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Afghanistan Bans Transit Trade Vehicles From Pakistan Carrying Goods To Central Asian States

Yeah I know that. We want Afghans to use Chahbahar to send its products to India.

Is chahbahar ready???? NO... instead using Afghan..why dont you go through china then
The consequences that Afghanistan will face due to Pakistan's actions will be far more dire than vice versa. Afghanistan is already a failed state, and they need to be careful.
This is only affecting local traders - our trade to Central Asia has almost completely shifted to the Chinese route and even Iran (since Iran gives us a larger market).

Is chahbahar ready???? NO... instead using Afghan..why dont you go through china then
You think Chabahar will ever be ready? Especially with the Taliban controlling the "planned routes" through Afghanistan.
We do have a link to Central Asia through China, you can find images on Internet too. It's quite viable considering traders wouldn't have security issues, also they don't get harassed and abused.

And to add Sir "a route which is more secure and 24/7 open with no hooligans around".
There has been no let up of animosity between Pakistan and its neighbours. IF Pakistan continues this path, soon they will not have any friends.

Pakistan not allowing Afghan trucks to take back Indian goods is tantamount to losses for Afghan trade. Those truck drivers have to go back empty to Afghanistan or pick up Pakistani goods bound for Afghanistan cheaply to mitigate the losses.So its win win for Pakistan but a lost proposition for Afghanistan and India. No wonder Afghans are pissed.
Just imagine once Chabahar route will be open...then how you will be treated by Afghan
First of all it's not operational today and second half of Afghan RING ROAD a.k.a Highway NO 2 is in control of Taliban,so then can treat us how they like but they shouldn't complain about our treatment.
It is few coward hindus converted by invaders and and sitting between India and its invaders

Not really. The Mehmud of Ghazni or Ghauri or Abdali attacked and ruled areas that are part of India.

As I said before. I really wish that you engage more and more with Afghans while our engagement going down as much as possible
First of all it's not operational today and second half of Afghan RING ROAD a.k.a Highway NO 2 is in control of Taliban,so then can treat us how they like but they shouldn't complain about our treatment.
I never said it is completed...Iran sanction delayed...I am talking about future scenario
What Pakistan trades with central Asia.Its quite shocking Islamic Republic of Pakistan is relying of kafir china instead Muslim Afghanistan. Where is the fk Muslim brother hood.
There has been no let up of animosity between Pakistan and its neighbours. IF Pakistan continues this path, soon they will not have any friends.

Pakistan not allowing Afghan trucks to take back Indian goods is tantamount to losses for Afghan trade. Those truck drivers have to go back empty to Afghanistan or pick up Pakistani goods bound for Afghanistan cheaply to mitigate the losses.So its win win for Pakistan but a lost proposition for Afghanistan and India. No wonder Afghans are pissed.

Pakistan's enemies can go **** themselves
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