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After MI 35 choppers, Pak wants more Russian defence hardware

How about Su-35s for PAF?


PAF needs to be a kick-*** air force..but alas, our economic woes continue
How about Su-35s for PAF?


PAF needs to be a kick-*** air force..but alas, our economic woes continue

Although we don't need such a russian product we can get J-11 variant from China and give royalties to russians provided russians agree but also it is a known fact after sales support is extremely poor spares and other equipment. By the way SU-35 is 4.5Gen...PAF would fairy go for more F-16 Blk 52 rather than SU-35. Our focus should be project 310.
We need a wireless ATGM.
2010 an ATGM was tested and speculations were made. I'll not go after them but I'm sure work is being done on the subject along with Chinese help, trust our engineers on this one.

The trick will be to have that paisa to throw. Unlike China, you wont find Russia to keen to do soft loans with Pakistan to buy its hardware
Yep, but they did sell us engines via China so we can buy from them through soft loans via China.
The trick will be to have that paisa to throw. Unlike China, you wont find Russia to keen to do soft loans with Pakistan to buy its hardware

Which hardware Pakistan acquired from China on 'soft loans'?
SAMs highly unlikely, SU series again unlikely since project 310 is in works it would make sense to directly jump at it.

Why SAMS are unlikely? I can understand the SU series as you could get that from China once they start to mass produce good engines. But I think SAMS and Radars are very real after the helicopters.....in fact, that is pretty much it that you guys may want from Russia as far as the big ticket items are concerned.
Which hardware Pakistan acquired from China on 'soft loans'?
There is no defence specific agreement with chinese but you simply can't deny that many of their hardware is on soft loans.
A financially constrained Pakistan has also approached China for soft loans to pay for orders of jointly developed JF-17 fighter aircraft, according to a recent Jane's Defence Weekly article. Other major acquisitions that could be funded through Chinese loans are on the horizon: up to six Chinese submarines, two 500-ton missile boats, and two squadrons of Chengdu J-10 fighter aircraft, according to Jane's. Pakistan is also considering acquiring at least another four Chinese frigates, either larger and improved F-22P ships or another design, Jane's reports. Such defense assistance might well be increased in direct response to the reduction in U.S. military, and other, aid to Pakistan. To this end, Beijing will continue to feature among Islamabad's strongest supporters.
Should hardly come as a suprise.
Im sure, slowly russia will kick out ukraine from pakistans supplier list.
Is that supposed to be an answer to my question?
No. Some mixup.

The soft loans are not necessarily given for weapon purchases due to optics and foreign relations. But against developmental projects with a implicit quid pro quo of the loan receiver using the similar amount to buy weapons (or other stuff) on direct payments
paisa phenk tamasha dekh !!!


Let me give you an example who the russians are---in the 70's when the PLO was high on hijackings & kidnappings---they kidnapped some russians---& demanded release of some colleagues ( terrorists ) in russian jail---. The PLO had done it to other european countries---but they did not know that you don't do it to the kgb----well kgb did release the wanted plo terrs----they came in bags---throats slit-- test-cles cut & stuck in the mouths---pen-ises cut & stuck in the ars-ses of the palestinian terrorists----. Plo never touched a russian or hijacked a russian aircraft.

Same thing before the sochi olympics---the chechens were sent a message---a total annihilation of their race---all men slaughterede & women & girls-( just use your imagination )---.

So---if the Bear is being nice to you & wants to be friendly & wants to deal with you---don't ever make the mistake of insulting its friendship for money---because it really really don't build relationships on money. It really don't give a shit about money.

Remember---MI 35 is a game changer. You can't buy game changers for money. Something else is happening---so just go with the flow.
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I would love Pakistan to get Tor m2e for our moving formations and maybe some Pantsyr for installation protection. And of course more mi-17.
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