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Afghan National Army hostile to Pakistan: Report

So you are saying it was you who started all this mess and now Afghanistan is being blamed for?*

Are you sure its not the state religion in Afghanistan to blame their predicament 0 Pakistan ISI.

Try telling an afghan that us think tanks and scholars sanctioned the mujhedeen and Taliban, or that the Arab's sent the money and fighter... then they go deaf, don't wanna acknowledge the real architect's Of their history,do they?
There is a reason why the Farsiwans are disliked by the Pashtuns - Try to understand that !

Pashtun Nationalism is there..it is very much there as it should be ! But Pashtun Separatism died out when the first Pashtun from the Tribal Areas & Swat picked up arms for Pakistan & fought in '48 to capture whatever part of Kashmir we do govern. They are very well integrated into Pakistan's security apparatus & the bureaucracy ! The FC, for example, which is fighting the TTP are comprised of almost entirely Pashtuns with the majority of them from the Tribal Areas; the Tribal Lashkars alongside them are playing their part in keeping us safe & protecting their land & loved ones. And I've talked to more than my fair share of Pashtuns & you'd be surprised to know that they are more patriotic than the rest of us & I don't say that just to make a point.

The reasoning I'm telling you this is - We don't have to worry about the Pashtuns being corrupted by Afghans or anything like it at all ! Everything is perfectly fine there.

Do you know the few Tribal friends I have (about 11 & from different social strata & age groups) hate Afghans more than I ever could ! They've already kicked out most of them from the Tribal Areas with many residing in KPK proper, Karachi & the rest of the country - A push from the Pakistani Establishment is all that is needed to repatriate the rest of them to Afghanistan & the Pashtuns would support that wholeheartedly !

Don't mistake cultural, historical & linguistic affinity with the Afghans as a sign of weak patriotism by the Pashtuns ! They're the best & they've my arse covered. :D

They have protected our Western Flank ever since & no amount of BSh*tting by Afghans is going to change that ! :kiss3:

P.S Ask @Hyperion more about this should you wish to ! He knows about this stuff.

P.P.S When Iqbal said 'Afghan bakiii kohsar bakiii' - He wasn't referring to the Afghanistanis..he was referring to our Pashtuns & so remember Pashtun bakki Pakistan bakkii & I mean that !

P.P.P.S Now run along & flirt with a few women & get drunk instead of spending most of your days on PDF like us old timers ! :D

Fine I'll take your word for it, Pak pashtuns will never turn thier back :hitwall:

So you are happy with everlasting War with them? because as long as they exist, I think that's what will happen.

PS: my post count is 4 post/day and you should be enjoying yourself too, we are at a simliar age, why get a headache about these issues that we can't solve?

The whole of your post is BS but the bold part is a kamal one :rofl: :rofl:

I think it is BS too but I think it's for opposite reasons to yours :rofl:
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Malang yara, Amreeka yeh, Amreeka woh, India yeh, India woh. When did you become a Farsiwan? Make sure that you have transported the last of your belongings in a container along with the yanks when they leave, before your worst nightmare comes true.

You seriously can't see the writing on the wall? I pity the fool who doesn't see the blood storm brewing. You guys have ten years of debts to pay back.

Yara jay jay Amreeka was started in Pakistan not here long time ago but being with Amreeka is like being with the world nowadays so it's necessary for us! our relations with India is not new this bilateral cooperation is for decades now and will not harm Pakistan and I not bother if someone calls me Farsiwan, Uzbeki, Hazaragi or Pashtun they are my people and I love them and that shouldn't be a problem to anyone!
Dude, if Pakistan Pashtuns turn their back, ask a military strategist what will happen. There will be no longer any Pakistan. Who will fight them in areas they have occupied for multiple millennia? You? :blink:

All of North, and significant part of Punjab.. bye bye ta ta, and that is just the beginning. After that starts the long march South, who will stand in their way?

Fine I'll take your word for it, Pak pashtuns will never turn thier back :hitwall:

So you are happy with everlasting War with them? because as long as they exist, I think that's what will happen.

PS: my post count is 4 post/day and you should be enjoying yourself too, we are at a simliar age, why get a headache about these issues that we can't solve?
Sooooch leiii mein neii Supply Line bandd kar diiii na touu terii NATO waleiii Bhaiyooon kii pampers kiii supply phir sii band ho jaiii giii ! :rofl:

Humara kiya jata hai aur NATO ka bhi kuch nahi jata bus thore ziyada dollars kharch hongay!! :D lakin ziyada nuqsan apko hi hoga sir ji :lol:
Fine I'll take your word for it, Pak pashtuns will never turn thier back :hitwall:

So you are happy with everlasting War with them? because as long as they exist, I think that's what will happen.

PS: my post count is 4 post/day and you should be enjoying yourself too, we are at a simliar age, why get a headache about these issues that we can't solve?

