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'After 2001 Parliament attack, India deployed nuclear missiles on border'

Why bother if India does not have the capability to detonate nuclear weapons. just chill... why bother about this thread then?

Exactly I just don't understand why the hell these guys are so confused if India is not nuke capable why the hell they posting anything outhere and commenting on our no first use policy.
what does that have to do with my question??? So are you saying unless and until you don't cross the border and get a beating there is no humiliation??
No it means that your question is irrelevant!
And why do you need me to change my perspective??
It's mine and i'll stick with it!
No it means that your question is irrelevant! And why do you need me to change my perspective?? It's mine and i'll stick with it!

Actually my question is very much relevant though you chose to look the other way....b/w with due respect this is a discussion forum...what's the point of being on this forum if one don't want to exchange his/her views and correct others/get corrected......anyways its you who have to decide that....if you want to stick with your perspective then be it...i was just trying to show the flaw there....

Moral of the story is; Attack the Indian public,expect very "strong words".Attack the Indian netas,expect nuclear retaliation!!!

LOL Nice one mate :lol:

But You should know that even after 26/11 IA was get mobilised for a war but didn't fought.
listen mate I want peace in our neighbourhood I want our stupid corrupt leaders to sort it out. However that response was to a indian poster who was suggesting that we asked for assistance from third parties. I let him know that inida has done the same. We are neither better than the other we need to sort our neighbouhood out without any posturing

If you love peace so much then answer this in a yes or no

Do you want Pak to give away Kashmir for the sake of peacefull neighbourhood??? Remember just Yes or No.
Frankly my indian friends I dont give a damn. You can blame us all you like call us all the names you want, tell us that you are incredible, with all your population and resourses a economy and hatred the bottom line is we are still here. long live Pakistan army & ISI. I will now chill and go have another cigar. Whilst you indians obsessed with pakistan on a pakistan forum get hot under the collar on a saturday evening. I say ram ram and relax and have fun. Let it all out....
Deep breaths one two three four five thats it your getting the hang of it

You see this is exactly the mentality of your and as well as our leaders and thats why we haven't seen any peace in our region.

You talk like a peace preacher but don't act like one. SADLY
^^^^ bottom line your tests failed according to incredible indian scientist close to the action but you know better. Ok mate

fission devices were successful.

only thermonuclear device had some problems but still was partial success.
Remember 50 years ago you had mig 21s can you imagine in 1960 they would have thougt what will we have in 50 years. And they still have mig 21s in 2011

---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 PM ----------

Ares mate if those reports make you feel good and safe thats brilliant

---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------

how many migs fell down that year?

well 50 years ago we had mig 21 and syes we still have mig 21's along with su 30 mki's mirage 2000 mig smt's, mig 29k's.. now see 30 years ago u guys have f16's and u still have f 16's and all u guys can think of is a fighter jf17 less capable than f16's ..

Sorry mate its not our habit to make us feel safer thinking of our nukes, but i heard that ur PM and army generals have nuke shaped pillows to get a sound tight safe sleep??

100 and all were shot down by the mighty BVR missiles fired from shoulder launched platforms of the pak sipahis:rofl::rofl:
well 50 years ago we had mig 21 and syes we still have mig 21's along with su 30 mki's mirage 2000 mig smt's, mig 29k's.. now see 30 years ago u guys have f16's and u still have f 16's and all u guys can think of is a fighter jf17 less capable than f16's ..

Sorry mate its not our habit to make us feel safer thinking of our nukes, but i heard that ur PM and army generals have nuke shaped pillows to get a sound tight safe sleep??

100 and all were shot down by the mighty BVR missiles fired from shoulder launched platforms of the pak sipahis:rofl::rofl:
Sir JF-17 is a 4th Generation Plane and better than those F-16 which came in 80s and we are also going for 150 J-10 B and both of them will be with TOT that means we can develop our own plane and we have also started work of 5th Generation Plane in China and if want can also get J-20 B so we know what we are doing
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