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Aero India: Photos of Re-designed AMCA

Guess what ? PAK_FA is up and flying and will be inducted in 4-5 years. AMCA, optimistic estimate is about 15-20 years.

That would be very optimistic for AMCA. I would guess the most optimistic time is 2035-2040 for AMCA to be ready. And that is if its not trying to tie AMCA to Kaveri. If its Kaveri doing that 2050 would be the time frame.

So we can see that LCA is a failed project as its suppose to be state of the art in mid 90s. But now, its ready for retirement as soon as its inducted.
The world's air forces retired "J-10" type planes in 1960s .... guess, why's "plaaf" holding on to it for?...

Ahh.. it's for the "Tiananmen Square in the air" possibility --- chinese students would be protesting using hand gliders and parachutes; sure J-10 will be quite potent against them. :tup:

Your attempt to deflect my assertion by talking about others is not fooling anyone. Tell you what, stop telling lies about other countries and I'll stop telling truth about India.
Your attempt to deflect my assertion by talking about others is not fooling anyone. Tell you what, stop telling lies about other countries and I'll stop telling truth about India.

Clearly, your assertion has no meaning since it talks about 2050.

"Tiananmen Square in the air" could happen before 2020 ... and J-10s not being retired is clear proof supporting my assertion.

If you close your eyes and whatever you fanstasise sounds "truth to you".. sure. But, your hallucinations have no meaning for the real world.

Keep hallucinating though ... :laugh: ... a bit of marijana may help them... :laugh:
Clearly, your assertion has no meaning since it talks about 2050.

"Tiananmen Square in the air" could happen before 2020 ... and J-10s not being retired is clear proof supporting my assertion.

If you close your eyes and whatever you fanstasise sounds "truth to you".. sure. But, your hallucinations have no meaning for the real world.

Keep hallucinating though ... :laugh: ... a bit of marijana may help them... :laugh:

I just believe in a realistic assessment of when AMCA would be ready with a 5th generation Kaveri. If India insist on using Kaveri, where would LCA be now?
I just believe in a realistic assessment of when AMCA would be ready with a 5th generation Kaveri. If India insist on using Kaveri, where would LCA be now?

India manufactures it's own AL-31 engines (for Su 30 MKIs).

PRC imports the same engines from Russia.

Hey... we could supply you cheaper AL-31s. :laugh:

Give up on the $hitty "WS-10".. save the lives of poor chinese pilots ... afterall, he was the only child, as per the "one-child policy".

J-10 crashes make "one child policy" into a "zero child policy".. shame on PRC "ego" which is sacrificing the lives of common people
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Why are we comparing AMCA with YF23.
IAF's first bomber Canberra too had diamond shaped wings.



A case of history repeating itself :yahoo:

DRDO cannot even make a good card board model...the Fin with no LE sweep is an outrage.Surely someone must have cared to see the fin of the Raptor/ F35/PKFA. This is the work of someone who does it for pay and not passion.! Why? All our top people are chosen for “high administrative abilities” and not for “high technical flair” . So we have large sound Organizations but not necessarily excellent aeroplanes. Elsewhere the pamper the Engineers-even the prickly ones- just as we pamper Sachin who gets the runs. The team manager carries the water so that the troops can stay on the firing line!

The sad point is for this model to have been made it must have been sanctioned at a fairly high level- say G at least. No one saw the gross errors and pitfalls in the shape- there are several .The model must have had the Western aero community quietly laughing up its sleeves. The danger is that shoddy project work leads to bad concepts lurking in the programme and they can be the devil to iron out later. In one’s more cynical moments one is tempted to think that perhaps that is the Original objective.
Your attempt to deflect my assertion by talking about others is not fooling anyone. Tell you what, stop telling lies about other countries and I'll stop telling truth about India.

Well the truth is you cant able to accept truth about your own country ,i.e China

Your typical answer is : on WS-13/WS10 failed engine , " I am not Chinese , so ask Chinese? , ask Chinese to comment. Many occasions when proved Chinese engine failed , you ran away.

But when we asked you are not Indian , why commenting on Indian product ? you don't have any answer.
Thanks you telling us , BTW Chinese 4.5 Gen JFT aka JF-17
- uses Analogue FBW controls ( World moved to Digital),
- uses Metallic airframe ( World moved to composite)
- crashed one time
- not having HMD system
- Not having IRST

Your Block-2 is planning to have all this, while LCA is will integrate all thing in MK-1 Version. Our present LCA is gen ahead of Chinese JF-17 and when MK-2 will again gen ahead.

Where Chinese stop thinking about JF-17 , LCA start thinking.

Chinese JF-17 is proved to be worst plane with nothing in terms of technology, Chinese trying sell this to other countries, even BL/Sri Lanka not interested in those plane which can be used as trainer at best.

SO instead of fooling here , its best you start with some technical point to prove that LCA is old technology and Chinese JF-17 is 4.5 gen technology?

JF-17..well the only fools to use it is some other country not China...PLAAF haven't even inducted a single JF-17...and I hope you pointed out the reason WHY?? India is still at least 20 years behind China when it comes to technology. Indeed DRDO and other organizations like ADA, HAL etc. have failed to reduce the gap...I hope the government will think seriously...because these organizations are damn lazy.
Thats why no LCA crashed till now and JFT crashed,

Thats why no LCA crashed till now and JFT crashed,

Well buddy , We like following Chinese model like WS-10 and WS-13 engine and JFT with Chinese engine and having some features which discard by 4th Gen. plane still use by JFT , like analogue FBW, no night flying etc was one.

