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Africa surpasses India in wealth per person - Credit Suisse Wealth Report

Does that change the fact that it has a higher net wealth, even though it's widely considered to be the poorest and least developd region in the world.

That may or may not be the case as to why she is richer per person, but she is nonetheless richer per person.

Btw, I don't think your excuse is accurate; Africa's successful resource extraction and total production are minuscule. Even their energy consumption (which could simply be due to imports rather than production) is quite pitiful. I think the fact that Africa has surpassed Indian in per capita wealth is a very interesting development.

It could go the other way in due time, but that remains to be seen.

You are comparing apples with oranges
Fact remains the same, Africa has similar population with n times the natural resource
Using your logic I can say India is one of the leading countries in wealth per Km square (do the math u will be surprised to see India's position)
Chinese can smell Chinese and guess who are thanking the post of this guy American_Millennium

So you are a so called American who can't write the spelling of Millennium properly. :omghaha::omghaha:

Bro...Its not Chinese smelling Chinese...You would certainly end up scoring a brownie point and get a default thank - when u start bashing about India...

It is effing disgusting that you are trying to score brownie points from the Pakistanis etc on this forum by making fun of those people who are unfortunate enough to be in poverty.

Let me remind you that all of the people who have in the past made Western civilisation great, would abhor to be associated with somebody like you. They would be disgusted that you are using their names to spread your racial diatribe.

Let me also remind you that I, an Indian, could very easily move to your country and buy your house, your property and everything you've ever known. I am far wealthier than you (most likely, somebody of you caliber doesn't get to become successful), so before you start attacking others for their unfortunate position in life, please keep in mind that there are people who are far better than you at everything.

The above only applies if you are actually an American and not a false flagger. Which seems very likely to me.
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Does that change the fact that it has a higher net wealth, even though it's widely considered to be the poorest and least developd region in the world.

That may or may not be the case as to why she is richer per person, but she is nonetheless richer per person.

Btw, I don't think your excuse is accurate; Africa's successful resource extraction and total production are minuscule. Even their energy consumption (which could simply be due to imports rather than production) is quite pitiful. I think the fact that Africa has surpassed Indian in per capita wealth is a very interesting development.

It could go the other way in due time, but that remains to be seen.

How can you compare a country's economy with a continent ?? You are saying the average per capital in africa is high.. Why? Bcos of the account of Egypt, South africa, Algeria, Nigeria.. They are rich.. Hv gud oil resources.. Do you think these nations share their wealth with other poor nations in africa ?? Do africa has a central govt to do so?
I will explain with an example .. Mumbai's growth is gud for india as a whole.. Bt how south african development decrease somalian poverty?? If you didn't get this.. I will explain more..
Why is that when anybody posts a subject that's even remotely non positive about India.. Certain section of the Indian posters here converge down like a plaque and accuse the OP to be a false flagger? I find that quite obnoxious.. Seems that you cannot have any form of a constructive discussion regarding India if it's even minutely negative ? Thought this was an international forum?

Have you noticed that it is Indians, and ONLY Indians that do this consistently? It's quite sad. I came here with the expectation that it would be the Pakistanis instead, probably due to all of the sh!t talking the Indians do :P

You are comparing apples with oranges
Fact remains the same, Africa has similar population with n times the natural resource
Using your logic I can say India is one of the leading countries in wealth per Km square (do the math u will be surprised to see India's position)

No, you can't, because India is not one of the leading countries per sq. km, unless you consider something in the top 10 or top 15 to be so (in which case you could just site GDP and be done with it).
Have you noticed that it is Indians, and ONLY Indians that do this consistently? It's quite sad. I came here with the expectation that it would be the Pakistanis instead, probably due to all of the sh!t talking the Indians do :P

No, you can't, because India is not one of the leading countries per sq. km, unless you consider something in the top 10 or top 15 to be so (in which case you could just site GDP and be done with it).

YO!...M still awaiting your response...

It is effing disgusting that you are trying to score brownie points from the Pakistanis etc on this forum by making fun of those people who are unfortunate enough to be in poverty.


Let me also remind you that I, an Indian, could very easily move to your country and buy your house, your property and everything you've ever known.

