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After Islamophobic Hate Crime in New York City, Mayor Wants Public to ‘Keep

No his grand plan is to save his life, "hey don't be bigot against me, am not what you think i am".

When your life is in danger all the righteousness and morality goes out of the window.

I remember in the 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attack, a Turkish couple was spared their life by the Pakisani terrorists, after they told the gunmen that they were from Turkey and Muslims and started reciting some verses from the Quran.

Do you think what the Turkish couple did was wrong? Wouldn't you do the same? I know I would.

What you are saying is that the rest of America is EQUAL to terrorists in FATA region.

What you are saying is that we should also hold rallies in FATA region and tell them, hey don't kill us, we are not who you think you are go kill Indians!
What you are saying is that the rest of America is EQUAL to terrorists in FATA region.
What you are saying is that we should also hold rallies in FATA region and tell them, hey don't kill us, we are not who you think you are go kill Indians!
Actually he is telling that this notion that Afghan Taliban are only killing US and Nato soldiers so they are not your concern but Pakistan Taliban are killing your citizens so they are bad. Its same behavior any person or community acts to reduce the threat.

If Pakistan takes Afghan Taliban who also kills innocent Afghanis as terrorists as it treats TTP, then you can lecture him for not being selective.
Actually he is telling that this notion that Afghan Taliban are only killing US and Nato soldiers so they are not your concern but Pakistan Taliban are killing your citizens so they are bad. Its same behavior any person or community acts to reduce the threat.

If Pakistan takes Afghan Taliban who also kills innocent Afghanis as terrorists as it treats TTP, then you can lecture him for not being selective.

Practically that's what we are doing. Till today Afghan Taliban are in the mountains, they are not part of the Pakistani society.

What's different in our case is that we are talking about actual violence and we have to fight the terrorists. Not merely just oppose terrorism.

You don't have to fight the bigots to end bigotry. You have to oppose bigotry.
Practically that's what we are doing. Till today Afghan Taliban are in the mountains, they are not part of the Pakistani society.
What's different in our case is that we are talking about actual violence and we have to fight the terrorists. Not merely just oppose terrorism.
You don't have to fight the bigots to end bigotry. You have to oppose bigotry.
Then why did you release Afghan Taliban prisoners at the first place ?

I am not saying spread bigotry. I am telling you when you are in this situation where you have little time to save yourself, your survival instinct kicks in.

The paranoia among US citizen is this same survival instinct that was continuously fed with news on Islamic terrorism that turned this into insecurity and doubts for all the South Asians.

I am all game to support that all South Asian people should collectively demand US govt. to ensure bigotry nature of police and the people is tackled immediately.
What you are saying is that the rest of America is EQUAL to terrorists in FATA region.

What you are saying is that we should also hold rallies in FATA region and tell them, hey don't kill us, we are not who you think you are go kill Indians!

Isn't something to that effect already on offer by the TTP?

The Hindu : News / International : TTP peace offer: train guns on India

Besides, don't make it sound like the same is some sort of benevolence on Pakistan's part. Your establishment would've taken up the deal in a heartbeat if there was even an outside possibility to make it work. It isn't as if recruitment and donation drives for anti-India elements don't occur freely inside Pakistan.
Then we are talking about two different things. My comments were about this:
Well that suggestion is absurd. But if things go south, may be every community will disassociate with others to save their own. Like I said, if it comes to security of his kids and family, a person may go to any length. We have seen it in many cases around the world.
What you are saying is that the rest of America is EQUAL to terrorists in FATA region.

What you are saying is that we should also hold rallies in FATA region and tell them, hey don't kill us, we are not who you think you are go kill Indians!

No am not saying that, but the nutcases are hidden amongst that very American public. So its probably best to spread awareness, for our safety sake.

Islamic terrorism is not our mess, if anything Indians have suffered the most due to this menace. So there is no reason why we should silently face the repercussions or backlash for what we never did.

Of course am not saying the Indians should go around saying that hey you have got the wrong people, go get the muslims instead. We just need to spread awareness that Indians(both Hindus and Muslims) have got nothing to do with Islamic terrorism that the west faces, and that we are victims ourselves, nothing more nothing less.
May want to urge the current muslims in America to leave as well. But am willing to bet you are too cowardly to call for it. Your post is more to be inflammatory than to encourage rational discussions. In other words -- troll.

People, Muslim or otherwise, who lives in the city made up their own decision and can deal on their own. Why should any one tell them what to do? Advisory is suggestion and caution just like US state department issues to warn their citizen. Same way people who are coming from outside should know about impending danger and NYC condone Anti Muslim propaganda. City that condone anti Muslim propaganda is inflaming hatred against Muslim. I lived in that city for many years and has many friends from all walks of life but lately its admin and tempo went to somewhere unrecognizeable. My post is no way inflamatory but you are making up a false one and trolling yourself.
One of Incident .. blown out of proportion , Many more people are killed in our part of the world for being hindus , muslims , christians , Shia , Sunnis , dalits and what not .
One of Incident .. blown out of proportion , Many more people are killed in our part of the world for being hindus , muslims , christians , Shia , Sunnis , dalits and what not .

because they are expected to be killed in our parts of the world BUT NOT in the west/US
I know what I meant and I don't care what crap you make out of it. It was an issue involving Indian origin person and Indian origin people of all the religions need to raise the issue.

Do you think I am wrong in saying, people who committed 2001 were of different origin and different ideology? Tell me what is wrong in it?

stop bull$hitting now, you dont even know how to say it nicely, WTF is different ideology means??
isnt that ideology also found in India in the form of Indian muslims??
Different Origin!!!....all of them were Saudis
so stop bull$hitting i dont even care what you said and what you are going to say
because they are expected to be killed in our parts of the world BUT NOT in the west/US

Right,Read the history of western world.:lol:In last century itself their wars have killed more people than anywhere in the world.They carried out genocide and slavery in proportion never seen before.You are totally delusional of this western civilization.All this talks about freedom and human rights only started a few decades ago,only to cover up the sins of their ancestors.
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