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'After 2001 Parliament attack, India deployed nuclear missiles on border'



JUST IMAGINE wat tech they may have no
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There were some what a million soldiers.....eye ball to eye ball....Indians remained paralysed on the border for a almost a year and in process lost close to 500 men without a shot being fired in anger.
There were some what a million soldiers.....eye ball to eye ball....Indians remained paralysed on the border for a almost a year and in process lost close to 500 men without a shot being fired in anger.
and how is it related to India deploying nuclear missiles??? in short what is the point???
India does not have to fire a bullet. Pakistan's leaders are doing more damage to Pakistan than Indian military could ever imagine to inflict.

Just leave them to themselves and we should be fine.

What are the alternatives for Pakistan but for Zardari and co.

1. Nawaz Sharif (of Kargil fame)
2. Pervex Musharraf (Unlikely to last full term, has more enemies than friends)
3. Imran Khan (Balanced and can solve issues with India but highly unlikely that he will get elected)
There were some what a million soldiers.....eye ball to eye ball....Indians remained paralysed on the border for a almost a year and in process lost close to 500 men without a shot being fired in anger.

Yea!in the mean time Mighty pakistan were Calling UNCLE WANG,MR SHEKIHS,UNCLE SAM and UNCLE BLAIR to save from Indian army in border,I mean you were so much scared without a single bullet fired ..:lol:

your own scientists said that the indian nuke tests were a fizzle and failed?

Sir jee this news is precisely about Pokran failure.... I remember what Santhanam revealed before the media - He was of the opinion that India should not sign CTBT becuase Pokran 2 did not yield as expected.

As I explained in another thread.

See this is what happens when you have incomplete information, in Pokhran 2 we explode 5 devices ..4 of them were fission and one was thermonuclear..Four fission devices were a complete success..whereas one scientist claims that thermonuclear devices fizzled out but still produced more kilotons than the fission devices...now other nuclear scientists involved in test do not agree with him.

Where as Pakistan tested only fission devices(atomic bombs not nuclear) but a few weeks ago there was news that Pakistan looking towards black markets for ways to develop a thermonuclear bomb.

If you knew the working of a Teller Ulam device you would have been so confused.
Basically every fusion bomb need a fission rxn first to kick start(to attain the required temp of One million degree) the fusion process.

Fusion bomb is said to have fizzled when the initial fission rxn fails to kickstart the fusion rxn..but even then the fission rxn continues ..giving us a fission bomb instead of the fusion bomb.

Here is rebuttal from another Indian scientist who too was present at the same test.

India has thermonuclear bombs: Kakodkar - India News - IBNLive
^^^^ bottom line your tests failed according to incredible indian scientist close to the action but you know better. Ok mate
^^^^ bottom line your tests failed according to incredible indian scientist close to the action but you know better. Ok mate

See I tired to explain decently ..but you being obtuse, could not comprehend a simple fact.

That even if one test failed(which has big question mark next to it)..it still gave a yield of a fission bomb..and fission bombs are all you have and are more than enough for small country such as Pakistan..so what are you smirking at??!!
See I tired to explain decently ..but you being obtuse, could not comprehend a simple fact.

That even if one test failed(which has big question mark next to it)..it still gave a yield of a fission bomb..and fission bombs are all you have and more than enough for small country such as Pakistan..so what are you smirking at??!!

Well sorry about that mate thats the impression that you got. I remember reading at the time about a doubt as to how many tests they carried out so when you report so definitivly that x number etc it seems a bit different from international reports
If Indian nuclear tests are failed then why pakistan is so damn scared of India and call all the masters across the world?

Oh yeah, its 1971, that time we didn't have nukes.. Now I understand why pakistan was shivering.
If Indian nuclear tests are failed then why pakistan is so damn scared of India and call all the masters across the world?

Oh yeah, its 1971, that time we didn't have nukes.. Now I understand why pakistan was shivering.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh reportedly asked US secretary of state Hillary Clinton to convince Pakistan to withdraw its troops from the Line of Control as Indian forces were "far from the border and were no threat to Pakistan". A US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks on a meeting

between Singh and Clinton on November 24 last in Washington said Singh acknowledged

Well sorry about that mate thats the impression that you got. I remember reading at the time about a doubt as to how many tests they carried out so when you report so definitivly that x number etc it seems a bit different from international reports

A total of five nuclear weapons were detonate during Operation Shakti. They were:

Shakti I

A two stage thermonuclear device with a boosted fission primary, its yield was downgraded from 200 kt (theoretical) to 45 kt for test purposes.

Shakti II

A pure fission device using the Plutonium implosion design with a yield of 15 kt. The device tested was an actual nuclear warhead that can be delivered by bombers or fighters and also mounted on a missile. The warhead was an improved, lightweight and miniaturized version of the device tested in 1974. Scientists at BARC had been working to improve the 1974 design for many years. Data from the 1974 test was used to carry out computer simulations using the indigenous Param supercomputer to improve the design. The 1998 test was intended to prove the validity of the improved designs.

Shakti III

An experimental boosted fission device that used reactor grade Plutonium for its primary with a yield of 0.3 kt. This test device was used to test only the primary stage. It did not contain any tritium required to boost the fission. This test was designed to study the possibility of using reactor grade plutonium in warheads and also to prove India's expertise in controlling and damping a nuclear explosion in order to achieve a low (sub-kiloton) yield.

Shakti IV
A 0.5 kt experimental device. The test's only purpose was to collect data about the explosion process and to study the performance of various bomb components.

Shakti V

A 0.2 kt experimental device that used U-233, an isotope of uranium that is not found in nature but is produced in India's fast breeder reactors that consume Thorium. This device too was used to collect data.
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