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Afghanistan Bans Transit Trade Vehicles From Pakistan Carrying Goods To Central Asian States

This is a common point in trade negotiations. Both the passage of goods and the type of carrier. Remember the carriage of goods is in itself a lucrative business. It gives Pakistan many advantages to carry goods to and fro Afghanistan on Pakistani owned trucks.

Not much on Indian owned trucks.

@Acknowledge, the China route is and (is becoming much) cheaper. Its actually shorter going from the Industrial Heartland of Pakistan to China and then CA as opposed to having to cross several hundred KM of Afghan territory
Great news, now time to close all the border access to Afghanistan. :bunny:
It is good to end all sort of ties with b!tch
Ending all sort of ties is not Solution. Afghanistan is our permanent neighbor, and we should play our cards wisely. We have options to solve all matters via Table talk.
We can't afford bad relations with Iran from one side, India on other and Afghanistan on that side.
Once CPEC is completed then, let them mourn but they will jump in wagon too because it will benefit everybody.
We should improve relation with Iran and Afghanistan, as we have to live with them and they are permanent neighbor. Same applies with India too.
Western countries don't want to see this stabilize region. And we should not fall in their trap.
While, We should try to maximize our role in afghanistan, make more school and colleges & need more participation in infrastructure & development of Afghanistan. It will also counter india threat from Afghanistan when we maximize our role in Afghanistan and take their government in confidence.
Pakistan is using Afghan land to transport goods to Central Asian states(or as per article says), so now when Afghanistan ask to use Pakistani land for transit trade whats wrong in that? Either you dont use their land for trade or you allow them same.

Pakistan allows Afghans to trade through wagha but it does not allow India to trade through Pakistan routes under Afghanistan Pakistan transit trade agreement in 2010.
and afghans have agreed to it no matter how much noise India and afghans make the answer will always be no from Pakistani side

Good, let the Pakistanis use the much more expensive China route.

Their goods will be rendered non-competitive and their exports to Central Asia will start declining & collapse soon enough.

all Afghanistan routes are terrorist infested and unsafe
its not the first time afghans have refused. Pakistan is already working on a route through Kashgar to CAS.
at the end of the day afghans will suffer if Pakistan stops trade activities with afghans
hopefully afghans can survive by eating opium plants and drinking poppy's milk
anyway keep daydreaming.
iran gets so much respect from afghans.

i suppose its cheaper to send them to syria,

Now is the time Pakistanis should treat them the same way. Enough of this hospitality sh!t, anyone with a valid visa is welcome to stay in Pakistan. Now is the time to send those refugees back and immediately.
The desperation by Ghani and India is clear as crystal. They are begging for the Pak route and they won't be getting it. We hold the ace in the deck of cards. No doubt.
The desperation by Ghani and India is clear as crystal. They are begging for the Pak route and they won't be getting it. We hold the ace in the deck of cards. No doubt.

ghani is just trying to keep India happy before his upcoming visit but this decision will backfire
How do you expect to reach Nepal via water?

just like every country does...Send goods to Haldia/Kolkata Port,and then let pickup trucks to put the delivery into Nepal.Now don't ask why later phase can't be done by any Pakistani Truck.You sure aren't that silly.

@Indians: User Chabahar and stop b|tching.

Problem solved.

Doesn't same can't be said about Pakistanis who are whining about it??Use China route and stop whining???
I don't know why Pakistanis are complaining.

Pakistanis don't allow transit for Afghans, similarly Afghanistan is not allowing transit for Pakistan.
Afghans will probably allow CAS to send their trucks to Pakistan but not allow vice-verce.

Its absolutely fair.
Well disscuion about future of Pak Afghan relations, some people are justing ban on Afghanis, or close trade..? will these step yield any results.Baning trade routes or repartion of refugees will not give any positivre result but it will abet hostility and acrimon hatred against each other. What our enemies are wanting .We need peaceful west border rather disputed. we have to peace with Afghanistan at any cost.

But sadly your views are in minority. You guys talk about how India is treating its smaller neighbours badly but you forget how you are treating your western neighbour. Afghanistan will never be able to harm Pakistan but surely Pakistan can hurt Afghanistan.
Doesn't same can't be said about Pakistanis who are whining about it??Use China route and stop whining???

First of all Pakistanis are not whining about it, they are saying this to Afhanis: Please close the route if you think it serves your national interest. We will not allow Indian trucks passing through our land route, because doing this serves our interest.

To this Indians are going berserk and talking about some hypothetical scenarios what could, should or would happen.

To which we say, stop b|thing and just do it!

See the difference?

We have done it, whereas all you are doing is threatening to do it.
Wow! Sh*t just got serious.

I didn't expect Ghani to follow through with his warning so soon.

The man means business.
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