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Featured Afghanistan stampede kills 11 Afghan women and 1 Male seeking Pakistani visas to leave country

Pakistani National Anthem

Blessed be the sacred land,
Happy be the bounteous realm.
Thou symbol of high resolve,
O Land of Pakistan!
Blessed be the citadel of faith.

The order of this sacred land,
The might of the brotherhood of the people,
May the nation, the country, and the state,
Shine in glory everlasting!
Blessed be the goal of our ambition.

The flag of the crescent and star,
Leads the way to progress and perfection,
Interpreter of our past, glory of our present,
inspiration for our future!
Shade of God, the Glorious and Mighty.
All afghans have given us since 1947 is fassad and terrorism

PTM was the final straw, let then enjoy their afghani paradise
We can't let 40,000 people into our country during a pandemic. It's the height of stupidity.

Pakistani security and wider regional security is tied with stability in Afghanistan. We need to make sure the government we support in Afghanistan focuses on creating conditions which allow Afghans to survive in their own country. The UN needs to help fund this. Otherwise it's only a matter of time before the consequences of abandoning Afghanistan reach beyond our locality.
Lets make a Pakistan for them within Afghanistan..so they dont go through this misery every day..
Im sure Ghani wouldnt mind if Pakistani Pashtuns run the show..

I'm sure the Jinnah Hospital in Afghanistan, and the cancer hospital in Peshawar provide free treatments to Afghan refugees.
نَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ‎,
We can't neglect the securities protocols from our previous experiences. Sad to see our Muslim brothers and sisters in such a situation. Gov should have a seamless transition at the border before India is starting to take advantage of this situation.
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At least 11 women were trampled to death when a stampede broke out Wednesday among thousands of Afghans waiting in a soccer stadium to get visas to leave the country, officials said.

Attaullah Khogyani, the spokesman for the governor of the eastern Nangarhar province, said another 13 people, mostly women, were injured at the stadium, where they were trying to get visas to enter neighbouring Pakistan. He said most of those who died were elderly people from across Afghanistan.

In a separate incident, at least 34 Afghan police were killed in an ambush by Taliban militants in northern Afghanistan, officials said.

It was the deadliest attack since the Taliban and the Afghan government began holding long-delayed peace talks last month, part of a process launched under a deal signed between the United States and the insurgents in February. The talks are seen as the country's best chance for peace after decades of war.

Rahim Danish, the director of the main hospital in the northern Takhar province, confirmed receiving 34 bodies and said another eight security forces were wounded.

An Afghan security official said the forces were in a convoy that was ambushed. The official, who was not authorized to brief media on the event and so spoke on condition of anonymity, said police Humvees were set ablaze.

Jawad Hijri, a spokesman for the provincial government, said the deputy police chief was among those killed.

There was no immediate comment or claim of responsibility from the Taliban, who control the area where the attack occurred.

The Pakistani Consulate in Nangarhar was closed for almost eight months due to the coronavirus pandemic. Anticipating a large crowd, officials decided to use the stadium and assigned 320 staffers to help manage the process, Khogyani said.

The Pakistani Embassy in Kabul said it has issued more than 19,000 visas in the past week alone after Islamabad approved a friendlier visa policy and reopened the border in September following months of closure.

Millions of Afghans have fled to Pakistan to escape war and economic hardship, while thousands travel back and forth for work and business, or to receive health care.

Yeh Allah Rahem.

Most of the dead were women needed medical care. :(

Noting to do with Pakistan or its institution. Its the Afghan government which fked it up big time. Happened in a stadium 5km away from the consulate.

Punny egos of the Kabul regime, the northern alliance, NDS and their collusion with Indian terrorist state, that is the main cause of all these hardship these common folks are suffering. Unfortunately, Pakistani borders will remain closely guarded and monitored till Indian presence in Afghanistan and use of its territory by India to spread terrorism in Pakistan is not uprooted once and for all.

I hope the PTM and Achakzai are watching this.
Yeh Allah Rahem.

Most of the dead were women needed medical care. :(

Noting to do with Pakistan or its institution. Its the Afghan government which fked it up big time. Happened in a stadium 5km away from the consulate.

Punny egos of the Kabul regime, the northern alliance, NDS and their collusion with Indian terrorist state, that is the main cause of all these hardship these common folks are suffering. Unfortunately, Pakistani borders will remain closely guarded and monitored till Indian presence in Afghanistan and use of its territory by India to spread terrorism in Pakistan is not uprooted once and for all.

Why are we allowing this many Afghans to come to Pakistan amidst a pandemic? I support Imran Khan, but I think he is too lenient on the Afghans - my only real quarrel with him.
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