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Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

How about taking precautions such a situation(NATO attacking Pakistan) never comes.

Taking precautions for a NATO attack on Pakistan will be like preparing for an attack on the surface world by Atlantis. We know it won't be happening, at least in my lifetime.............
Sincere Advice:-Why u r wasting ur talent.. U should participate in Laugther Challenge..:pdf:

u think ur funny.ur time wasting person when some serious coments come ur way u just dont pay atention and pass funny coments moron:angry:
US fighting with Pakistan has been a major wet dream of Indians.I remember how Indians used to cheer for Obama when he said he will go inside Pakistan..:lol: All Wet Dreams Gone Sour when Obama came in and stepped up aid to Pakistan and actually increased relations between US Armed Forces/Intelligence Community and Pakistan Armed Forces/Intelligence Community.Heck even a senator said that drones attacks are conducted with approval of Pakistan Government.

Well don't highlight your own insecurities by making the "India" excuse ..nobody is suggesting "that Pakistan will be fighting US."

but since you brought this matter up..I hope you do realize that you are the only US ally, which US regularly bombs!!:lol:
Who said that we will have to go over your airspace ? Who said that it will be only India ? There are other countries who border Afghanistan also, and stopping supplies to NATO forces will result in a joint NATO action, you think Pakistan can stand up to that ? Sorry but you are yet to have a spine to stop NATO forces from bombing your own people and you will stop their supplies, ohh ya that will happen. The Berlin Airlift was one of the most expensive relief operations in history but it also broke down the Soviet Union's myth about their importance in the German issue. The same myth will be broken if Pakistan tries anything stupid.

How they will bomb our people?? Who will provide fuel to them to fly & bomb Pakistan.What afghan taliban will be doing when they will be bombing Pakistan? :lazy: ? :rolleyes:

You think tHey will be wacthing CNN BBC with hands on coke & snacks & will be enjoying the bombings on Pakistan???:undecided:

This is an Un deniable fact that The moment they will turn the eyes of their radars and pilots Away from Afghanistan Within that moment there will be nothing for America left in afghanistan except ashes& even NO air strips to land after All if American soldiers are breathing In afghanistan Their every breath is owned by THe Air Support provided to them in afghanistan. :bounce:
it was a very absured statement by afghan official ... it should be comdemned , but what i see that almost all the indian counter parts are supporting it. its quite phathctic approach. pak army is in war with terrorists , we are fighting war for world because because before that war taliban had never been threat to us. still we are criticised, such statements are frequently made by indian officials from top to bottom that shows how much hatred they have got for us. what they are trying to show is that pakistan is a threat to world and need to be attacked but indians should know that fire in pakistan will soon spread in india too is it is spreading from afghanista into paksiatn. we never wanted desabilized afghanistan cos they are our pathan brother being muslim and pathan i feel for them we are nurturing there 2.5 million refugees for more than 30 years now, is it their response to our good to them , really really sad.......................................

thats how every pakistani felling right now..
this afghani barking bcoz america giving them shelter wait for america and see them loosing in some years then see how these afghanis react to pakistan..taliban will never forgive the mischiefs of traitors to their land and to other muslims:cheers:
:sniper::argh:<<<<traitor rangin spanta
I am not happy with our Afghan policy. We should urge for the disintegration of Afghanistan and Pushtun areas inclusion in Pakistan before US leaves. These northern alliance people are Indian agents and they should remain separate from the rest of pushtun Afgnaistan.
The only problem I see is that Pakistan thinks Afghanistan as its courtyard and hence they find it is their right to meddle in each and everything associated with Afghanistan. Leave them alone, send Refugees back, Build permanent border and let them decide their fate.

On this Spanta's statement, This is uncalled for. One can't direct anyother government what to do or not to do and For Afghanistan, There are still plenty of dependency on Pakistani hence you need to chose your words carefully.

Doesnt India thinks SriLanka is its backyard and interferes there with LTTE. You have LTTE we have Taliban. Yours is Lanka our is Afghanistan. Stoping come with clean hands India.

Having some ethnic groups does not create Stake holder of nations. It happens across the world that neighbouring countries have always some ethnic groups common across the border but that does not satisfy the criteria for "Legitimate Stake". In such scenario, Mexican can claim California and Texas. :no::no: Hence start looking from stakes perspective in war torned country.

You can say India does not have anything common with Afghanistan but you are forgetting that our borders were with Afghanistan till 1948 (When GB was controlled by Pakistan) and we have always historical relations with them. Many Afghanis were ruler of North India hence and even in current scenario New Delhi is first choice of Indian students. Our relations were put on hold during Russian invasion and during Taliban regime so we are in revival for the same.

Afghanistan does not accept Durand line same as China does not agree on Macmohan and Johnson lines. It is upto you to solve this matter with Afghanistan diplomatically.

Here we are on same points.. Talk something which is your area.. dont poke your noise in matter which is not your area of expertise but these leaders always do..

