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After Vote, Pakistan’s Strongest Ally Should Be India

What balderdash! I was expecting a stronger rebuttal from you regarding this "article".

Friendship is not beneficial for us, we have nothing to gain from it as such. Pakistan should be the least of our diplomatic, strategic concerns. We've got China to contend with now and given the gap between us and the Chinese its going to be a back breaking task to say the least. Yet people persist with focusing on Pakistan!! :hitwall:

What rebuttal ? These articles are hardly worth commenting on.

At any rate Pakistan-India alliance holds nothing for us either; we've got a sh*tty Afghanistan, an ostracized Iran, a tumultuous Muslim world & a China that seems to be the next bogeyman as far as the US is concerned on top of our domestic issues to keep us busy aplenty !

One can gauge the importance attached to Indo-Pak relations by its lack of mentioning by any party (baring in passing or a feel-good Nawaz Interview) during the electoral process whilst everyone from the US to China & Afghanistan were mentioned.
LOl as if u do it for a ''gesture of good will''

Yr profits will be more then double of 150 billion.

This is a market of 200 million people.

Do you even know, FDI in your country abysmal..Globally Pakistan is one if the least attractive investment destinations.

Beside we have a domestic market of 1.2 Billion people..and yet every year we hope for more FDI. Pray why would we invest in your unstable economy, with low return rate, political instability ...when we can invest that money in our own economy and get handsome returns?
What rebuttal ? These articles are hardly worth commenting on.

At any rate Pakistan-India alliance holds nothing for us either; we've got a sh*tty Afghanistan, an ostracized Iran, a tumultuous Muslim world & a China that seems to be the next bogeyman as far as the US is concerned on top of our domestic issues to keep us busy aplenty !

One can gauge the importance attached to Indo-Pak relations by its lack of mentioning by any party (baring in passing or a feel-good Nawaz Interview) during the electoral process whilst everyone from the US to China & Afghanistan were mentioned.

I used to enjoy the equation back before 08, no friendship but no war either. Want trade, do it quietly. One doesn't need a yaar to do business with nor does one make peace with one's friends...by definition peace can only be made with those who were once enemies but that doesn't require "friendship". The relative peace we have is good enough.
Oh, OK, you are not sensitive.

No, seriously, why is almost every Pakistani on this thread reacting as if he is on the point of being raped? This goes back to my increasingly strongly held belief that at the bottom of the insecurity of Indian Muslims before 1947 is a lot of artificial, induced insecurity. I could go on,

Do you really think your media don't spew any hatred??? Do that not translate in to indoctrinated masses??? My point is very well stated, when your media even on smaller things starts beating war drums and your politicians follows the suites and influence govt. decisions than how you expect a stronger trade relations? No businessman is idiot to invest under these circumstances but you will not get it as you always see posts with green tag from saffron glasses.

And let's not go per-partition era where again you don't want to see other side of story but believe in universal truth of Nehru & Patel company.

And i am sure, you know very well that MAJ was in congress.
I am all for cordial Pak-India ties but it must be done in the framework of comprehensive peace talks.

Spend some time here and you will know why these cordial ties are pipe dream.
why cant go for good relations without pre-conditions? there are lots of ifs and buts.

Let it be open minded without conditions.
I used to enjoy the equation back before 08, no friendship but no war either. Want trade, do it quietly. One doesn't need a yaar to do business with nor does one make peace with one's friends...by definition peace can only be made with those who were once enemies but that doesn't require "friendship". The relative peace we have is good enough.

Couldn't agree with this statement more !
That would depend on the next Indian govt. too. After the Chinese episode India would want to assert its writ on the region and the most likely target would be Pakistan.

You are wrong..Follow the Indian domestic politics closely...the rise of India and Pakistan to gether demands that we should not be at least enemey to each other...If we can be friends...then the benifits are more that outwighs the loss...Think in a rational mind rather than emotional mind...
Couldn't agree with this statement more !

Besides friendship would mean that you and I would not be able to march armies at each other...we're going to do that and when I win I promise I'll make it a point to drink mulled wine out of your polished skull every evening. :kiss3:
If India and China, two adversaries can have a thriving trade relationship of $70 billion which has stood the test of time, why not a full blooded India Pakistan trade relationship that can be worth more than $30 billion in the coming years and perhaps even reach $50 billion within this decade which will benefit the people of both countries immensely.

But I guess that is easier said than done what with the terrorists waiting in the wings to throw a spanner in the works. Unless and until there is a paradigm shift in the policy of Pakistan's Establishment of using terrorists as 'strategic assets', especially in Kashmir there can be little or no forward movement.

See...there is a difference in enemity of India between Pakistan and China...India and Pakistan has a cultural animosity where as India and China has no cultural or emotional difference ...And the 2nd most important factor is China do not hate India...where as the common perception is Pakistan and its Army like to hate India in the past.....So the chances of bringing the bond between India and China will be more than India and Pakistan...
You cannot hold a gun in one hand and an olive branch in another, duplicity isn't very heart warming.

You stop funding TTP and other groups in Pak, give Kashmir back to its people and we will have all the peace you could ever want.

If that is not reasonable to you then our nuclear stockpile will keep growing and aimed directly at you.

