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After MI 35 choppers, Pak wants more Russian defence hardware


Please don't ever talk to a russian like that----.

Let me give you an example who the russians are---in the 70's when the PLO was high on hijackings & kidnappings---they kidnapped some russians---& demanded release of some colleagues ( terrorists ) in russian jail---. The PLO had done it to other european countries---but they did not know that you don't do it to the kgb----well kgb did release the wanted plo terrs----they came in bags---throats slit-- test-cles cut & stuck in the mouths---pen-ises cut & stuck in the ars-ses of the palestinian terrorists----. Plo never touched a russian or hijacked a russian aircraft.

Same thing before the sochi olympics---the chechens were sent a message---a total annihilation of their race---all men slaughterede & women & girls-( just use your imagination )---.

So---if the Bear is being nice to you & wants to be friendly & wants to deal with you---don't ever make the mistake of insulting its friendship for money---because it really really don't build relationships on money. It really don't give a shit about money.

Remember---MI 35 is a game changer. You can't buy game changers for money. Something else is happening---so just go with the flow.
Sir. No disrespect for you.I actually have a lot of respect for your posts and keenly following them. But today many pakistani members are calling MI 35 as game changer but India using them for last 30years and now they are in their last legs for phase out in couple of years.Earlier Pakistan members including many of seniors and think tanks always debunked Mi 35 with AnZa ,stinger and cobras while some even claimed that they going to shoot down with AKs if Indians are flying in them.May I know why so much change in heart and why so much hypocrisy.

Please don't ever talk to a russian like that----.

Let me give you an example who the russians are---in the 70's when the PLO was high on hijackings & kidnappings---they kidnapped some russians---& demanded release of some colleagues ( terrorists ) in russian jail---. The PLO had done it to other european countries---but they did not know that you don't do it to the kgb----well kgb did release the wanted plo terrs----they came in bags---throats slit-- test-cles cut & stuck in the mouths---pen-ises cut & stuck in the ars-ses of the palestinian terrorists----. Plo never touched a russian or hijacked a russian aircraft.

Same thing before the sochi olympics---the chechens were sent a message---a total annihilation of their race---all men slaughterede & women & girls-( just use your imagination )---.

So---if the Bear is being nice to you & wants to be friendly & wants to deal with you---don't ever make the mistake of insulting its friendship for money---because it really really don't build relationships on money. It really don't give a shit about money.

Remember---MI 35 is a game changer. You can't buy game changers for money. Something else is happening---so just go with the flow.
What about the ability of bear to "forget"?
It's not that easy, you just go in have good old s*x with the bear and pledge to stay faithful, it's just not that simple.
As far as disrespect goes, you don't disrespect ANYBODY, that's a golden rule of foreign policy. Even when you're hostile you use polite language and lengthy jargons to basically imply, "We'll fuc* you up". Don't forget the same bear was a liability for us a few decades back and wants to rise to the power again.
Sir. No disrespect for you.I actually have a lot of respect for your posts and keenly following them. But today many pakistani members are calling MI 35 as game changer but India using them for last 30years and now they are in their last legs for phase out in couple of years.Earlier Pakistan members including many of seniors and think tanks always debunked Mi 35 with AnZa ,stinger and cobras while some even claimed that they going to shoot down with AKs if Indians are flying in them.May I know why so much change in heart and why so much hypocrisy.
Whether it can be shot with a SAM or not we'll see about that. As of now there is no proof that the terrorists even have something of the sort. I actually fear the conflict is going to be over before the helicopters even arrive, damn shame. But the thing is Russia has softened up to us and will sell military technology.
Sir. No disrespect for you.I actually have a lot of respect for your posts and keenly following them. But today many pakistani members are calling MI 35 as game changer but India using them for last 30years and now they are in their last legs for phase out in couple of years.Earlier Pakistan members including many of seniors and think tanks always debunked Mi 35 with AnZa ,stinger and cobras while some even claimed that they going to shoot down with AKs if Indians are flying in them.May I know why so much change in heart and why so much hypocrisy.

