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After Vote, Pakistan’s Strongest Ally Should Be India

listen guys, you cant wish us away, neither can we - we have a long border, a history of co-existence in good times and bad times - it is time to break the shackles of anamosity, stop looking backwards, move forward to a better and prosperous future if not for us, for our younger generation, they deserve at least this much from us....

Nobody disagrees with this but the question is, how n in that terms u want a relation with a particular country.

if there is no dependence on each other then no trade will work

There can be......

But only low level trade or a trade from a third country through illegal means in this case its UAE.

We need to rove with each other that we r sincere first them one can think about anything else.
do you realise that both the bureaucrazies or establishments may be the problem....

Indian bureaucrats are professional criminals. Do you know Sir Humphry Appleby from Yes, Minister? If you don't want your bureaucrats to rot even more, you should definitely limit or supervise their interactions with their Indian counterparts.
Im Talking About Muhammad Ali Jinnah the founder of Pak. He was a congressman up to 1913!!!!

No ****, Sherlock!

Do you realise how much money we can make by publishing these startling secrets?

I'm more hopeful for the younger generation actually, surprising though it may seem.

My daughter finds our distinctions between ourselves and Pakistanis and Bangladeshis very peculiar and strange and, somehow, musty. Her Pakistani and Bangladeshi friends seem to agree.

But then, there are the imbecile elements in the younger generation as well. Just look at #145.
Let me put a Rebuttal

What they did to us in 71 n in 84 when they invaded our territory just because in the map it didnt had a Demarcation line!!!
Exactly! If there was no demarcation line, how do you say that India invaded YOUR territory? :what: When was it ever your territory anyways? According to the UN Resolutions that you guys keep hollering from the rooftops, it clearly stipulates that Pakistan has to vacate ALL territory of Jammu & Kashmir including Baltistan of Pakistani nationals and the Pak Armed Forces before a referendum is held. But you guys are still holding on.

Therefore logically, as per the UN, the complete J&K belongs to India till such time Pakistan vacates it before a plebiscite is held. How then do you say that India invaded 'Pakistan territory' in Siachen??

Points to ponder before you shoot off more propaganda that has been drilled into you for decades.
Your assessment is more or less correct...But in one part i will disagree with you....Yes, the amount of support that Pakistan was providing to Kashmir is absolutely less than it was happening in 1990-2000...But it is not like Pakistan has wholeheartedly stopped on the request of India..Rather there are some other reason behind it.

There was other reason also as the post 9/11 scenario would not allow for total support for the fighters but pakistan did have leverage over the US and could have continued partial support but instead there was a total clampdown on the activities of the fighters.

1- Musharaf is the only person who stopped and closed all the money for Insurgents of kasmir. And he did it to get international recognition about his presidency..

I think as in the past, pakistan leaders have accepted assurances/promises from the indian govt that if they did X Y and Z (stop support for the khalistan movement)the indians would finalize an agreement on kashmir and i think this was the same illusion musharaff was under, but he should have learned from past history that no credit would be given by the indian but instead it would be portrayed as an all "indian victory against the terrorist" as the demise of the khalsistan fight was by the indian govt and as the present drop in violence in kashmir is.
Mushy did genuinely put a stop to all kashmir activites

2- After 2001, Pakistan is economically and politically weaker and India becomes stronger politically and economically in global diplomatic level than it was in 1990-2000 period. So it is nothing to do with the intent of stopping and aiding to separatist people of Kashmir. Believe me...Pakistan has the best chance to fight with India and take away Kashmir in 1989-1991...And you lost the opportunity when India was weakest in its history....So this will be a tough deal for you to fight and win any political or arm struggle to take away Kashmir from India...

The freedom fighters are a low cost force for pakistan of no more then a couple thousand men that can pin down half a million men "security force" in kashmir.
Pakistan has not been able to gain kashmir through the pak army on a few occasions and thus rather then keep repeating the same failed attempts they changed tactics and went for the freedom fighters options after getting the window of opportunity due to india rigging election and shooting demonstrators in the late 80s early 90s.

3- There is a political awakening in both Pakistan, India and Kahsmir valley itself that violence will not ultimately lead to anything....There has to be a political settlement that needs to happen...And in my feeling, it should happen between Kashmir people and Indian GOV rather than any way with Pakistan....

The "political awakening" in kashmir started in the early 80s with a push to use the democratic system to achieve independence from india but was crushed by the indians which then led to the kashmirs having to take up arms......what will be so different this time if kashmir goes down the political path?

