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After Vote, Pakistan’s Strongest Ally Should Be India

No...no insecurity; there was none then & there is none now ! We had our narrative & you had yours - Theres little point in continuing that debate ad infinitum.

Most Pakistanis are reacting the way they are because its frustrating to see our narrative gone down under because of your brilliance at putting forth yours & our utter ineptitude in doing our bit to puts ours. Therefore, we're frustrated at what we think are conjectures, exaggerations, omissions & at times out-right lies that have increasingly become ubiquitously accepted truths.

Naturally one come across emotional outbursts that border on being irrational at times in such circumstances.

But then again, Joe, its not as if we're the only ones; most of your fellow compatriots enter into this measuring up contest ever so enthusiastically with quite a few not making the slightest sense of what they're saying. I've been frustrated more than once with the Two Nation Theory being rubbed in my face & then drawing a chuckle when the comprehension of it for most of us (Pakistanis included) is 'We don't want to live with the evil Yindoos' !

Tou yaraa it works both ways - Why fret ? :kiss3:

By the way hows the missus & hows the rest of the family ? :)

Don't worry I've promised @Ayush his very own fiefdom called Ayushistan ! :)

He'd take half or your army anyhow ! :P

Paraa maslaaa ye haiii that he keeps on asking for Kashmir as being made part of Ayushistan - Kameenaaa ! :angry:

so,whats wrong with that??:azn: dont worry,i will give u visa..:oops:
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@Ayush will die of poisoning and I'll keep my army. I will rout you and feast with Hype all the way in Turkey..:bounce:

You forget I play as dirty as it gets & I was Rommel, Atilla, Alexander & Saladin in my past lives ! :omghaha:
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I think most pakistan see free tade india as a tool of indian policy to keep pakistan in check......what happens the first time there some sort of attack in india that is blamed on pakistan, you will close the border and stop trade.

Well i think the onus is on you........you asked the pakistani govt to stop support for the freedom fighters and
that you would be willing to talk,instead you bulit a fence on the LOC and are now asking to have trade with pakistan and then you will move on the kashmir issue.

Have you compared the amount of activity by the freedom fighters in the last 10 years to the decade before?
Pakistan did what you asked and in return more demands by india.
I know for sure that once pakistan does do that you will have some new demand and it carry on demand after demand before you do anything on kashmir....which you wont do nothing but want to turn the LOC into an international border.
The indian govt needs to stop state terror in kashmir and withdraw its army and hold a free vote on the future on kashmir and let the people decide.
Once the above things are done then i think pakistan will be more willing to open free trade with india.

Your assessment is more or less correct...But in one part i will disagree with you....Yes, the amount of support that Pakistan was providing to Kashmir is absolutely less than it was happening in 1990-2000...But it is not like Pakistan has wholeheartedly stopped on the request of India..Rather there are some other reason behind it.

1- Musharaf is the only person who stopped and closed all the money for Insurgents of kasmir. And he did it to get international recognition about his presidency..

2- After 2001, Pakistan is economically and politically weaker and India becomes stronger politically and economically in global diplomatic level than it was in 1990-2000 period. So it is nothing to do with the intent of stopping and aiding to separatist people of Kashmir. Believe me...Pakistan has the best chance to fight with India and take away Kashmir in 1989-1991...And you lost the opportunity when India was weakest in its history....So this will be a tough deal for you to fight and win any political or arm struggle to take away Kashmir from India...

3- There is a political awakening in both Pakistan, India and Kahsmir valley itself that violence will not ultimately lead to anything....There has to be a political settlement that needs to happen...And in my feeling, it should happen between Kashmir people and Indian GOV rather than any way with Pakistan....

4- India and its position is different in 2013 than in 1990....There will be very few nation who will really would like to fight or take confrontation with India in a political sense for Kashmir issue except USA....USA will always use Kashmir card along with Pakistan as per its own need rather than need of Pakistan...And unfortunately...Pakistan is not doing well in relation with USA right now...

These are the reasons for which the support of money and power from Pakistan or Kashmir separatist has been down temporarily...So please avoid taking any credit that you have done something to solve Kashmir problem,rather it is your political and economic inability to sponsor and support separatist that is helping INDIA to gain some upper hand in Kashmir valley...
You are wrong..Follow the Indian domestic politics closely...the rise of India and Pakistan to gether demands that we should not be at least enemey to each other...If we can be friends...then the benifits are more that outwighs the loss...Think in a rational mind rather than emotional mind...

I'm all for a friendlier Indo-Pak relation; I'm merely stating the realpolitik.
India can not be Pakistan's ally, not now, not never.

It is because of India's large population and an ambition that it's land mass can not afford.
That leaves India and any of her neighbors competing for the same amount of resource.

Thus no ally, only contention.

Lastly, there is still the concept of racism ( with Indian pundits). The Aryan legacy can not allow them to be contempt where they are.
As Shahid Afridi so eloquently put it (if that is ever possible by him), Indians have small hearts.

Neighbors treat each other in a certain way. Look at Pak-China friendship, learn to emulate.

You get on the good side with us by actually for once being genuine, our generosity has no bounds.

But I don't see that happening anytime soon, your heads are stuck too far up your own a*ses.

I should really say one this is that Yes...Pakistan in general with whom I have interacted in USA are really big hearted...I mean very open and friendly....Yes..You are right I like all the good things of you..

