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'After 2001 Parliament attack, India deployed nuclear missiles on border'

Alright sonny, agreed with you. Our planes are called coffins and we don't have nuclear bombs. Still we don't get panic and call Saudis Chinese and Americans.

Yea we called so that ur coffin dont end up falling on our people so that y we make call to eevryone .We are so afraid of ur flying coffins esp when they fall from sky like stars..................lolz
:rofl: at your logic, anyways keep on thinking that India does not have any nuclear capability.

Edit: Also if someone says Pakistan does not possess nuclear weapons can you at your level prove beyond doubt that you actually do. Don't quote media reports that says Pak has 80-100 nukes b'cos the same media reports says India also has 80-100 nukes. If your answer to the above question is yes than prove it and if no than u dont have an option other than believing that we also do. We at our level here cannot prove that India does possess nuclear weapons. SO the only way to find out will be whenthe need arises. Also India could have moved its nuclear weapons as a precautionary measure anticipating that during the conventional war Pak might push the panic button and fly some nukes so India might have wanted to be ready to do the same in that scenario.
Personally I think India's no first use policy has to be withdrawn and during war India should not wait to be attacked first thats just lame.

Also will give us an opportunity to keep brandishing our nuke options as some lame ducks keep doing:azn:
Remember 50 years ago you had mig 21s can you imagine in 1960 they would have thougt what will we have in 50 years. And they still have mig 21s in 2011
Since ur are so fond of Migs they aint the same mig anymore, if denial is for U to believe that India doesnt have Nuke then take a chill pill, why worry then?
the whole world used to say the world was flat until they found out it wasnt
Lol not the Indians, anyway when did U start listening to the whole world?
no like I gave you a link earlier you call america ask her to ask us to move our soldiers from your border thats why you like white man lol

Indian troops no threat to Pak, PM told Clinton
Lol :rofl: we saw that in 1999.
Yea we called so that ur coffin dont end up falling on our people so that y we make call to eevryone .We are so afraid of ur flying coffins esp when they fall from sky like stars..................lolz

For your previous question about war, no sir, I do not think that the war is good for us in any way. And for this, Lol it was nice...
Moral of the story is; Attack the Indian public,expect very "strong words".Attack the Indian netas,expect nuclear retaliation!!!
Best way to punish Pakistan is economic sanction. In war, India got more to loose. Pakistani people have got used to death and destruction which has become part of their daily lives, 90% Pakistanis live in villages under the tutelage of village zamindar, they hardly got any industries.
They say they don't war yet they face they nukes towards Pakistan great first step towards peace India shabash wah wah .. great way of showing you want peace wake up to reailty and start working towards peace all this macho actions is not gona get you anywhere we all need peace in the region lets work together for the sake of children of tommrow lets live in peace and let live.
Best way to punish Pakistan is economic sanction. In war, India got more to loose. Pakistani people have got used to death and destruction which has become part of their daily lives, 90% Pakistanis live in villages under the tutelage of village zamindar, they hardly got any industries.

India's got lot to lose, But pakistan would probably lose their whole country.
no like I gave you a link earlier you call america ask her to ask us to move our soldiers from your border thats why you like white man lol

No like I told you before, you guys are so scared that you call the masters to stop India from attacking which India was not even doing. Like your link quotes our PM that our troops were not even near the border but you were so damn scared that you got all your troops near the border. You don't have to be scared everytime sonny.
If Indian troops were not near the border and Pakistani troops were, doesn't this show that Pakistan Army is showing aggressive posturing when there is none from India?

listen mate I want peace in our neighbourhood I want our stupid corrupt leaders to sort it out. However that response was to a indian poster who was suggesting that we asked for assistance from third parties. I let him know that inida has done the same. We are neither better than the other we need to sort our neighbouhood out without any posturing
They say they don't war yet they face they nukes towards Pakistan great first step towards peace India shabash wah wah .. great way of showing you want peace wake up to reailty and start working towards peace all this macho actions is not gona get you anywhere we all need peace in the region lets work together for the sake of children of tommrow lets live in peace and let live.

Agree to the latter part.
No like I told you before, you guys are so scared that you call the masters to stop India from attacking which India was not even doing. Like your link quotes our PM that our troops were not even near the border but you were so damn scared that you got all your troops near the border. You don't have to be scared everytime sonny.

your primeminister asked americans for assistance do you not understand english? and just want to troll? Do you think that makes you good or strong etc.

---------- Post added at 05:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ----------

India's got lot to lose, But pakistan would probably lose their whole country.

thats why both countries need to resolve problems peacefully and feed hungry people rather than winding each other up
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