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Featured Afghanistan stampede kills 11 Afghan women and 1 Male seeking Pakistani visas to leave country

They have done things your kind can never imagine to achieve. For one, they weren't enslaved by the British mindset like yours.

If today they're asking for help and you turn away. Tomorrow you'll be asking for their help and that day isn't far either.

Want me to go on?
yes yes keep going lets see what technologies they have given to world other then heroin Opium and CHEAP COPIES OF AK-47 and terrorism
yes yes keep going lets see what technologies they have given to world other then heroin Opium and CHEAP COPIES OF AK-47 and terrorism

That's only one metric of success.

Did you forget the invasion by 3 superpowers, namely the British, Soviet Union & US??

How can they do anything if their region has been on fire for the last 3 centuries??
That's only one metric of success.

Did you forget the invasion by 3 superpowers, namely the British, Soviet Union & US??

How can they do anything if their region has been on fire for the last 3 centuries??
ohhh really 3 superpowers are 1 trillion times better place then sh1t hole afghanistan . it was just a war of dirty control games nothing more . you guys take is so serious :lol:
why you moved to USA rather then kabul ?:p:

they are devalouped great countries while afghans are dying for pakistani visa .
ohhh really 3 superpowers are 1 trillion times better place then sh1t hole afghanistan . it was just a war of dirty control games nothing more . you guys take is so serious :lol:
why you moved to USA rather then kabul ?:p:

they are devalouped great countries while afghans are dying for pakistani visa .

Defending Afghans doesn't have anything with moving to Afghanistan. You can support folks halfway around the world nowadays and learn about them. It's called the internet, look into it. :rolleyes:

And believe me, if those 3 superpowers were next to you instead of Afghanistan. You wouldn't be here talking with me.
they are devalouped great countries

That's the british mindset I was talking about. Glad you gave me proof. :lol:
Defending Afghans doesn't have anything with moving to Afghanistan. You can support folks halfway around the world nowadays and learn about them. It's called the internet, look into it. :rolleyes:

And believe me, if those 3 superpowers were next to you instead of Afghanistan. You wouldn't be here talking with me.

That's the british mindset I was talking about. Glad you gave me proof. :lol:
still you did not get it . it was cold wars dirty games nothing more so many wars for nothing but hold ground . afghans were just playground not a party in war . :lol: there was nothing to defend afghanistan no body want afghanistan it was just CIA-MOSSAD-ISI-KBG -RAW games . you people have very narrow view of these wars .:lol::lol::lol: a portion of budget and few useless guys were used by superpower to play it . reality is afghanistan is a sh1t hole and no one want to live the land they defended .
still you did not get it . it was cold wars dirty games nothing more so many wars for nothing but hold ground . afghans were just playground not a party in war . :lol: there was nothing to defend afghanistan no body want afghanistan it was just CIA-MOSSAD-ISI-KBG -RAW games . you people have very narrow view of these wars .:lol::lol::lol: a portion of budget and few useless guys were used by superpower to play it . reality is afghanistan is a sh1t hole and no one want to live the land they defended .

Then explain the British, Russian and US investments.....of billions (in today's terms) in Afghanistan. And future Chinese ones too.

If the people and the land is so "shit"....why did every country in one this planet want a piece of it after 9/11?

Your logic is outstanding. Need to lay off the alcohol my dude.
Then explain the British, Russian and US investments.....of billions (in today's terms) in Afghanistan. And future Chinese ones too.

If the people and the land is so "shit"....why did every country in one this planet want a piece of it after 9/11?

Your logic is outstanding. Need to lay off the alcohol my dude.
people and land everything is sh1t but its good place to spy china spy soviets for soviets its good base for keep in check nato . its just a play ground . for god sake we all have to go play in fields in childhood its not means that we want to live in that dirty place
people and land everything is sh1t but its good place to spy china spy soviets for soviets its good base for keep in check nato . its just a play ground . for god sake we all have to go play in fields in childhood its not means that we want to live in that dirty place

Your worldview is very narrow. Please broaden it before quoting me next time.

You're still thinking of what's on the ground rather than what can be found inside the ground. Hope that helps expand your view on the land we call Afghanistan today. Hence the billions of dollars of investment along with the trillion+ wasted.
they hate us, so why come to Pakistan ?
The same way many Islamist scumbags blame the west for their problems but die to go to western countries and after they settle they start to preach their terrorism and filth.
Your worldview is very narrow. Please broaden it before quoting me next time.

You're still thinking of what's on the ground rather than what can be found inside the ground. Hope that helps expand your view on the land we call Afghanistan today. Hence the billions of dollars of investment along with the trillion+ wasted.
so you mean to say they want to capture afghanistan and then change the demography and make it permenet WESTERN COLONY ? and settle here whilte people ? this war was war of ego and politics nothing more . US revanged 3000 lives with 3 million lives .
so you mean to say they want to capture afghanistan and then change the demography and make it permenet WESTERN COLONY ? and settle here whilte people ? this war was war of ego and politics nothing more . US revanged 3000 lives with 3 million lives .

I didn't say that. I just said that the war is about things you don't even imagine. Which is why you need to do independent research and then talk to me. I can't help you.
I didn't say that. I just said that the war is about things you don't even imagine. Which is why you need to do independent research and then talk to me. I can't help you.
it was war of revenge and they took it badly . wish we could take such revange from our enemies ever . think about it . f-16 and cobras flying over delhi . we leveled mumbay with 10000s of daily bombs .we kill each and every indian who harmed us . we chained them and took them to a island like GITMO . weak people only find excuses .
The same way many Islamist scumbags blame the west for their problems but die to go to western countries and after they settle they start to preach their terrorism and filth.

Good luck to them

If the west repeatedly gets involved in muslim countries, no reason Muslims shouldn't fill up the west
Good luck to them

If the west repeatedly gets involved in muslim countries, no reason Muslims shouldn't fill up the west
If you support them spreading their filth and terrorism than don’t complain about islamophia.
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