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Afghanistan Bans Transit Trade Vehicles From Pakistan Carrying Goods To Central Asian States

No wonder why Iran joined the bandwagon of CPEC. Afghanistan just shot its own foot.

If not Afghanistan, it will be Iran which actually makes more sense to connect all the way to Turkey who too has expressed its desire in the role of CPEC.

I know Afghanistan is gonna regret and will come back to apologize again. But this time, i am afraid Pakistan is not gonna accept it. You cannot make wrong decision to disappoint and apologize later to get away all the times.

What is next for Pakistan? I presume more than 4 million unofficial Afghan refugees to be deported in the next year along with the border seal between Pakistan and Afghanistan officially?

Because of Afghanistan's best decision in favor of Pakistan, Iran is officially joining with CPEC to fill the empty vacuum left by Afghanistan.

In one of prophecy book, it did mention that Pakistan will seal its border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, and only then, Pakistan will progress as peaceful economically viable nation. If that's the case, then i will take it. Thank you, India; father of illegitimate child, Afghanistan. :D
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This is not good, not because it would have any major impact on Pakistani economy but because it would take our relations with Afghanistan to a low never seen before.

Our government to government relations have never been good right from the start, but Pashtuns in Afghanistan have always been pro Pakistan and that might change with this recent tit for tat bans.
Soon they will come to knees when Pakistan close the Torkham Gate, They are acting nonsense on the advice of their newly found girl friend but the girl friend forgets to foresee the befitting response from the Pakistan end.
Have a nice day :tdown:

Tag me when it happens.
Now the opportunity has arrived for the Pashtuns. Why to doom their future with this futile experiment of living with thugs?? They should do what best for them - that is to merge with Pak...

No. Trust me. You don't want barbaric nation with barbaric mindset as part of Pakistan. Because of them, Pakistan has been maligned. When you merge Afghanistan as part of Pakistan, you take into the accounts of drug, Afghan terrorism, prostitution, criminal networks, racial wars, male child molestation cultures and much worse from Afghanistan. Afghanistan is hopeless case. :confused:

Tag me when it happens.

It did happen before, in fact many times. It will happen again, but that is not the point. Pakistan lets Afghanistan off the hook many times despite of their shenanigans.

There comes the time when Pakistan patience will be tested. I believe that time has come. It has come to the point now that Pakistan has no choice but force to distant itself from Afghanistan and move on.

Because of Afghanistan's stupidity, Iran took advantage and now filling the gap left by Afghanistan for CPEC. Afghanistan will apologize again but this time Pakistan will not be in forgiving mood.
Like I said tell me when it happens.

Except it already happened given the historical pattern? You can assume Afghanistan will apologize again hoping to get on the good side of Pakistan, but the question is, will Pakistan let Afghanistan off the hook again?

You should be more worried now. With border sealed between Pakistan and Afghanistan, Indian officials will not be able to sponsor terrorism in Pakistan using Afghan-grown terrorists from Afghanistan. In a way, it is good thing that Afghanistan made bold call today which will set reaction for the bigger picture to follow. :D
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Last week and last month same thing happen just google it...It is quite often I started to ignore it.

The flag burning incident or whatever?

Thats different from actual Govt declaring a transit ban.

So like I said tell me when Pakistan replies by making it a full trade ban....or take this on the chin. :pop:

I don't care about small incident "patterns".

@A-Team and others even disputed the "apology" was even given for that flag incident. So I dont care about he says she says dramabaaz.
Pashtuns in Afghanistan have always been pro Pakistan .
White lie
They may be Pro-Pashtunistan but not pro Pakistan.. they mostly try to convince Pakistani pashtun that you are not Pakistani but afghan so your real identity is afghan so you should be loyal to afghnaistan as Pakistan just created recently and its just punjabistan :D
Pk wants afhgan a captive market for its 2 billion dollar export. Its very important when pk export going down every passing year.
Pakistani transit trade trucks have been barred from using the Afghan route to carry goods to the Central Asian countries, after Pakistan rejected President Ashraf Ghani’s call to allow Indian vehicles to Afghanistan through Wagah border.

A statement issued by the spokesman for Afghan President, Shah Hussain, said that the decision to ban Pakistan’s transit trade was taken during a top level meeting held in Kabul.

According to him, Pakistan did not allow Afghan trucks carrying dry fruits to India to cross the Chaman border. The Pakistan’s move caused great loss to Afghanistan.

He said that the Pakistani border officials were also informed about the decision.

Meanwhile, the Pakistani Foreign Office spokesman, Nafees Zakaria, said that Pakistan did not ban any Afghan transit trade truck, and in fact only Indian trucks were not allowed to use the Pakistani route to reach Afghanistan.

He said Afghan transit trade trucks were still allowed to use the Wagah border-crossing to reach India, under the Pak-Afghan Transit Trade Agreement. However, there was no such provision to allow Indian trucks to use the Pakistani route to carry goods to Afghanistan, he maintained.

Earlier on Friday, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had threatened Pakistan to block its transit trade with Central Asian countries via Afghan route, if Islamabad did not allow Kabul to trade with New Delhi via Wagah border.

The remarks surfaced during Ghani’s meeting with UK’s special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan Owen Jenkins in Kabul.

He said Afghanistan was not a landlocked country anymore and that Kabul could look for alternatives after Islamabad did not give consent.

During his 2015 India visit as well, Ashraf Ghani had come up with a similar threatening statement for Pakistan.

He said the Pakistan-Afghan Transit Trade Agreement was based on equality, further adding that Kabul would take some counter measures if Indian trade trucks were not allowed to reach Afghanistan through Wagah border.

It is good to end all sort of ties with b!tch Afghanistan, not only that, immediate process of kicking Afghan refugees out of Pakistan should be done & hard steps should be taken to seal & mining the border heavily.
It was stupid arrangement at first place when one nation can use your country for transit and deny other for same!

Its amazing how did it hold for even a month.
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