MI -35 deal is not a game changer it is just a diplomatic good will gesture, current events at regional level provides the common foundation of Pakistan & Russian relations which will be beneficial for all of region including India
Sir. No disrespect for you.I actually have a lot of respect for your posts and keenly following them. But today many pakistani members are calling MI 35 as game changer but India using them for last 30years and now they are in their last legs for phase out in couple of years.Earlier Pakistan members including many of seniors and think tanks always debunked Mi 35 with AnZa ,stinger and cobras while some even claimed that they going to shoot down with AKs if Indians are flying in them.May I know why so much change in heart and why so much hypocrisy.


For our wot---this is the best chopper----. India may have had them---but the terrs don't have ground to air missiles so far---. We also have all kinds of experience fighting them as well.

Our problem is that after an airstrike on terr camp we cannot send in troops in a timely manner to do the clean up..

The terrs sympathizers can see the convoys coming & they disappear.

This way you have strikes from aircraft first---choppers are on their way---they get to the strike zone by the time aircraft have done their job---the choppers come in & do the cleanup work & then drop the load of spec forces to mop up the rest.

For me---MI 24 was the most feared asset that the indian military had.

What about the ability of bear to "forget"?
It's not that easy, you just go in have good old s*x with the bear and pledge to stay faithful, it's just not that simple.
As far as disrespect goes, you don't disrespect ANYBODY, that's a golden rule of foreign policy. Even when you're hostile you use polite language and lengthy jargons to basically imply, "We'll fuc* you up". Don't forget the same bear was a liability for us a few decades back and wants to rise to the power again.


The bear was a liability to us because we had been under the sanctions by the U S & that had weakened us---if we were not weak @ that time---things would have been different.
The bear was a liability to us because we had been under the sanctions by the U S & that had weakened us---if we were not weak @ that time---things would have been different.
I am simply stunned by your reply, please affirm if it is actually you who wrote this.....

Our military was suffering---u s had bad relations with us after Bhutto came into power---india was getting stronger---& then there come russia into afg---. Pak was between a rock & a hard place. We were feeling extremely desperate---.
i am more want to know what are the orders Pakistan put next time
The Russians actually found out that the Indians will still have to buy their hardware (new and spare parts), indefinitely. Indians love ToT, who's gonna give it to them - the Yanks? The Chinese? The Europeans? Nope............

This is actually too fun to watch........ this deal is just the beginning........... not the end..........

NATO sanctions can take a hike, Russians will continue to sell hardware to their old partners/customers...Russians realized hindustan has been fooling them for so long in today's world even $500m counts look at US it is selling F-16's associated equipment to various customers for 100-300m doesn't feel any shame and why should they...They lost alot of potential cash due to hindustan I don't think this time they'll let anyone dictate them.

I think that's where the Ruskies will draw the line! :D

RD-93MA, MI-35s, Perhaps ATGMs. I'd love to get my hands on S-400 though. :coffee:
RD-93MA, MI-35s, Perhaps ATGMs. I'd love to get my hands on S-400 though. :coffee:
And for our ground forces it would be nice if Pakistan could procure or develop with Russian assistance a similar system to the Terminator 2 :D:

BMPT-72 (Terminator 2) Tank Support Combat Vehicle - Army Technology


Our military was suffering---u s had bad relations with us after Bhutto came into power---india was getting stronger---& then there come russia into afg---. Pak was between a rock & a hard place. We were feeling extremely desperate---.

If there is one thing we want ... in my opinion it should be RD-93 overhauling facility in Kamra.
If there is one thing we want ... in my opinion it should be RD-93 overhauling facility in Kamra.


Rd93 overhaul facility, RD 93 ma & other goodies that @ munir mentioned.

My question is that we have been trying hard to build relations with the russians for awhile now----but our relationship with the u s has deteriorated----would the u s otherthrow the Nawaz govt & install Qadri @ the helm---.

It gets so devious----.

Our military was suffering---u s had bad relations with us after Bhutto came into power---india was getting stronger---& then there come russia into afg---. Pak was between a rock & a hard place. We were feeling extremely desperate---.
Got it.
Who wants to bet hard cash with me that the helicopter deal will NEVER happen? Not even come close.
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