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Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

If that was feasible it would have been done by now...the cost of it would be huge...and do you think Pakistan will allow India in its airspace to get to Afghanistan....I don't think so.

Who said that we will have to go over your airspace ? Who said that it will be only India ? There are other countries who border Afghanistan also, and stopping supplies to NATO forces will result in a joint NATO action, you think Pakistan can stand up to that ? Sorry but you are yet to have a spine to stop NATO forces from bombing your own people and you will stop their supplies, ohh ya that will happen. The Berlin Airlift was one of the most expensive relief operations in history but it also broke down the Soviet Union's myth about their importance in the German issue. The same myth will be broken if Pakistan tries anything stupid.
Who said that we will have to go over your airspace ? Who said that it will be only India ? There are other countries who border Afghanistan also, and stopping supplies to NATO forces will result in a joint NATO action, you think Pakistan can stand up to that ? Sorry but you are yet to have a spine to stop NATO forces from bombing your own people and you will stop their supplies, ohh ya that will happen. The Berlin Airlift was one of the most expensive relief operations in history but it also broke down the Soviet Union's myth about their importance in the German issue. The same myth will be broken if Pakistan tries anything stupid.

If NATO attacks with it's present manpower(which they won't), they will be devastated, we have greater manpower and know the area well, plus if NATO should choose to attack Pakistan through FATA, they can kiss all their soldiers goodbye, I used to patrol with the tribal lashkars, these guys are born warriors, boys as young as 13 have their own AK-47s and trust me when I say, they can make good use of it !
Who said that we will have to go over your airspace

Not my airspace...but Pakistan's...mines British.

Who said that it will be only India ? There are other countries who border Afghanistan also, and stopping supplies to NATO forces will result in a joint NATO action, you think Pakistan can stand up to that ? Sorry but you are yet to have a spine to stop NATO forces from bombing your own people and you will stop their supplies, ohh ya that will happen

With the current financial crisis...this is not feasible...the British Public will not allow it as we are already in the biggest deficit in our History...already the Prime Minister is drawing plan's in how to leave Afghanistan...and if you haven't read...the Allies are losing the war in Afghanistan.
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If that was feasible it would have been done by now...the cost of it would be huge...and do you think Pakistan will allow India in its airspace to get to Afghanistan....I don't think so.

Its not been found necessary so far. Pakistan is keeping the lines open despite the bluster of members here;)

And really, the govts of US, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan are much more realistic than the members here.
But he lives in England....so India obvioulsly is not to his liking....maybe because of the caste system.

Not really , Even After Being a Big business Typhoon , He still finds pride in Calling Himself an Indian and has a sole Citizenship of an Indian... Well How Is His fault that He has What it takes To Live and Own a House in England?? Ever Visited his House In Rajasthan??
Not my airspace...but Pakistan's...mines British.

With the current financial crisis...this is not feasible...the British Public will not allow it as we are already in the biggest deficit in our History...already the Prime Minister is drawing plan's in how to leave Afghanistan...and if you haven't read...the Allies are losing the war in Afghanistan.

^ I wouldnt be so quick to write off the NATO war in Afghanistan. Didnt I read somewhere today that some 300+ senior Taliban leaders have been knocked off in last 3 months in commando raids in Afghanistan.

Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost...
Its not been found necessary so far. Pakistan is keeping the lines open despite the bluster of members here

Hello Karen, well then its anyone's theory if such an action can be possible....I seriously doubt it at this current financial crisis.

And really, the govts of US, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan are much more realistic than the members here.

I agree the Government's of all these Nations are much more mature than all of us in this forum.
If NATO attacks with it's present manpower(which they won't), they will be devastated, we have greater manpower and know the area well, plus if NATO should choose to attack Pakistan through FATA, they can kiss all their soldiers goodbye, I used to patrol with the tribal lashkars, these guys are born warriors, boys as young as 13 have their own AK-47s and trust me when I say, they can make good use of it !

Its true if you mount up guerrilla warfare you will win,but is it worth as your nation will become like Afghanistan?
^ I wouldnt be so quick to write off the NATO war in Afghanistan. Didnt I read somewhere today that some 300+ senior Taliban leaders have been knocked off in last 3 months in commando raids in Afghanistan.

Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost...

Yes but most of theses comanders willl be replaced...and the only reason why that is such a high number is because of the recent operations....but I can agree that the tide can go either way. But in my opinion the war is going in the way how Vietnam was conducted....eventually American public will get fed up and force the Goverment to call troops back.
Its true if you mount up guerrilla warfare you will win,but is it worth as your nation will become like Afghanistan?

If they attack which as I wrote they won't, we'll do anything and everything to protect Pakistan........so Afghanistan like fate ? We'll take it if necessary.
and GreenStar NATO is fighting Taliban in Afghanistan not Pakistan.We can all enjoy watching them fight each other and hopefully both will kill each other enough to leave totally rusted.That i think should be Pakistan Goal that NATO makes Taliban weak enough so that TTP does not get support from them.
Yes but most of theses comanders willl be replaced...and the only reason why that is such a high number is because of the recent operations....but I can agree that the tide can go either way. But in my opinion the war is going in the way how Vietnam was conducted....eventually American public will get fed up and force the Goverment to call troops back.

See, the issue with Vietnam was thousands of body bags coming home.. About 47000 in 15 years. Compare that with Afghanistan... 1200 or so in 10 years.

Hence you dont see the protests that were seen in USA during the vietnam war.
If they attack which as I wrote they won't, we'll do anything and everything to protect Pakistan........so Afghanistan like fate ? We'll take it if necessary.

How about taking precautions such a situation(NATO attacking Pakistan) never comes.
US fighting with Pakistan has been a major wet dream of Indians.I remember how Indians used to cheer for Obama when he said he will go inside Pakistan..:lol: All Wet Dreams Gone Sour when Obama came in and stepped up aid to Pakistan and actually increased relations between US Armed Forces/Intelligence Community and Pakistan Armed Forces/Intelligence Community.Heck even a senator said that drones attacks are conducted with approval of Pakistan Government.
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