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Afghan National Army hostile to Pakistan: Report

Are you kidding me? Before Soviet invasion Afghanistan tried everything in its power against Pakistan. For the love of God do you Indians only come here to troll?

Why talking only before soviet invasion and not after that??

Pakistan along with US created the mesh thereafter and pakistan uses the Taliban for its own good. You were pretty good with Taliban regime until US got attacked and they forced you to fight Taliban.
Why talking only before soviet invasion and not after that??

Pakistan along with US created the mesh thereafter and pakistan uses the Taliban for its own good. You were pretty good with Taliban regime until US got attacked and they forced you to fight Taliban.

And why shouldn't we talk about what happened before Soviet attack genius?

If it wouldn't be Afghan's insane hostility towards Pakistan, things would have been much better for the state of Afghanistan and it's people as well.
Can't the guys across the border have familial, cultural & linguistic ties with us ! Plus the Farsiwans have a historical enmity with the Pashtuns of the South & the East so we can't upset our own people for the benefit would be nil & the loss could be immense !

Our People - the Tribals - have defended our Western borders since '47 & they'd continue doing that for many generations to come so I'm not really worried ! Do you know the Afghan Militias with the support of their army crossed the Durrand Line & attacked Bajaur in the early '50s & it were the Bajauri Tribals themselves who fought them & continued to fight them before requesting Pakistan Army's presence & the two of them kicked the Afghans out !

So, don't you worry ! :tup:

The farsiwans have an emnity, that can be used in your favour. If you continue to allow both sides to mingle and meet, soon the ones east of the durand line will be converted and will call for Pashtun nationalism. Sure you can let them be, but you are inviting the Army to juice out more tax payers money, how many more tribals will have "kick the afghans out" untill you can say mission accomplish? Believe me, they'll fight for a thousand years if they have to, and allowing the status quo doesn't solve the problem. Positive action must be taken.
And why shouldn't we talk about what happened before Soviet attack genius?

If it wouldn't be Afghan's insane hostility towards Pakistan, things would have been much better for the state of Afghanistan and it's people as well.

Correct. Applies to you people as well.

Its just there is a sense of arrogance when pakistani speak about Afghan, the same which they accuse of India while dealing with them. Just the double standards I want to highlight.
Correct. Applies to you people as well.

Its just there is a sense of arrogance when pakistani speak about Afghan, the same which they accuse of India while dealing with them. Just the double standards I want to highlight.

Afghans were hostile to Pakistan. Got hostility in return. Applies more to the people on our western border. We tried our best to be friendly with them.

India Pakistan have their own history. Totally different from Afghan Pak scenario.
It was Afghanistan's right to do so. You would've reacted the same. The referendum was by accounts unjust and unrepresentative which I don't want to do into. Voting against recognition of Pakistan was against the backdrop of what Afghanistan thought was based on justified grounds and the issue of Pashtunistan and its people not being mitigated not an end in itself. Regardless of its any policy for the above mentioned reason it has always respected Pakistani Muslims. We never threatened you while we could easily attack Pakistan in its wars wit India. Just few pincer movements could have been tested for potentially good results. Both countries used proxies equally against each other. We adjusted our policies with the time with just principles and common good and that is the difference.

I don't care to tell how Pakistan's policy be with respect to Afghanistan. Your current policy while you might have abit of an edge and advantage which clrearly of you think you do, is not sustainable and farce in a long run. It is wrong and when given a chance you guys are worse than yaoodis. So now you want to conspire against Pashtuns with other ethnic groups in Afghanistan as one of the member has opined?

It was a farce ! Afghanistan & Afghans lost all right to Lar Pashtuns when they, repeatedly, threw the Lars to the dogs by signing & affirming the Durrand Line agreement !

That referendum was perfectly justified & no amount of Bars crossing over to NWFP could swing the vote in their favor; the Lars decided in '47 to be a part of Pakistan & have reaffirmed their unquestionable loyalty to Pakistan throughout our history beginning from them serving as our soldiers when we hadn't an army in '48 & now being at the forefront of the fight against extremists in the form of Tribal Lashkars & the FC, which is predominantly recruited from the Tribal Areas.

The issue of Pashtunistan has been pumped up by successive Afghan Governments one after the other whether at the time of Pakistan's birth or the Bajaur Incursions of the '50s, the Pre-Soviet & Pro-Soviet Afghanistan & now this Afghanistan where Farsiwans rule & the Pashtuns are marginalized !

Pincer movements my arse - The last time your army attacked us in the '50s at Bajaur - We didn't need to fight you; the Tribals themselves took care of most of your people with enthusiasm & have protected our Western Frontiers ever since.

