elections? why didn't anyone try him in court? trust me, that certainly wasn't the reason for not handing power. Its called GREED
3,00,000 from all sides? A figure 3,000,000 martyrs sounds about right. 3 lakhs is a propaganda figure often used by people who try to justify the action of Pakistan army.

3,00,000 from all sides? A figure 3,000,000 martyrs sounds about right. 3 lakhs is a propaganda figure often used by some people who try to justify the action of Pakistan army.
90000 included Civilians, families of soldiers etc. The brave Indian army also made them POW.
Al Badar and Jamat are the same people and these mujahideens were also not more than 5 to 10 thousand.
I am sure there must be some killed, which if things like Agarthala are true, should have been killed. You guys talk about rapes etc, where r the children who were born????
Since calling Aghartala false turned out to be a lie , I am sure other things spread about Pakistan were also a lie.

All i can say is that thanks to the people of your mentality, Pakistan is in these condition. Will you kill your own brother if he doesn't want to live with you?
Shouldn't BD guys hold their guns? So far the sources(their authenticity is a different matter) only say that Agartala conspiracy did happen. They don't say if Mujib was the culprit.
India was involved in Bangladesh liberation is a well known fact. You can call it Agartala conspiracy or anything else. 2000000 Bengali was killed in that war. Rape was consciously applied as a weapon of war was during the war. Geoffrey Davis brought to Dhaka by UN for performing late-term abortions, and facilitating large scale international adoption of the war babies born to Bangladeshi women.
For what i know Mujib got nailed by one of the Bangladeshi people themselves which shows he wasn't as much popular as he is portrayed.

India was involved in Bangladesh liberation is a well known fact. You can call it Agartala conspiracy or anything else. 2000000 Bengali was killed in that war. Rape was consciously applied as a weapon of war was during the war. Geoffrey Davis brought to Dhaka by UN for performing late-term abortions, and facilitating large scale international adoption of the war babies born to Bangladeshi women.

Yeah first you hammered their *** slowly when it erupted then you gave them comfort. It is a typical war strategy to divide nations. India can never get over the fact that pakistan exists so all they can do it to whine over what is lost to them. Mujeeb was an indian agent and he got the worst possible end that he really deserved as he died like a street dog by hands of his own people.
You may have a point there, but consider this:

- in 1947 we went for Partition and created Pakistan and separated from India because we thought it will be impossible for us to live under majority Hindu rule
- by 1965 we as Pakistani's fought two wars with India
- from 1960's a section of AL started cooperating and working with Indian intelligence and there was planned armed rebellion (Agartala case)
- the case could not be proven due to lack of evidence and the accused were set free (Sgt. Jahurul Haque was killed in jail) due to mass agitation by AL
- during this great hue and cry, Sheikh Mujib and AL was catapulted to being the mouth piece of Bengali's of then Pakistan, while other political figures like Bhashani was marginalized and side lined

When Mujib led AL swept the election in 1970, Pakistan armed forces was justifiably worried to give power to a person and party with a history of connection and cooperation with Indian intelligence. They could come to power and give away Azad Kashmir to India or something like that. Once they had state authority, since they came to power with India's help and cooperation, they could do anything for India, just as AL is doing today with India's instruction.

Operation Searchlight of course was the greatest mistake. That was neither the time nor the way to find and neutralize Indian agents in our land mass. It was perceived as an indiscriminate killing spree and traumatized the whole landmass and its people and switched their loyalty to the former state and created mass support of independence.

You've made several points. Now please consider a few points too.

1. Two-nation theory was a blunder. The sufferings caused in the mass is always caused by people, not the religion. Hindus and Muslims can co-exist together as we are doing here in Bangladesh.

2. Awami-league was only trying to protect the interest of then East Pakistan which was being oppressed. They had absolute support of the masses which was later proved in the elections.

3. As a ruler, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib might have been terrible, (though I don't agree with that, I just wanna stay on topic and avoid any argument regarding that.) but he was a great leader; OUR LEADER! He suffered jail, he was abducted and he was tortured; and yet he fought for the people of Bangladesh. Sheikh Mujib was one of the key activists of the two nation movement too. If not for the oppression of the military, he would never have considered a separate state. He tried his best to keep Pakistan intact. Also, Mujib's role in Agartala-conspiracy theory is still unclear. If he was guilty indeed, the military would never have let him participate in the elections. And even if he was, he was still protecting the interest of the majority. So he wasn't guilty in that case either.

4. If he had connections with India, maybe Pakistan would still be intact and there wouldn't be such hostilities between India and Pakistan. He would have brought peace to this region.

5. Pakistani Army giving power to Mujib? The people chose Mujib. The army occupied the power. They were the illegal authorities. They should be tried in court.

6. The existence of RAW and Indian agents in our landmass is overrated. People of Bangladesh suspect that the ISI is invloled more on our soil. If that is true, they have to be neutralized first.
For what i know Mujib got nailed by one of the Bangladeshi people themselves which shows he wasn't as much popular as he is portrayed.
Haha, he was the leader of majority of Bangladesh, you think he wasn't popular? it was after war that he became a failure and his popularity decreased drastically. And later, he got what he deserved, not for 71, but for 72-75
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