No..no everlasting war ! Once NATO leaves all will be fine; we'd talk about this in detail sometime else but @Hyperion already knows why & how ! :D

I can't enjoy myself - These are the same people Pakistan welcomed with open arms, gave sanctuary to, jobs to, food to, aid to, scholarships to, educational & medical quotas in preference to our own people & have let them live here for 3 decades & still they abuse us & create mischief in our lands ! So my contention is simple - Humm bohat boreiii haiii ? Theeek hai.. fine I accept that now please go back to Afghanistan & do the hating from there ! Wooh bhii nahin karnaaa aur galiyooon pe galiyooon bhi charheiii janniii haiii ! Yeh kiyaa mazaaak hai ?

Dude, if Pakistan Pashtuns turn their back, ask a military strategist what will happen. There will be no longer any Pakistan. Who will fight them in areas they have occupied for multiple millennia? You? :blink:

All of North, and significant part of Punjab.. bye bye ta ta, and that is just the beginning. After that starts the long march South, who will stand in their way?

:rofl: :hitwall: Good Joke !

We outnumber them vastly & we're just as hot-headed so I dare you guys to try anything of the sort ! Touch Punjab & you're dead ! :bunny:

Wait we don't have the power of Naswar ! :fie:

Ahhh shucks we'd make do with the power of Lassi ! :chilli:
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No..no everlasting war ! Once NATO leaves all will be fine; we'd talk about this in detail sometime else but @Hyperion already knows why & how ! :D

I can't enjoy myself - These are the same people Pakistan welcomed with open arms, gave sanctuary to, jobs to, food to, aid to, scholarships to, educational & medical quotas in preference to our own people & have let them live here for 3 decades & still they abuse us & create mischief in our lands ! So my contention is simple - Humm bohat boreiii haiii ? Theeek hai.. fine I accept that now please go back to Afghanistan & do the hating from there ! Wooh bhii nahin karnaaa aur galiyooon pe galiyooon bhi charheiii janniii haiii ! Yeh kiyaa mazaaak hai ?

Yeh bold part wala phir se soch lo :lol:
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Can anyone believe these Afghans? Now that we Pashtuns are richer and much better off than them their noisy ululation sounding like the baying of wolves is all we hear, otherwise they didn't care about us.

Havizsultan is not a Pashtun by ethnicity, but he has adopted social practices of Pashtuns. By ethnicity he is a Mohajir.

I'm only posting this for traditional and less advanced posters here as they might get confused and erroneously blame him of telling lies.
Aeronaut, this is in response to your post # 108. For some reason when I quote and reply it is restricted and says I must have 15 post to be able to post a link which I clearly not and just wrote a response.

I know that Taliban aint going anywhere. I know my people and I knew from day one where the situation will end up. In fact majority of us Pashtun knew this. Likewise, future stability in Afghanistan will depend on giving them their share and doing them justice. With it a balance has to be stricken with respect to fare ethnic representation across the board. But seriously, you do not need to worry about the ethnic representation of any group bcoz we are capable of that, particularly we Pashtuns can definitely take care of our share and even more. your motives are already under scrutiny, so thanks for the offer and no need to be meddling in the internal affairs of another country.

Pakistan's role in the whole thing so far has been a negative one and beset by its policy of destabilization and pursuit of the nefarious strategic sh!t. We have to see how what is portrayed as a shift in policy plays out and if is going to play a positive role.

On the subject of India, read my previous posts very carefully. Afghanistan's relation with India is not in a design against Pakistan, assured. Our relations with India is based on national interest and socio-economic and in it we don't place too much importance on Pakistan. You guys will be well advised to not dictate us on our foreign policy.
Dude, if Pakistan Pashtuns turn their back, ask a military strategist what will happen. There will be no longer any Pakistan. Who will fight them in areas they have occupied for multiple millennia? You? :blink:

All of North, and significant part of Punjab.. bye bye ta ta, and that is just the beginning. After that starts the long march South, who will stand in their way?

I don't know, I'm still skeptical.

At the rate it's going now, there's quite the possibility that even if the Pak Pashtuns hold their ground, the Afghans may become the majority in KP in decades to come.
:rofl: :hitwall: Good Joke !

We outnumber them vastly & we're just as hot-headed so I dare you guys to try anything of the sort ! Touch Punjab & you're dead ! :bunny:

Wait we don't have the power of Naswar ! :fie:

Ahhh shucks we'd make do with the power of Lassi ! :chilli:

Seriously, ask this question to a close relative in Armed Forces, what if? He will have a better reply for you. Btw large parts of Punjab were annexed from NWFP. Mianwali ring a bell? :blink:

Punjab without water? How does that sound. Army without PMA? Air Force without Rislapur? SSG without ......? MP without ....? .............................. Should I continue? FF FC ... bla bla bla.... dude it's a never ending list.
:lol: we have the same right. now please take your millions of milay sarbazan living in Pakistan since last over 30 years

They came because of your jihad games in Afghanistan to milk the US of money and weapons in addition to their tacit blindeye to ur nuke program.
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