Both countries used proxies against each other equally ? Really...what proxies did we use in the '50s, the '60s, the '70s or even during the Afghan Jihad ? It was in the '90s when you couldn't stop killing each other & everyone from Iran, to Russia, Tajiksistan & India were involved in funding the Northern Alliance did we use our proxies - the Taliban - to contain your mess to Afghanistan & stop it spilling over to our side.

We guys are 'worse than the Jews' ? Wow - says the native of a country whose 4-6 million have lived on our goodwill & our land for close to 3 decades & still leave no opportunity missed to carve out their blasted Loy Afghanistan out of my Motherland ! You are the People whom even the Jews would be ashamed to look in the eye - Thats how beghairat & ehsan-faramosh the Afghan People are.

You didn't adjust any policies of yours with 'just principles' & 'common good', you found yourself at the mercy of Pakistani hand-me-downs & toned down on your Pashtunistan BS - that is the difference ! At any rate our Baloch separatists are right there in Afghanistan even now with Bramdagh even given a visa by your Government. The TTP routinely attack us from areas that you claim are under your control which begs to question - Are you complicit or complacent ?

And the man who floated that proposition about conspiring against the Pashtuns by Non Pashtuns is someone who doesn't understand the dynamics of Pakistan & Afghanistan very well & I did try to impress upon him why we wouldn't do that - Rather convenient of you to miss it !
Yes, Islamabad is shivering with the approaching footsteps of "mighty" Karzai :rolleyes:

Like we give a damn to baba Zardari :rolleyes:

It was a necessary tool to fight the Russians, otherwise they would have wiped your race off. Fighting on behalf of Afghans, and offering them the refuge was perhaps the biggest blunder in our history.

So you are saying it was you who started all this mess and now Afghanistan is being blamed for? :D

They are Afghans not Pakistanis.

They are as much Pakistani as much yourself, mind to show you the video hamid ghul?

Yes, in 3 years ANSF has turned Afghanistan into a Taliban free Bastion of hope!

Yes no more strongholds in North, West, and surprisingly South! even they were key to save lives of NATO soldiers in 2012 where NATO causality dropped 4 years low! and they have taken 75% control of Afghanistan for that they have sacrificed their lives and this year 1050 ANA soldiers where martyred!


Above 2009 reports are for your self orgasmic satisfactions that's why it's still sticky ;)

Pakistan, Army has its own budget and the aid Pakistan receives to provide logistical services to NATO, not for combat.

No, another lie in the eye! NATO pays Pakistan for it's logistics and container costs your Army takes funds for fighting the war of USA on it own people!

Cynic, minds cannot change. The easiest way for us is to do absolutely "nothing", unfortunately we cannot afford to do it because of our own security related issues with Afghanistan. Plus, we have interests in Afghanistan and wont allow it to turn into little India. Whatever, Pakistan is doing is for a peaceful, cold start free Afghanistan. Pakistan is not kneeing to the US demands, but US kneeing to ours, otherwise they would let us REPLACE them on the negotiating table?

We, can easily keep Afghanistan in a state of status quo for another decade if it works for our interests but it doesn't, its time to play the gambit against India, time deliver a knockout punch to new deli once more.

So mighty Pakistani sees India 'little' :lol: believe it or not after series of terrorism related embarrassments Pakistan is in no state to knee US into her demands :D

Listen, to this.


Can't play it here!
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The farsiwans have an emnity, that can be used in your favour. If you continue to allow both sides to mingle and meet, soon the ones east of the durand line will be converted and will call for Pashtun nationalism. Sure you can let them be, but you are inviting the Army to juice out more tax payers money, how many more tribals will have "kick the afghans out" untill you can say mission accomplish? Believe me, they'll fight for a thousand years if they have to, and allowing the status quo doesn't solve the problem. Positive action must be taken.

There is a reason why the Farsiwans are disliked by the Pashtuns - Try to understand that !

Pashtun Nationalism is there..it is very much there as it should be ! But Pashtun Separatism died out when the first Pashtun from the Tribal Areas & Swat picked up arms for Pakistan & fought in '48 to capture whatever part of Kashmir we do govern. They are very well integrated into Pakistan's security apparatus & the bureaucracy ! The FC, for example, which is fighting the TTP are comprised of almost entirely Pashtuns with the majority of them from the Tribal Areas; the Tribal Lashkars alongside them are playing their part in keeping us safe & protecting their land & loved ones. And I've talked to more than my fair share of Pashtuns & you'd be surprised to know that they are more patriotic than the rest of us & I don't say that just to make a point.

The reasoning I'm telling you this is - We don't have to worry about the Pashtuns being corrupted by Afghans or anything like it at all ! Everything is perfectly fine there.

