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Aero India: Photos of Re-designed AMCA

More power means more fuel burn. That means lower the range, high manufacturing cost, high operational cost & also maintenance headache.:azn:

more power also mean more Payload means More Fuel means Higher Range. If your words were true , Su35 < pak fa wont be having so long range.

About maintainance headache I will say Maintaining one type of engine with same Trained maintainence staff same spare parts, same workshops.

Having more and more type means more headache.
Actually it's more and evolution of the LCA intake / diverter design, you can also see the same air exits in both designs:


Sir,but intake of LCA is oval Y-duct while,AMCA intakes are rectangular s-duct.
IMO they are quite different
It's not only more power, it's far bigger! Besides that it might not even fit into AMCA in a twin engine config, it will limit the available space for internal fuel and weapons, not the other way around.

I agree . Difference in Dimentions is like 1 meter in Lenght and 200 mm in Dia. So is that a big headache to make plane 1 meter longer and 400mm broader ? 400 mm is roughly 1.3 feet only.

Fighter is only on CAD images. better start with 280KN of power now as compared to 190 KN. because when the fighter will be inducted 190 will be pretty outdated power for any 5th gen engine. Can you name any 5th generation fighter jet which have 2 x 95 kn engine ? a fifth generation fighter needs 5th generation sub systems. Without 5th gen engine, High end AESA radar, Sensor fusion , ECM and weapon package of 5th generation we will end up making a 4++ gen fighter jet comparable to EFT or Rafael at best.

I do not want future ACM to say AMCA is LCA ++ . If we simply have to buy the Engine either ways , Why not choose better one.

On other hand I don't think AMCA will be very practical. What advantage it will be having thn FGFA and Rafael in Ground attach moad ?
Without 5th gen engine, High end AESA radar, Sensor fusion , ECM and weapon package of 5th generation we will end up making a 4++ gen fighter jet comparable to EFT or Rafael at best.

Just that these fighters already have 5th gen capabilities, their engines and design for example makes them Supercruising, their ECM/ESM features are the most modern available, all they lack is design features. So if AMCA is a stealth fighter with technical capabilities similar to EF and Rafale, it would be clearly a NG fighter.
more power also mean more Payload means More Fuel means Higher Range. If your words were true , Su35 < pak fa wont be having so long range.

About maintainance headache I will say Maintaining one type of engine with same Trained maintainence staff same spare parts, same workshops.

Having more and more type means more headache.

I was taking AMCA in consideration i.e. weight of fighter is already decided so as its size. Bigger engine can take more fuel/payload, but why are negleciting the fact that AMCA will be stealth thats means no drop tanks, weapon load will be configure according to its internal pod.

Same thing again in chosing the engine initially. IAF already put the AMCA specificaiton (MTOW, paylad, emtyweight). Now of we will chose too much big engine than it can leads to lot of problems i.e. increased weight. WHile its profits will remain in shadows ie increase in MTOW beacuse we already give the order of heavy fighter. It is also not reasonable to introduce differnt fighter of same class.
This is still just a very early model so speculating at this point won't help us, but as I said before, AMCA won't have any advantage over FGFA in the strike role.

Isnt FGFA supposed to be the air superiority/air dominance platform opposed to AMCA's strike role? Atleast that was the original purpose, no? Or is it going to be a Hi/lo mix with FGFA/AMCA? If so, where does that leave Su-30MKI/Rafale mix? Would these platforms still be around? Is it going to be a waning 4.5 gen Hi/Lo mix with the emerging/developing 5th Gen Mix?
AMCA looks much better than the FGFA .
FGFA was just disappointment.

Guess what ? PAK_FA is up and flying and will be inducted in 4-5 years. AMCA, optimistic estimate is about 15-20 years.
Guess what ? PAK_FA is up and flying and will be inducted in 4-5 years. AMCA, optimistic estimate is about 15-20 years.

My only contention with FGFA is India's role in the project.
We are spending billions of dollars to become a partner in a joint project where our input is nothing.Then why not simply buy PAK FA .
Sir,but intake of LCA is oval Y-duct while,AMCA intakes are rectangular s-duct.
IMO they are quite different

That's why I said it's an evolution of the LCA air intake design, the Y duct comes because LCA is a single engine fighter, if it would be a twin engine fighter with the same air intakes, it would have S ducts.
That's why I said it's an evolution of the LCA air intake design, the Y duct comes because LCA is a single engine fighter, if it would be a twin engine fighter with the same air intakes, it would have S ducts.
Any reason why Pak-fa,YF-23 does not have serpentine intake,flat belly?
Superb design, AMCA looks more futuristic but both the 5th generation aircraft will become future strength of Indian Air Force but i think India will integrate every technology like advanced avionics more powerful than used in Su30 MKI, advanced radar from experience gained from Swordfish Long Range Tracking Radar development,missile evading sensors from experience gained from from BMD systems developments,Brahmos integration from experience gained from integrating Brahmos with Su30 MKI,etc etc.So i think India will put its entire skills,experience gained through joint developments,technology transfer and indigenously developed technology in this AMCA.Therefore when it will come out it will be a deadly and world class.
That's why I said it's an evolution of the LCA air intake design, the Y duct comes because LCA is a single engine fighter, if it would be a twin engine fighter with the same air intakes, it would have S ducts.
Didnt they have a problem with the LCA's air intakes? IIRC, the intake size was found to be inadequate limiting air supply to the engine. Hence they ended up creating a little opening at the intake sides to augment air flow into the engines.
Also, if they had to do an 'evolution' of the oval intakes, Rafale's intakes would be the ideal design, dont you think so?

Any reason why Pak-fa,YF-23 does not have serpentine intake,flat belly?

You should really go through some of the posts by @gambit who has gone to great lengths to explain how a modern aircraft's design can help reduce radar reflections.
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Any reason why Pak-fa,YF-23 does not have serpentine intake,flat belly?

Simply a different design approach.

Didnt they have a problem with the LCA's air intakes? IIRC, the intake size was found to be inadequate limiting air supply to the engine. Hence they ended up creating a little opening at the intake sides to augment air flow into the engines.
Also, if they had to do an 'evolution' of the oval intakes, Rafale's intakes would be the ideal design, dont you think so?

I think you mean the air intake changes of the MK2, but these are caused due to the engine change. The more powerful GE 414 needs more airflow, therefor needs some modifications at the air intakes and the same happend when Boeing switched from F18 Hornet, to Super Hornet. The only difference is, that they used it to get the air intake to the next evolution as well:


(Hornet below, Super Hornet above)

So ADA/DRDO did a similar evolution in design too, which actually is a good thing, but doesn't make them able to design a fully fledged 5th gen fighter today.
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