4- India and its position is different in 2013 than in 1990....There will be very few nation who will really would like to fight or take confrontation with India in a political sense for Kashmir issue except USA....USA will always use Kashmir card along with Pakistan as per its own need rather than need of Pakistan...And unfortunately...Pakistan is not doing well in relation with USA right now...

I agree that the US will support pakistan on kashmir but for its own ulterior motives but i can see the the chinese coming in on the act in the near future.
So we could see in the near future two superpowers using the kashmir issue as tool to keep indian in check.

These are the reasons for which the support of money and power from Pakistan or Kashmir separatist has been down temporarily...So please avoid taking any credit that you have done something to solve Kashmir problem,rather it is your political and economic inability to sponsor and support separatist that is helping INDIA to gain some upper hand in Kashmir valley...

Pakistan can turn the tap off and on when if comes to sending fighters into kashmir.........if no credit is given to pakistan for the current climate in kashmir does that mean that pakistan should sent the fighters back to prove a point and then stop them and then the indians will give credit?
No ****, Sherlock!

Do you realise how much money we can make by publishing these startling secrets?

But then, there are the imbecile elements in the younger generation as well. Just look at #145.
Seriously u dont know that MAJ was a congressman?:blink:

Indian bureaucrats are professional criminals. Do you know Sir Humphry Appleby from Yes, Minister? If you don't want your bureaucrats to rot even more, you should definitely limit or supervise their interactions with their Indian counterparts.

R u serious???????

Please explain.

Exactly! If there was no demarcation line, how do you say that India invaded YOUR territory? .

Take out the pre 84 map dude.....

Its well with in the boundaries of Pak.
Seriously u dont know that MAJ was a congressman?:blink:

Everyone know MAJ was with congress for sometime why is that such a big news.

R u serious???????

Yes, I'm serious about Indian bureaucrats, I had very bad experience whenever I came in contact with them. Some will act very humble in front of their superiors but after they leave they'll show their true colors. All they do is connive and plot to extract as much money as possible and cause mental pain while doing it. Believe me.
Take out the pre 84 map dude.....

Its well with in the boundaries of Pak.
Dude, first you yourself said that there is no demarcation of the boundary. Now you say take out a pre 84 map where Siachen is well within the boundaries of Pak!!! WTF? :woot:
Either I'm dumb or you're tying yourself up in knots by your sheer ignorance! :cuckoo:

For your info, there is no boundary marked from NJ 9842 onwards. You guys insist that it be drawn due NE to the Karakoram Pass and India wants it drawn in a Northerly direction along the Saltoro ridge towards Indira col.

And that's what the whole damn issue is about! If it was marked as other parts of the LoC are, then there would have been no dispute at all! I guess you do some reading and research on the subject first instead of displaying ignorance on such matters, thereby making a fool of yourself in front of everyone!! :P
Maybe that map exists in your house & you keep drawing whatever lines you want.........:lol: Within Pakistani boundaries....:). Go away & play with your schoolmates.

LOL Indian attitude.

Too hard to digest the facts.


Dude, first you yourself said that there is no demarcation of the boundary. Now you say take out a pre 84 map where Siachen is well within the boundaries of Pak!!! WTF? :woot:
Either I'm dumb or you're tying yourself up in knots by your sheer ignorance! :cuckoo:

im standing for my words!!!

Its just u who didnt got my point.
the area was not demarcated nor is today!!!!!
But if u see the map n the area itself it lies well with in territory of pakistan.

Maybe in my last post the word boundary that i used mistakenly had confused u.

If that is soo,
Sorry my bad
LOL Indian attitude.

Too hard to digest the facts.


You really don't get it, do you? Everyone including JS are having fun with your uneducated posts & you still haven't figured it out. Sucker for punishment.
LOL Indian attitude.

Too hard to digest the facts.


im standing for my words!!!

Its just u who didnt got my point.
the area was not demarcated nor is today!!!!!
But if u see the map n the area itself it lies well with in territory of pakistan.

Maybe in my last post the word boundary that i used mistakenly had confused u.

If that is soo,
Sorry my bad

So the area is not demarcated but its your area??
im standing for my words!!!

Its just u who didnt got my point.
the area was not demarcated nor is today!!!!!
But if u see the map n the area itself it lies well with in territory of pakistan.

Maybe in my last post the word boundary that i used mistakenly had confused u.

If that is soo,
Sorry my bad

Only an absolute "expert" can say that something isn't demarcated & that it still lies within Pakistan's territory. :lol:
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