Do you know the few Tribal friends I have (about 11 & from different social strata & age groups) hate Afghans more than I ever could ! They've already kicked out most of them from the Tribal Areas with many residing in KPK proper, Karachi & the rest of the country - A push from the Pakistani Establishment is all that is needed to repatriate the rest of them to Afghanistan & the Pashtuns would support that wholeheartedly !

Don't mistake cultural, historical & linguistic affinity with the Afghans as a sign of weak patriotism by the Pashtuns ! They're the best & they've my arse covered. :D

They have protected our Western Flank ever since & no amount of BSh*tting by Afghans is going to change that ! :kiss3:

P.S Ask @Hyperion more about this should you wish to ! He knows about this stuff.

P.P.S When Iqbal said 'Afghan bakiii kohsar bakiii' - He wasn't referring to the Afghanistanis..he was referring to our Pashtuns & so remember Pashtun bakki Pakistan bakkii & I mean that !

P.P.P.S Now run along & flirt with a few women & get drunk instead of spending most of your days on PDF like us old timers ! :D
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Shermalanga wrora, khair de pa naseeb sa. manana. I think your post was deleted and thank you for the welcoming remarks. There is so much unfounded hostility in this forum towards Afghanistan. They portray it as they somehow like us Pashtuns while I read in a member's post that Pak govt should forge an alliance with other ethnics against us and we could be contained and destroyed like monkeys. What a revelation and I won't rule out anything on the part of such people. What cowards and snakes are we against. lol

It's not unfounded, the negative attitude is very justified, and this is coming from someone who was once very Pro Afghan, that is before I got to understand them and engage with them more.
There is a reason why the Farsiwans are disliked by the Pashtuns - Try to understand that !

Pashtun Nationalism is there..it is very much there as it should be ! But Pashtun Separatism died out when the first Pashtun from the Tribal Areas & Swat picked up arms for Pakistan & fought in '48 to capture whatever part of Kashmir we do govern. They are very well integrated into Pakistan's security apparatus & the bureaucracy ! The FC, for example, which is fighting the TTP are comprised of almost entirely Pashtuns with the majority of them from the Tribal Areas; the Tribal Lashkars alongside them are playing their part in keeping us safe & protecting their land & loved ones. And I've talked to more than my fair share of Pashtuns & you'd be surprised to know that they are more patriotic than the rest of us & I don't say that just to make a point.

The reasoning I'm telling you this is - We don't have to worry about the Pashtuns being corrupted by Afghans or anything like it at all ! Everything is perfectly fine there.

Do you know the few Tribal friends I have (about 11 & from different social strata & age groups) hate Afghans more than I ever could ! They've already kicked out most of them from the Tribal Areas with many residing in KPK proper, Karachi & the rest of the country - A push from the Pakistani Establishment is all that is needed to repatriate the rest of them to Afghanistan & the Pashtuns would support that wholeheartedly !

Don't mistake cultural, historical & linguistic affinity with the Afghans as a sign of weak patriotism by the Pashtuns ! They're the best & they've my arse covered. :D

They have protected our Western Flank ever since & no amount of BSh*tting by Afghans is going to change that ! :kiss3:

P.S Ask @Hyperion more about this should you wish to ! He knows about this stuff.

P.P.S When Iqbal said 'Afghan bakiii kohsar bakiii' - He wasn't referring to the Afghanistanis..he was referring to our Pashtuns & so remember Pashtun bakki Pakistan bakkii & I mean that !

P.P.P.S Now run along & flirt with a few women & get drunk instead of spending most of your days on PDF like us old timers ! :D

The whole of your post is BS but the bold part is a kamal one :rofl: :rofl:
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It's not unfounded, the negative attitude is very justified, and this is coming from someone who was once very Pro Afghan, that is before I got to understand them and engage with them more.

Same here brother !

I'm big...huge on 'Muslim Brotherhood' but the Afghans I met seemed like bags of hateful bile & puss !
How can we be worse then Yahoodis when you started the dispute and as you say both countries kept on using proxies? Either we are both worse then yahoodis are we both ain't.

Are you kidding me? Before Soviet invasion Afghanistan tried everything in its power against Pakistan. For the love of God do you Indians only come here to troll?
You are chatting S bro about we tried everything in our power against Pakistan. Liar. Why did we not side with India once against you. We have principles.
Malang yara, Amreeka yeh, Amreeka woh, India yeh, India woh. When did you become a Farsiwan? Make sure that you have transported the last of your belongings in a container along with the yanks when they leave, before your worst nightmare comes true.

You seriously can't see the writing on the wall? I pity the fool who doesn't see the blood storm brewing. You guys have ten years of debts to pay back.

Like we give a damn to baba Zardari :rolleyes:
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