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Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

realy y r v debating on dis guys?
no one cares wat afghani politicians say (not dat it wud matter otherwise )
v just use it as links in petty indo-pak debates
pakistan has much bigger prblms as of nw nd dey needs undivided attention
you guys argue about anything

its hardly big news that there are anti-pakistani people in the afghan establishment, big deal, this is just a waste of cyber space..
Jana, are you a woman or a dude? You are so fluent with 'BALLS' Jorgan, what 'BALLS' do you think they are?

For your information Jana is a women, a very respected Journalists in Pakistan.....I guess no one taught you in how to respect women..otherwise you wouldn't be speaking to her in that tone.....but what do you expect with people who advocate a caste system....have a urine soft Drink....and to top it off molest animals.
For your information Jana is a women, a very respected Journalists in Pakistan.....I guess no one taught you in how to respect women..otherwise you wouldn't be speaking to her in that tone.....but what do you expect with people who advocate a caste system....have a urine soft Drink....and to top it off molest animals.

And No one taught you How to respect another Human. Hypocrite
And No one taught you How to respect another Human. Hypocrite

I don't give respect to that person...who cannot speak properly to a women....I guarantee you if he said that in England, he would get a slap in the face. And furthermore why don't you take a chill pill and drink some of that famous soft drink that I hear in India.
This isn't India vs Pakistan.

Anyway, I have little to comment about the remarks by Afghanistan... Afghans view us as the ones responsible for Taliban (and they are partly right) but they speak as if we are their enemies. Didn't we take millions of their refugees into our already weak economy? What about the aid?

They need to use their common sense- why in the world would we be training Taliban soldiers if 1. We are currently fighting them and 2. They are a plague to our society- bombings, attacks and suppression of women, disregard for human lives and destruction of an actual Islamic society, not one created by idiotic Taliban?

I think they are bringing up quite old and futile one-sided grudges... still kinda sad.
I don't give respect to that person...who cannot speak properly to a women....I guarantee you if he said that in England, he would get a slap in the face. And furthermore why don't you take a chill pill and drink some of that famous soft drink that I hear in India.

greenstar !!! have u ever read her post related to india.c first wat she write their n by seeing this any body can say this.
greenstar !!! have u ever read her post related to india.c first wat she write their n by seeing this any body can say this.

She may be wrong in some cases...but speaking rude to her is not very Gentlemen....in fact it show's you have no class or standard. Instead you should reply back in a respectful manner.....in England I have had some heated debates..where even the women in question has even swore at me....yet I laughed at her....because a man should have a certain standard in how he replies to a women.....and clearly sunny does not have that.
greenstar !!! have u ever read her post related to india.c first wat she write their n by seeing this any body can say this.

it was as u people are posting , indians stated to show what they are......... i think moderator should take action of it . its really disgusting. so pitty approach
this man does not know manners how to talk , unmannered person...

I agree completely...he has no manners....I can understand if he spoke to another guy like that...but to use that sort of language on a women...shows to me he has no class..well thats my opinion.
I would not blame Hamid Karzai. He pay heavy kick back to Pakistan regime for keeping lid on their mouths and let both Afghan and India smuggle every thing without questioning.
it was as u people are posting , indians stated to show what they are......... i think moderator should take action of it . its really disgusting. so pitty approach

man he shudnt have disrespected like this,but look at her few post when she talks abt india.and it is clearly written in the rules that no nation will be critised personally or not be abused.she does both.
Yep at least we are educated persons , and are representing our nations. We should avoid such language specially for women...... hope other indian counter parts will agree on that ... what is wrong is wrong no need to reason for that.
man he shudnt have disrespected like this,but look at her few post when she talks abt india.and it is clearly written in the rules that no nation will be critised personally or not be abused.she does both.

She is expressing her opinion which is her right to do in this forum.....because if we go by your connatation half the people in this thread would be banned, as most have personally criticized each others Nations. However you step over the line when you personally attack others....but its worse when you attack a women.
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