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After Islamophobic Hate Crime in New York City, Mayor Wants Public to ‘Keep

OKay folks, now cut it with the personal insults and chit chat, debate the topic. If you can't do that then don't bother posting or get pink.
This is a one off tragedy.. whats disturbing is that if a few other terrorists manage to knock down civilian targets, this trend would be justified just as it is justified in our own countries. From disgusted looks to violence will not take too much effort.
That's why I'am saying they should do rallies to prove that they are NOT MUSLIMS.

HATE against muslim will be forever as muslim terrorists not going to stop until whole world is "shariazed" so they have NO OTHER OPTION .


So your grand plan is to say "Hey lets all be bigots, but be bigots against those guys, not us".
Do you think they will think this way ? They think if all immigrants are kicked out their children will have jobs even if they are not that efficient.

I went to an Efficiency seminar once. :D

+1 for personal stories.
The women in this case is mentally ill, either that or she must have been raised to hate, my condolences to the victim's family RIP.
The women in this case is mentally ill, either that or she must have been raised to hate, my condolences to the victim's family RIP.

In your perennial anti-Pakistan hysteria, you managed to expose your ignorance of the TNT. The TNT was formed in the context of institutionalized persecution and proposed as a last resort to mitigate its effects.

There is no comparison here.

Anti Pakistan hysteria!! Where did you see that? I just touched TNT to raise a point now how come it became anti Pakistan? Where as you were the one who was shouting Indian's Islamophobia, Hindus (for some reason India seems to host only Hindus to you) wanting to differentiate from Muslims and what thereby clearly showing your Anti Indian, Anti Hindu mindset.

About TNT - The ideology was indeed an effort to prove that Indian Hindus and Muslims are two distinct nationalities. This is what Jinnah said about TNT

"It is extremely difficult to appreciate why our Hindu friends fail to understand the real nature of Islam and Hinduism. They are not religions in the strict sense of the word, but are, in fact, different and distinct social orders, and it is a dream that the Hindus and Muslims can ever evolve a common nationality, and this misconception of one Indian nation has troubles and will lead India to destruction if we fail to revise our notions in time. The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, litterateurs. They neither intermarry nor interdine together and, indeed, they belong to two different civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions. Their aspect on life and of life are different. It is quite clear that Hindus and Mussalmans derive their inspiration from different sources of history. They have different epics, different heroes, and different episodes. Very often the hero of one is a foe of the other and, likewise, their victories and defeats overlap. To yoke together two such nations under a single state, one as a numerical minority and the other as a majority, must lead to growing discontent and final destruction of any fabric that may be so built for the government of such a state."

Now coming to institutionalized persecution - Then the first such act happened in 1946 in Bengal presidency where Muslim league came to power by taking 97% of Muslim votes and that was the only state in India they were in power and then came the orders of Jinnah to start killing Hindus in an effort to achieve a new nation. More than 10,000 Hindus were killed in one Noakali massacre where Suhrawardy on ML leadership's order declared holiday to help their cadre kill as much Hindus as possible. The massacre went on for a week and Suhrawardy did not let any media coverage to happen. This was only a part of the acts of Suhrawardy who unleashed, at Jinnah's behest, the Direct Action Day in August 1946 which killed thousands of Hindus.

That was the beginning with no precedence of riots of that scale supported by the elected govt in India.
Anti Pakistan hysteria!! Where did you see that?

Your posting history.

I just touched TNT to raise a point now how come it became anti Pakistan?

No, you tried to be a smart alec with TNT and ended up with egg on your face.

Where as you were the one who was shouting Indian's Islamophobia, Hindus (for some reason India seems to host only Hindus to you) wanting to differentiate from Muslims and what thereby clearly showing your Anti Indian, Anti Hindu mindset.

Spare me your victimhood song. I commented on the specific Indian posters here and elsewhere who always respond to such incidents by advocating "differentiating" Hindus and Sikhs from Muslims. These posters are ALWAYS Hindu or Sikhs, and USUALLY known Islamophobes on this forum.

About TNT - The ideology was indeed an effort to prove that Indian Hindus and Muslims are two distinct nationalities.

It's funny how you write something and it still goes over your head. As I wrote above, and you confirmed, the TNT was formulated specifically in the context of British India and the prevailing situation. Further details of the TNT -- who started what -- have been debated here ad nauseum, and I don't want to derail this particular thread since they are not germane.

What matters, in this context, is that millions of Muslims and Hindus manage to coexist just fine outside the subcontinent. Until, that is, one of you comes along and insists on "differentiating" themselves.
So your grand plan is to say "Hey lets all be bigots, but be bigots against those guys, not us".

No his grand plan is to save his life, "hey don't be bigot against me, am not what you think i am".

When your life is in danger all the righteousness and morality goes out of the window.

I remember in the 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attack, a Turkish couple was spared their life by the Pakisani terrorists, after they told the gunmen that they were from Turkey and Muslims and started reciting some verses from the Quran.

Do you think what the Turkish couple did was wrong? Wouldn't you do the same? I know I would.
No his grand plan is to save his life, "hey don't be bigot against me, am not what you think i am".

When your life is in danger all the righteousness and morality goes out of the window.

I remember in the 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attack, a Turkish couple was spared their life by the Pakisani terrorists, after they told the gunmen that they were from Turkey and Muslims and started reciting some verses from the Quran.

Do you think what the Turkish couple did was wrong? Wouldn't you do the same? I know I would.

Take it with a pinch of salt. You're dealing with members of a community that conveniently washes it's hands of their radicals by terming them as unfair representations of their religion and yet has a thousand tongues wagging if another community tries to wash their hands of from them.

Had the situation been reversed(An Indian-origin Hindu pushing a fellow American onto a speeding train or a Sikh shooting up an American Alley), we could've witnessed as to which community issues the loudest clarification over the perpetrators not being Muslim. Of course, the 'Us immigrants need to stick together' rhetoric will be accorded a silent and hasty burial.
No his grand plan is to save his life, "hey don't be bigot against me, am not what you think i am".
When your life is in danger all the righteousness and morality goes out of the window.
I remember in the 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attack, a Turkish couple was spared their life by the Pakisani terrorists, after they told the gunmen that they were from Turkey and Muslims and started reciting some verses from the Quran.
Do you think what the Turkish couple did was wrong? Wouldn't you do the same? I know I would.
Dude what's the problem with you ?

Why are you behaving like this ?

Whenever a person comes and put a gun on head, tell him stories about Mahatma Gandhi and non-violence, tell him about what have you eaten last night but don't tell them any information that can save your life.

That Turkish couple were bunch of idiots, explaining that they are turkish and leave them inspite of acting like Bonnie and Clyde and grabbing their gun and shoot them.

Survival instinct is what you can't explain.
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