PLEASE, tell me this... Why is it that almost every Indian I've come across repeats this line, almost verbatim? Is it like, something in your culture? A memorable quote from one of your leaders? What is it with Indians and becoming so insecure and defensive that they ALL have to pretend like they are rich and can buy us?

My family name is well-known, and judging by the statistics presented in the OP, the chance that a UHNWI like my family could be bought off by a 3rd world personality like yourself (you can take the Indian out of India, but it has been shown repeatedly that the India will never be taken out of the Indian) would be lower than the chance of you winning your national lottery enough times to even match my yearly income.

I'll warn you, people like you tend to be outmatched by those that do not boast. Indians tend to boast a LOT (like I said, this is at least the 20th time this week I've had one of you try to say you could buy this or that White, Chinese, Pakistani, European, etc.) and yet, look at your peoples standard of living, wealth, income, and way of life? You people are now living in the poorest non-African country in the world (with a few exceptions) and even then, we are now looking at the AFRICANS of all people, the people you hate due to your myriad physical associations with them, surpassing you. They've already surpassed you in average wealth... what next! Really, you are the people least likely to be wealthy when engaging in a random internet conversation. Think about that for a moment before spouting your nonsense again, just think about the odds.

You having the gall to even compare yourself to a random Westerner you literally don't know proves your lack of intelligence, and goes quite a long way in proving your lack of meaningful wealth (I wouldn't say a million or two is meaningful at all; doesn't take you very far where I'm from).

Since I'm enjoying wiping the floor with you, I'll go on for a few more seconds. You apparently live in Australia. Think about the all of the ways your [supposed] wealth has been a blessing. If you were living in India today, the chances that you would belong to the top 0.00001% that even have a chance of competing with the average rich American, would obviously be non-existent.

Furthermore, take away all of the business investment that comes from us, in addition to our technological contributions to society, and all of that wealth (probably denominated in US dollars too) quickly disappears into thin air! All you are left with is a stone-age village filled with street defectors. If you're royalty, maybe you'll get a private street all for yourself... to defecate on. Without us, you would not have an Australia to live in, and would therefore not even have an internet to spout your nonsense about being wealthy.

I could easily make your mouth drop by opening one of my smaller accounts online and taking a picture, but what would be the point? That would just make me one of you: a self-hating, personality disorder-ed, show-off, condemned to originate from the most ignorant, most destitute, and idiotically embarrassingly place in the world.
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1. Those 50 African countries have a total population of 1 billion people. India has a population 20% larger

2. My comparison is irrelevant; it is the facts stated in the report that are

3. The fact that one is a continent and the other a country means nothing when assessing the per person *anything* within a country. For example, Sweden has a GDP per capita and a per person wealth higher than India and Africa combined. Does that really impress you? Maybe if you are an Indian, but I understand what per person or per capita means, which is why I don't find it all that impressive.

Hope I could help.

Nope, I only knew that video existed from this forum. I believe I saw you commenting about it. Take a look at the comments below the video though, I'm guessing you alerted thousands of the Stormfronters to it. LOL

You are a slum-dwelling retard....


cool :coffee:
How can you compare a country's economy with a continent ?? You are saying the average per capital in africa is high.. Why? Bcos of the account of Egypt, South africa, Algeria, Nigeria.. They are rich.. Hv gud oil resources.. Do you think these nations share their wealth with other poor nations in africa ?? Do africa has a central govt to do so?
I will explain with an example .. Mumbai's growth is gud for india as a whole.. Bt how south african development decrease somalian poverty?? If you didn't get this.. I will explain more..

Goodness me, that's why it's called an average.

Everything tends to average out. Somalia's low wealth per person is taken into account, it's not just the so-called 'rich' African countries that are being assessed. All of the poor African countries are assessed as well. And by the way, if you consider Nigerians to be rich, then Indians must be hella poor. Same with Algeria, Egypt, and South Africa, which are all pretty much extremely poor and destitute.

YO!...M still awaiting your response...

What was your question? You didn't ask me one.
Good Morning - Any debate on topic or still flags are under discussion ?? :thinktank:

haha... Nothing to debate about...its about bashing...

Goodness me, that's why it's called an average.