One time India shared with England?? Canada??? Middle East??? .. India is a creation of 200 year British colonisation during which they taught you modren education and civilization much to your dismay of incredible india which was supposedly the cradle of whole europe. What ever borders India shared ceased to exisit after 1947 partition of India by British. If you have complains about losing borders with Afghanistan then go cry to your buddy David Camoron. What did India do to save the Afghanis from brutal Russian invasion other than stepping aside and watching the show?? The uniqe position Pakistan shares with Afghanistan forces it to keep a close watch. What ever happens in Afghanistan will affect our country due to large and dominant khan saab (Pukhtoons) population. :pakistan:

US fighting with Pakistan has been a major wet dream of Indians.I remember how Indians used to cheer for Obama when he said he will go inside Pakistan..:lol: All Wet Dreams Gone Sour when Obama came in and stepped up aid to Pakistan and actually increased relations between US Armed Forces/Intelligence Community and Pakistan Armed Forces/Intelligence Community.Heck even a senator said that drones attacks are conducted with approval of Pakistan Government.

Couldnt have said it better!

I read the first page and then straught away came to last page.
Coz I know what got discussed in the pages in btn.

By the way, A'stan cornering Pakistan is a day dream as Pak will never let it happen. There is nothing to rejoice.
First thing first he is NOT Afghan leader. Secondly his BALLS are in hands of US. So it depends on US whether to shake his balls or not. the later is the case most likely.

Above all currently US is representing Afghanistan's current Govt NOT Spanta.

the bottom line barking dogs seldom bite and when they try to bite they are stoned

Jana, are you a woman or a dude? You are so fluent with 'BALLS' Jorgan, what 'BALLS' do you think they are?
thats how every pakistani felling right now..
this afghani barking bcoz america giving them shelter wait for america and see them loosing in some years then see how these afghanis react to pakistan..taliban will never forgive the mischiefs of traitors to their land and to other muslims:cheers:
:sniper::argh:<<<<traitor rangin spanta

If anybody is not forgiving anybody, it's us who aren't forgiving the Taliban. Those bastards, bomb innocent people, behead anybody who opposes them, show utter disregard for life(other's) and you STILL think that as muslims, we should have supported them ? Two years I served against these guys in Bajaur and I am proud of every Talib I killed.......because for each Talib I killed, I saved scores of innocents from horrible fates.
If anybody is not forgiving anybody, it's us who aren't forgiving the Taliban. Those bastards, bomb innocent people, behead anybody who opposes them, show utter disregard for life(other's) and you STILL think that as muslims, we should have supported them ? Two years I served against these guys in Bajaur and I am proud of every Talib I killed.......because for each Talib I killed, I saved scores of innocents from horrible fates.

WASHINGTON: Afghanistan&#8217;s National Security Adviser Rangin Dadfar Spanta has urged the United States to sanction Pakistan and refuse visas to Pakistani generals, The Washington Post reported on Thursday.

Like USA going to listen to him. USA has enough headace to worry about. It doesn't need any more headace.

This kind of shitty statement creat hatred. This Spanta or Afghan goverment needs to understand that irritating Pakistan is not their best interest. USA is in trouble as is so requestiong to America aint going to do jack for Afghanistan. This kind of moronic statement will invite unwanted wrath from Pak General in Afganistan. I hope Afghan goverment capable of understand that irritating an angry nation like Pakistan can invite dire consequences for cripple Afganistan.
Karzai aide in corruption probe linked to CIA: NYT

WASHINGTON: An aide to Afghan President Hamid Karzai at the center of a corruption probe is on the CIA payroll, The New York Times reported, citing Afghan and US officials.

Mohammed Zia Salehi, an Afghan National Security Council official, appears to have been paid by the US spy agency for many years, officials in Kabul and Washington told the Times.

The Times said it was unclear whether Salehi was being paid for information, or to advance US views inside the Karzai administration, or both.

Salehi was arrested by Afghan police in July but released after Karzai intervened.

Salehi&#8217;s relationship with the CIA underscores deep contradictions at the heart of the Obama administration&#8217;s policy in Afghanistan, the newspaper said.

Karzai is under pressure from the Obama administration to do more to root out corruption in his government to shore up the legitimacy of his government.

Washington believes a successful counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan hinges on winning Afghan public support for the government in Kabul and sidelining the Taliban. reuters

people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones!
realy y r v debating on dis guys?
no one cares wat afghani politicians say (not dat it wud matter otherwise )
v just use it as links in petty indo-pak debates
pakistan has much bigger prblms as f nw nd dey needs undivided attention
Like USA going to listen to him. USA has enough headace to worry about. It doesn't need any more headace.

This kind of shitty statement creat hatred. This Spanta or Afghan goverment needs to understand that irritating Pakistan is not their best interest. USA is in trouble as is so requestiong to America aint going to do jack for Afghanistan. This kind of moronic statement will invite unwanted wrath from Pak General in Afganistan. I hope Afghan goverment capable of understand that irritating an angry nation like Pakistan can invite dire consequences for cripple Afganistan.

what wrath are you talking about ? Afghanistan has more than enough nations behind it so it does not need to be scared of anyone. Pakistan has more than enough on its plate to go around unleashing its “Wrath” on anyone.
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