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Afghan National Army hostile to Pakistan: Report

Thats surprising coming from you. Other than the Pakistan sponsored Talib rule, India had good relations with Afghan govts and still does. And of course Pakistan had relations with Taliban govt, I mean you are actually claiming credit for it? Its evidence of your designs, not evience of your good deeds. During that period all other countries had relations with the internationally recognised afghan govt too, you did not.

The afghans have suffered, thats reason enough to sympathise with them. If its in india's interest to have good relations with Afghans, whats wrong in that???

I always respect your opinion, leaving aside whatever "designs" Pakistan may have for Afghanistan. May i ask where was the Indian intervention in Afghanistan post 9/11?

Ends to a means?
That will be fine as long as it's not Punjabi :coffee:

Fine... but its a Persian tongue. You would rather speak that horrid tongue which is more like a monkeys screech rather than beautiful Pashto?:
Dari is the the variety of Persian spoken in Afghanistan, where it is one of the two official languages, along with Pashto, and is used as a lingua franca among the different language communities. Dari is also used as the medium of instruction in Afghan schools. About 5 million people speak Dari in Afghanistan. There are also about 2.5 million Dari speakers in the Iran and Pakistan.

Dari is known as دری (Darī), فارسی دری (Fārsī-ye Darī) or Afghan Persian. It is mutually intelligible with Persian (Farsi) of Iran, though there are some differences in pronunciation and grammar.

It is such a sad thing that your ancestors will be mocking Pashtuns like the site of Ahmed Shah Durrani I linked you to. Man, I expect to find your ancestors in the museum of cultural history... or you could strengthen Pakistan and help save Pashtuns. :agree: Pashtun=Pakistani.
why the tit for tat racism?

Why one can't do when after repeated reporting they are not dealt with

Fine... but its a Persian tongue. You would rather speak that horrid tongue which is more like a monkeys screech rather than beautiful Pashto?:

It is such a sad thing that your ancestors will be mocking Pashtuns like the site of Ahmed Shah Durrani I linked you to. Man, I expect to find your ancestors in the museum of cultural history... or you could strengthen Pakistan and help save Pashtuns. :agree: Pashtun=Pakistani.

Dari is a darbari language farsi is spoken in streets! there is no comparison between languages can you compare Urdu with English? although you guys have already blended both.
If someone think we can just leave Afghanistan alone could be as risky as we maneuver the situation and establish our allies in that country. Failing to do nothing is against the interest of our nation.
If someone think we can just leave Afghanistan alone could be as risky as we maneuver the situation and establish our allies in that country. Failing to do nothing is against the interest of our nation.

There is a way out make our help to Taliban conditional on their democratic credentials. Alienating Afghanis for Talibans will blow-back to us in the long run. Plus the fact that we will be morally wrong to back a single faction in a sovereign country.
I always respect your opinion, leaving aside whatever "designs" Pakistan may have for Afghanistan. May i ask where was the Indian intervention in Afghanistan post 9/11?
Ends to a means?
If India manages to deny Afghanistan land to be used as Terrorist training facilities which have attacked India for so long and in the mean time keeps a wary eye s of Pakistan on its western border, no matter how small the period is, its beneficial for India.

$2 billion is worth investing in Afghanistan as long as it pays as since 9/11, the incursions in Kashmir has reduced and to its lowest in 2011.

Not to forget, a possible chance of getting Afghanistan's resources for our developing economy.

Pros are too much enough to ignore the cons.
Afghans should start thinking of their stability. American withdrawal is coming fast. Yes, they won't leave in entirety but afghan forces will be responsible of Afghanistan entirely.

This hatred and fueds with Pakistan won't help Afghanistan in anyway. They want to focus on Pakistan and the greater pushtoon nation meanwhile factions within their country rise to claim power and common man suffers.
I always respect your opinion, leaving aside whatever "designs" Pakistan may have for Afghanistan. May i ask where was the Indian intervention in Afghanistan post 9/11?

Ends to a means?

India was always there and found willing hosts in Afghanistan before and during the Soviet occupation. it was regarded as ally to the Soviets so it was only natural that Communist Afghan Government, the Soviets and Indians found common ground in confronting Pakistan which was fighting a Saudi American proxy war.

KGB & RAW reignited the Baloch insurgency while Khaad busied it self with toy bombs, hammer group and geral terrorism in rest of Pakistan
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