Everything tends to average out. Somalia's low wealth per person is taken into account, it's not just the so-called 'rich' African countries that are being assessed. All of the poor African countries are assessed as well. And by the way, if you consider Nigerians to be rich, then Indians must be hella poor. Same with Algeria, Egypt, and South Africa, which are all pretty much extremely poor and destitute.

What was your question? You didn't ask me one.

If you are comparing the GDP...are you also discounting the North African countries which are oil rich??
If you are comparing the GDP...are you also discounting the North African countries which are oil rich??

I never compared the GDP, and this report does not say anything about GDP.

This is total wealth, divided by the adult population. The North African countries are not oil-rich, with the exception of Libya (which won't play a significant influence on the final numbers anyway, because they hold only 0.6% of the entire African population). Countries like Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco do NOT derive significant prosperity from their oil reserves, nor are their per capita GDP's or per capita wealth (the latter is the only one being assessed in the report) even average for the 3rd world. They are not rich countries. We are not talking about Saudi Arabia or Qatar here, and like I said, it wouldn't matter if we were; Libya for example has virtually no influence on the final numbers.

Edit: Quick reference to the oil production and oil reserve numbers prove that most North African nations don't derive significant wealth from any oil they have (if they have it in the first place; many do not).



PLEASE, tell me this... Why is it that almost every Indian I've come across repeats this line, almost verbatim? Is it like, something in your culture? A memorable quote from one of your leaders? What is it with Indians and becoming so insecure and defensive that they ALL have to pretend like they are rich and can buy us?

My family name is well-known, and judging by the statistics presented in the OP, the chance that a UHNWI like my family could be bought off by a 3rd world personality like yourself (you can take the Indian out of India, but it has been shown repeatedly that the India will never be taken out of the Indian) would be lower than the chance of you winning your national lottery enough times to even match my yearly income.

I'll warn you, people like you tend to be outmatched by those that do not boast. Indians tend to boast a LOT (like I said, this is at least the 20th time this week I've had one of you try to say you could buy this or that White, Chinese, Pakistani, European, etc.) and yet, look at your peoples standard of living, wealth, income, and way of life? You people are now living in the poorest non-African country in the world (with a few exceptions) and even then, we are now looking at the AFRICANS of all people, the people you hate due to your myriad physical associations with them, surpassing you. They've already surpassed you in average wealth... what next! Really, you are the people least likely to be wealthy when engaging in a random internet conversation. Think about that for a moment before spouting your nonsense again, just think about the odds.

You having the gall to even compare yourself to a random Westerner you literally don't know proves your lack of intelligence, and goes quite a long way in proving your lack of meaningful wealth (I wouldn't say a million or two is meaningful at all; doesn't take you very far where I'm from).

Since I'm enjoying wiping the floor with you, I'll go on for a few more seconds. You apparently live in Australia. Think about the all of the ways your [supposed] wealth has been a blessing. If you were living in India today, the chances that you would belong to the top 0.00001% that even have a chance of competing with the average rich American, would obviously be non-existent.

Furthermore, take away all of the business investment that comes from us, in addition to our technological contributions to society, and all of that wealth (probably denominated in US dollars too) quickly disappears into thin air! All you are left with is a stone-age village filled with street defectors. If you're royalty, maybe you'll get a private street all for yourself... to defecate on. Without us, you would not have an Australia to live in, and would therefore not even have an internet to spout your nonsense about being wealthy.

I could easily make your mouth drop by opening one of my smaller accounts online and taking a picture, but what would be the point? That would just make me one of you: a self-hating, personality disorder-ed, show-off, condemned to originate from the most ignorant, most destitute, and idiotically embarrassingly place in the world.

Replying to your massive post:


And I can guarantee an idiot like you who has the time to write 600 word posts on the Internet for every reply does not have the time to make oneself successful.

Go ahead, show me your bank account. I'll show you a picture of my house, real estate is where my family's wealth is.
Replying to your massive post:

So basically you summarized your intellectual capcity in one post:

Either I am too lazy (like all Indians) to read something that would take 60 seconds, or I'm too stupid that it would take way longer than that.

Also, you resort to the oh so typical retarded gif response, thinking that this is going to earn you points for making a snarky and cool remark.

How original my muuuulionaire, savvy, Indian intellectual!

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