1- Pakistan people in USA, very sensitive, friendly to me, and above all very big hearted people....
2- Sing,Dance and enjoy their life to the fullest...I never see any of my Pakistani friend to be very sad or with negative attitude...

Above all, if you ask me if i like the people of Pakistan, then of course it is yes...And above mentioned attitude also you will find if the people from Northen Part of India too...This is same culture from Punjab,Haryana, Rajastan and Gujurat......

But difference crops up whenever there is a talk of religous supremacy and politics of our subcontinent....

And yes regarding statement from Afridi, he is a good guy, but sometimes i feel quite immature....A player of his stature should how to give statements in media...You do not see these kind of immature statement from Indian player like Dravid,Gunguly or Tendulkar who played with him....These kind of statements are meant for internal media consumption...

As Shahid Afridi so eloquently put it (if that is ever possible by him), Indians have small hearts.

Neighbors treat each other in a certain way. Look at Pak-China friendship, learn to emulate.

You get on the good side with us by actually for once being genuine, our generosity has no bounds.

But I don't see that happening anytime soon, your heads are stuck too far up your own a*ses.

I should really say one this is that Yes...Pakistan in general with whom I have interacted in USA are really big hearted...I mean very open and friendly....Yes..You are right I like all the good things of you..

1- Pakistan people in USA, very sensitive, friendly to me, and above all very big hearted people....
2- Sing,Dance and enjoy their life to the fullest...I never see any of my Pakistani friend to be very sad or with negative attitude...

Above all, if you ask me if i like the people of Pakistan, then of course it is yes...And above mentioned attitude also you will find if the people from Northen Part of India too...This is same culture from Punjab,Haryana, Rajastan and Gujurat......

But difference crops up whenever there is a talk of religous supremacy and politics of our subcontinent....

And yes regarding statement from Afridi, he is a good guy, but sometimes i feel quite immature....A player of his stature should how to give statements in media...You do not see these kind of immature statement from Indian player like Dravid,Gunguly or Tendulkar who played with him....These kind of statements are meant for internal media consumption...
Question to all Pakistanis who agree with this.

Imagine India is granted MFN status and borders are opened. Pakistan's production capacity is at a historic,low thanks to the energy crisis.

Since Pakistan's produce capacity is down to its toes,it would barely meet the domestic consumer demand. Which means we won't be able to export anything substantial to India.

But,borders are open,it doesn't mean India cannot sell its produce in Pakistan. Which will create a 'mammoth' trade imbalance,turning Pakistan into an extended consumer market, 'unable to compete'.

Since there will be no market competetion,India with its large produce output will 'flood' Pakistani consumer market with dirt cheap goods (trade manopoly tactic),which will render the local production,or whatever is left of it,out of business.

All of those,high consumption produce,manufecturers will shut,facing overwhelming and deliberate flooding of cheap goods by India,leading to a huge spike in unemployment. It will also mean that the Indian rupee will spike against Pakistani ruppee putting a huge strain on our FOREX reserves.

When Pakistani production capacity will shut so will innovation,making way for India to sell high ticket items like cars,rendering Pakistani engineering into a hole.

I, am against granting India MFN status 'until' we solve our energy crisis, our industries are back and growing,able to compete with India on 'equal' basis. I also want to limit trade with India to items that we don't produce locally in Pakistan.

Allowing India to have 'free,urestricted,unregulated' access to Pakistani market,will be beyond treason and we will pay for it for a centuary.

India is an enemy state,non regulated trade will be a fiscal suicide. Remember: All industrialized nations were industrialized during the time of the crisis. Not realizing our own potential and innovation,in this time of crisis will be a historic mistake.

Please answer.

Best regards.

@ajpirzada @Armstrong @Hyperion

Pls add your input.
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I will have my passport stamped to your nuts if you think you can take Kashmir away from me ! :angry:

:fie: :fie:

jaan denge par kashmir nahi..:devil:
about balls,it's a tough one.:P.but i think i have my own plans as well...but dont worry, i am not as heartless as you..
i will spare ur balls..:kiss3:
Do you really think your media don't spew any hatred??? Do that not translate in to indoctrinated masses??? My point is very well stated, when your media even on smaller things starts beating war drums and your politicians follows the suites and influence govt. decisions than how you expect a stronger trade relations? No businessman is idiot to invest under these circumstances but you will not get it as you always see posts with green tag from saffron glasses.

And let's not go per-partition era where again you don't want to see other side of story but believe in universal truth of Nehru & Patel company.

And i am sure, you know very well that MAJ was

You statement make a lot of sense...Of course,there is no point in going to past...Because every political behaves and takes descion based on the situation that exists at that point of time, So if we have to build the future, then war mongering attitude of media has to be toned down..I agree with you..
As early as upto 2008 we were the 2nd fastest growing economy in Asia our growth rate was 8% back then that u had achieved in around 2010!!!!

Pak's GDP growth rate in 2008 was 1.21%. An year before(2007) it was 3.6%. Go figure.
Kashmir is India's integral part, no one can take it. Only prob is terrorism there becoz of pak ****** groups operating in pak. But now pak has itself became its victim becoz pak people are awaking and condemning such terror organisations in pak.

OK lets just say for once only that Kashmir is India's integral part. OK, agreed. Now the thing is that Pakistan has occupied 1/3rd of your so called Kashmir and what has India done about it for the last 65 years? it really shows who is the boss. Pakistan Zindabaad!
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