Dude..TTP and all these activities is proved to be true, that can he negotiated...Because these are part and parcel staergy adopted by RAW and ISI...The moment ISI stops aiding Indian terrorist at the same vein RAW will stop supporting TTP too....To be honest ...I also do not want my tax money to be spent on those scum TTP people....But regarding Kashmir, it will never happen as it involved territorial integrity of India....So it is up to you if you want peace...if not, it is your choice...Because India can sit tight with whatever it has right now with it, we do not need to be attack any one to get our due, so if you want peace to be returned at the cost of Kashmir for you, then you need to fight a war by attacking India. Otherwise, how do you get it?
Oh, OK, you are not sensitive.

No, seriously, why is almost every Pakistani on this thread reacting as if he is on the point of being raped? This goes back to my increasingly strongly held belief that at the bottom of the insecurity of Indian Muslims before 1947 is a lot of artificial, induced insecurity. I could go on,

No...no insecurity; there was none then & there is none now ! We had our narrative & you had yours - Theres little point in continuing that debate ad infinitum.

Most Pakistanis are reacting the way they are because its frustrating to see our narrative gone down under because of your brilliance at putting forth yours & our utter ineptitude in doing our bit to puts ours. Therefore, we're frustrated at what we think are conjectures, exaggerations, omissions & at times out-right lies that have increasingly become ubiquitously accepted truths.

Naturally one come across emotional outbursts that border on being irrational at times in such circumstances.

But then again, Joe, its not as if we're the only ones; most of your fellow compatriots enter into this measuring up contest ever so enthusiastically with quite a few not making the slightest sense of what they're saying. I've been frustrated more than once with the Two Nation Theory being rubbed in my face & then drawing a chuckle when the comprehension of it for most of us (Pakistanis included) is 'We don't want to live with the evil Yindoos' !

Tou yaraa it works both ways - Why fret ? :kiss3:

By the way hows the missus & hows the rest of the family ? :)

Besides friendship would mean that you and I would not be able to march armies at each other...we're going to do that and when I win I promise I'll make it a point to drink mulled wine out of your polished skull every evening. :kiss3:

Don't worry I've promised @Ayush his very own fiefdom called Ayushistan ! :)

He'd take half or your army anyhow ! :P

Paraa maslaaa ye haiii that he keeps on asking for Kashmir as being made part of Ayushistan - Kameenaaa ! :angry:
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Do you even know, FDI in your country abysmal..Globally Pakistan is one if the least attractive investment destinations.

Beside we have a domestic market of 1.2 Billion people..and yet every year we hope for more FDI. Pray why would we invest in your unstable economy, with low return rate, political instability ...when we can invest that money in our own economy and get handsome returns?
Yes i know n now as u have said that let me give u reasons why!

As early as upto 2008 we were the 2nd fastest growing economy in Asia our growth rate was 8% back then that u had achieved in around 2010!!!!

We have rules that every country who invests in Pak can get 100% profit back unlike u n China as they have just 20% rest should be reinvested.

and also in yr country (i maybe wrong) a company can do business up to just 20 years and with in the first 6 months of investment it is bound to replace its staff with indian n use local material to produce their good n also they need to sell those goods in yr market first n left overs can be exported n then u have got another rule that after sometime she has to transfer its tech n know how into India. + u have all those tariff barriers. So the margin of Profit becomes very less in these tough conditions to invest from a revealingly smaller country then india ie if Pak does.

So in this environment investment in 1.2 billion market for us in the hope to pass our testing times is not practical!!!

As early as upto 2008 we were the 2nd fastest growing economy in Asia our growth rate was 8% back then that u had achieved in around 2010!!!!

We in the other-hand had no such tough conditions in our country so after 2008 the War on terror had increased all the investment started running off from pak n we were left high n dry in a very short interval.

That was the problem....

We believe we can achieve economic boom without india like we did in 60s n 2000s.
So here nobody really takes yr saying as ''India will be strongest ally of us'' by just trade n FDI in Pak, well nobody really buys this statement in our Country.
No...no insecurity; there was none then & there is none now ! We had our narrative & you had yours - Theres little point in continuing that debate ad infinitum.

Most Pakistanis are reacting the way they are because its frustrating to see our narrative gone down under because of your brilliance at putting forth yours & our utter ineptitude in doing our bit to puts ours. Therefore, we're frustrated at what we think are conjectures, exaggerations, omissions & at times out-right lies that have increasingly become ubiquitously accepted truths.

Naturally one come across emotional outbursts that border on being irrational at times in such circumstances.

But then again, Joe, its not as if we're the only ones; most of your fellow compatriots enter into this measuring up contest ever so enthusiastically with quite a few not making the slightest sense of what they're saying. I've been frustrated more than once with the Two Nation Theory being rubbed in my face & then drawing a chuckle when the comprehension of it for most of us (Pakistanis included) is 'We don't want to live with the evil Yindoos' !

Tou yaraa it works both ways - Why fret ? :kiss3:

By the way hows the missus & hows the rest of the family ? :)

Don't worry I've promised @Ayush his very own fiefdom called Ayushistan ! :)

He'd take half or your army anyhow ! :P

Paraa maslaaa ye haiii that he keeps on asking for Kashmir as being made part of Ayushistan - Kameenaaa ! :angry:
@Ayush will die of poisoning and I'll keep my army. I will rout you and feast with Hype all the way in Turkey..:bounce:
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