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New York police surveillance of Muslims constitutional: judge

I wonder if the verdict would have been the same had some Christian American filed the law suit....
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Good god.... never heard of it before...... muchas gracias...... they are even more effed up than I thought....... :o:

Big issue is America, but the justice system isnt farce. If not the best, then amongst the best.
I did... I did..... "ho hee na jaye" = Lakh de lanat tumm pay! :D

Well i love Nordic countries but i firmly believe their laws are too lenient on sub humans , killers rapist robbers etc . Living for some time in a remote village near a beautiful fjord is on my to do list .
Well the program worked . Their has not been any major cases of terrorism on U.S. Soil after 9/11 . Their countries their rules . Tomorrow if they put temples synagogues and churches i will agree with that . Their country their rules .

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True.....but I think they should release the details whenever they foil a real plot......because the fact that the US wasn't hit after 9/11 could either mean the cops and NSA kept em in check OR that the terrorists haven't tried anything after that!
" The best way to earn mistrust is by showing mistrust ...."

such surveillance programme could prove to be counter productive ....because no surveillance can be 100 % ...but yes ...mistrust and humiliation will breed revenge some or other point of time .

Muslims have earned this distrust . It is not imposed one.Don't get confused, it's other way round.US didn't trigger this chain reaction.
Dude even your police should keep surveillance on Mosques honestly .

I not wondering if what they do is right or wrong, all I am suspecting of the US justice department is double standards, I guess some research is needed on my part....
There is nothing wrong in the American Constitution, but it's legal interpretation as laws, that over the time have been cannibalized by the justice department and ill-trained, inexperienced judges who have been used to fulfill various short-term myopic objectives. It's always about implementation. If Abraham Lincoln could see what had become of America, he would've turned in his grave.

Big issue is America, but the justice system isnt farce. If not the best, then amongst the best.
In a 10-page ruling, Martini said the city had persuasively argued that its surveillance was intended as an anti-terrorism, not an anti-Muslim, measure.
"While this surveillance program may have had adverse effects upon the Muslim community after the Associated Press published its articles, the motive for the program was not solely to discriminate against Muslims, but rather to find Muslim terrorists hiding among ordinary, law-abiding Muslims," Martini wrote.

If the city proved it was an anti-terrorism rather than anti-muslim , I don't see a problem here.

It just so happens that the terrorists turn out to be Muslims more often than not, not the courts fault.

Maybe if the law-abiding muslims were more proactive in pointing out extremists to the police, there won't be a need for surveillance....( just a thought.)
There is nothing wrong in the American Constitution, but it's legal interpretation as laws, that over the time have been cannibalized by the justice department and ill-trained, inexperienced judges who have been used to fulfill various short-term myopic objectives. It's always about implementation. If Abraham Lincoln could see what had become of America, he would've turned in his grave.

I believe you mean Benjamin Franklin who said "He who gives up liberty for freedom deserves neither." Well he was right and the current paranoia the whities have is not baseless man. The 911, shoe bomber, underwear bomber, plenty of retards leaving for "jihad", and the recent Boston bomber all these lead to their utter paranoia state. But still life in US is heaven compared to Pakistan. All I believe we require is Universal healthcare and then we'd be set.
If the city proved it was an anti-terrorism rather than anti-muslim , I don't see a problem here.

It just so happens that the terrorists turn out to be Muslims more often than not, not the courts fault.

Maybe if the law-abiding muslims were more proactive in pointing out extremists to the police, there won't be a need for surveillance....( just a thought.)

Like sonars , terrorism is also of two types ie. active and passive.

Active are those ones who really carries out terrorism and those who sponcers them.

Passive are those one who have sympathies for those terrorists and they openly or internaly mourn deaths of terrorists. There are many muslims around the world who mourned the death of Osama .
New York judge defends police surveillance of Muslims

New York judge defends police surveillance of Muslims | Muslim World | Worldbulletin News

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