LCA is a safe aeroplane so better use it as a transport aircraft....it is not a fighter...it does not fit in that category...a fighter that was supposed to replace Mig-21 by 2010..will eventually be inducted in 2015-2017..and LCA-MK2 somewhere in 2020 (If no delay)... it is like replacing Nokia 3310 with Nokia 1100 that too after 2 decades....where as other countries have replaced their Nokia 3310 with iphone 6 and samsung galaxy S-4.
DRDO must get a place in the Guinness Book of World records for the slowest decision making capabilities...eg: The GE-414 for the LCA-MK2 was decided in 2008 and orders were placed in 2013....5 years from decision making to placing order...wow...great job...
JF-17..well the only fools to use it is some other country not China...PLAAF haven't even inducted a single JF-17...and I hope you pointed out the reason WHY?? India is still at least 20 years behind China when it comes to technology. Indeed DRDO and other organizations like ADA, HAL etc. have failed to reduce the gap...I hope the government will think seriously...because these organizations are damn lazy.

Yes thats why PAK need to buy ACWAS from SAAB and not from china, while India developed own ACWAS similar to SAAB ?
yes , tell
a) which Plane of your uses Composite in design ?
b) which plane of yours uses your engine?
c) why successful engine WS10 failed to fly any plane after successful production which lasted fro 30 hours of life, this what Chinese pilot has said in video interview.
d) why when you failed any plane , you came with B model and from last few years no JF17B,
e) why PAF not inducted that plane despite of news from last 3-4 years of buying?

the reason is simple, J10A failed , and PAF knows J10A is similar like JF-17, nothing new in it.

BTW , you know J10B supposed to have IRST, while LCA (Current) model has IRST itself.

Thats why no LCA crashed till now and JFT crashed,

LCA is a safe aeroplane so better use it as a transport aircraft....it is not a fighter...it does not fit in that category...a fighter that was supposed to replace Mig-21 by 2010..will eventually be inducted in 2015-2017..and LCA-MK2 somewhere in 2020 (If no delay)... it is like replacing Nokia 3310 with Nokia 1100 that too after 2 decades....where as other countries have replaced their Nokia 3310 with iphone 6 and samsung galaxy S-4.
DRDO must get a place in the Guinness Book of World records for the slowest decision making capabilities...eg: The GE-414 for the LCA-MK2 was decided in 2008 and orders were placed in 2013....5 years from decision making to placing order...wow...great job...
LCA MK2 is making in 2016 , model is already ready and integrated started.

India test things first, BTW our current LCA MKI have everything which your JF-17 MK2 and J10B will have , cheers,

while LCA MK2 will have many changes , new plane al together, while their is no major change in your MK2 models.
Thats why no LCA crashed till now and JFT crashed,

Well buddy , We like following Chinese model like WS-10 and WS-13 engine and JFT with Chinese engine and having some features which discard by 4th Gen. plane still use by JFT , like analogue FBW, no night flying etc was one.

Em not here to troll or fight bt let me clearify u...
LCA shoupd be first operational then wait it to crash...
LCA is not fully developed soo plzz stop comparing a under development jet with operational jet...
well PT-04 has digital FBW...
and operational JFT has almost digital FBW..
and about WS-13 JFT would be lucky to get that as its speed would cross from mach 1.8-2.0.....
and the WS-13 are more advanced than any RD series JFT currentely have.....
and actually its LCA thread soo if anyone trolls u by comparing JFT with LCA dont reply him.....kindely
Thanks you telling us , BTW Chinese 4.5 Gen JFT aka JF-17
- uses Analogue FBW controls ( World moved to Digital),
- uses Metallic airframe ( World moved to composite)
- crashed one time
- not having HMD system
- Not having IRST

Your Block-2 is planning to have all this, while LCA is will integrate all thing in MK-1 Version. Our present LCA is gen ahead of Chinese JF-17 and when MK-2 will again gen ahead.

Where Chinese stop thinking about JF-17 , LCA start thinking.

Chinese JF-17 is proved to be worst plane with nothing in terms of technology, Chinese trying sell this to other countries, even BL/Sri Lanka not interested in those plane which can be used as trainer at best.

SO instead of fooling here , its best you start with some technical point to prove that LCA is old technology and Chinese JF-17 is 4.5 gen technology?

it has composites in block 1 from 15-20%....
and block 1 was created actually to make PAF familiar with this bird thats why block 2 is being integrated in 2013 in just short perioud of 4-5 years.....
IRST tech was not considered and soo the HMD to male it cost effective and cheep thats why it was 15-20 mln$ while tejas was 31 mln$.....
here PAF have capasity at home to include IRST soo i don't suppose PAF will use this capacity by default on even block 2...
we can use IRST whenever we want and integrate it from PAC...
it's block 2 will have 40-60% composites and HMD and digital FBW control system and main thing it is being induced in 2013 while your Tejas mk1 will be with u in 2016 onwards while PAF will be prepering to induce JFT Blk 3....
blk2 will have more speed,payload than tejas....
more hard points...expected...
both would have DIGITAL fbw and HMDs......
and JFT is reality while tejas is in factory...
don't reply coz i know what u gonna say.....
chk out JFT info pool...
allz are there..
HMDs and digital FBWs are integrated with pt-04....
one more hard point...
and if engine is upgraded to WS-13 Then you would be in great trouble coz of mack2.0-2.2 speed and even more payload....
crashed coz it was being used...
u stay happy by keeping your Tejas in safe and saying ohh it doesnot crash...
A thread on AMCA will invariably turn to discussion about LCA. The reason is because LCA is taking forever and AMCA is nothing, zip, nada. So there is nothing to talk about on AMCA as the real thing would be quite different. Let the Indians get the LCA working first.

I leave up to my kids and then grandkids to talk about AMCA.
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