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Afghanistan Bans Transit Trade Vehicles From Pakistan Carrying Goods To Central Asian States


PESHAWAR, 10 September: The Afghan government has banned entry of Pakistani transit trade vehicles carrying goods to the Central Asian countries.

A statement of the Afghan Presidential Palace said the Pakistani goods trucks will not be allowed to use Afghan route. BBC reported that Afghan President Ashraf Ghani took the decision after Pakistan banned entry of Afghan trucks carrying dry fruit to India through Wagha border.

Spokesman for Afghan Presidential Palace Shah Hussain told a foreign news agency that the Pakistan government did not allow the trucks carrying dry fruit to India to cross Chaman border due to which the Afghan government suffered great losses. He said the Afghan government has also banned entry of Pakistani transit trucks carrying goods to Central Asian countries and the Pakistani security officials at the border have been informed about this ban.


@Imran Khan @Zibago @django @PaklovesTurkiye @The Sandman

Pakistani trucks allowed to land locked CARs or not, Indians cannot have land route to Afghanistan through Pakistan. Period. Understand? Afghanistan, being a land locked country, is welcome to trade with India using Pakistani ports. Our Afghan brothers need to understand the popular sentiments in Pakistan and shed their stupidity of insisting on something that no government in Pakistan can do.
Pakistan should stop trading with Afghanistan full stop. We should also fence the entire border and kick out all those ungrateful refugees, along with confiscating their wealth that belongs to Pakistan. Probably this week the establish will release the hounds and another city will fall in Afghanistan. We don't need access to Central Asia through Afghanistan, we have the Chinese route that is more secure and stable in the long term.
Don't worry. With CPEC coming on line, we won't need them for this anymore. We will have a direct route to Central Asia through China, complete with paved roads and all of the necessary infrastructure.

Let Afghanis isolate themselves if they want to. It's up to them.
When Pakistan closed the border, Afghan authorities were brought to their knees and after them apologizing for what they did at the border, we had to open the border. Pakistan has a huge coastline, it is Afghanistan that depends on us not viceversa !!!
Well disscuion about future of Pak Afghan relations, some people are justing ban on Afghanis, or close trade..? will these step yield any results.Baning trade routes or repartion of refugees will not give any positivre result but it will abet hostility and acrimon hatred against each other. What our enemies are wanting .We need peaceful west border rather disputed. we have to peace with Afghanistan at any cost.
These thankless bastards should be treated. When Pakistan closed the border, their gov begged to open the gate and now they are trying to show us some balls which they don't actually have.
Its not about India I wonder if we ever allowed more than a few afghan trucks a year into India its about if they will act as India's BF and try to act hard we will stop all their trade( Both imports and exports) through Pakistani ports literally choking them of oxygen . I am not even mentioning the wheat and other grains we provide them at subsidized rates.

India is no where in the equation but if afghans try to bring her in we know how to straighten their drugged minds.

On the other hand Pakistan isnt sending much to CARS at the moment through Afghanistan given her pathetic state in general and poor roads plus every war lord wants a separate fare to let things pass through his area what we didnt like is their attitude and we will now make sure they learn Pakistan will not allow them to become a breeding place of Indian supported terrorism in Pakistan.

Wow... so after years of accusing india of bullying others now you people are straight at bullying your neighbors.. dont you think its non of your business!! Afghan is standing against you is because of your ties with terrorism in Afghanistan don't try to deny it. International community knows very well about it.

Lol like i said i feel sorry for your statements... you people have theories not proof... and all your fake proofs so far has been debunked.... so try harder.
L olzzz they deserve this
I think northern alliance has destiny of being puppets and slaves

i met one at uni, they full of sh it and suffer ego problem. They have sardar kingship mentality, warrior bloodline crap, i am like come on man you live in england you dumb bas trd. plus they skingy exploiters.
however that said i do wish the best for erderly and women and children.
i met one at uni, they full of sh it and suffer ego problem. They have sardar kingship mentality, warrior bloodline crap, i am like come on man you live in england you dumb bas trd. plus they skingy exploiters.
however that said i do wish the best for erderly and women and children.
They are same where ever they are ,yea ego prob even we used to be good folks but there ego racism sucks and no matter what u convince them they are lyk kuty ki dum...
Now the opportunity has arrived for the Pashtuns. Why to doom their future with this futile experiment of living with thugs?? They should do what best for them - that is to merge with Pak...
They are same where ever they are ,yea ego prob even we used to be good folks but there ego racism sucks and no matter what u convince them they are lyk kuty ki dum...

another thing they will ruin the market they have two prices one for thier brothers, one for us while they live in pakistan.
they have this racial mentality, but they good at excuses too great liars.
while our lot are docile, dumb and friendly.
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