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Advisor to Iran’s Ali Khamenei meets Jammu & Kashmir CM

Giving it straight to you. Looking back at the history, do you think India has ever been willing to negotiate on Kashmir ? forget what Govt. of India says..
Negotiation essentially means to give up something for the sake of reconciliation. India much bigger a power and it will never negotiate with Pakistan on Kashmir. Plebiscite was the only chance that Pakistan ever had.

You could have just given me the Wikipedia link. It's more readable format there. If you read it yourself you will find it just says the same thing that I had been saying.

It sure does, But you claiming that it was entirely PAkistan was wrong and childish.

Negotiations failed due to interpretation ! from both sides, who are equally to be blamed

Negotiation essentially means to give up something for the sake of reconciliation. India much bigger a power and it will never negotiate with Pakistan on Kashmir. Plebiscite was the only chance that Pakistan ever had.
Your post is typical reflection of the reason why you will always find the resistance in Kashmiris
Bloated ego !

It sure does, But you claiming that it was entirely PAkistan was wrong and childish.

Negotiations failed due to interpretation ! from both sides, who are equally to be blamed

There is no scope for different interpretations. I have already quoted you the UNSC Resolution. Do let me know where is the scope for that.
There is no scope for different interpretations. I have already quoted you the UNSC Resolution. Do let me know where is the scope for that.
Oh yes there was. In every negotiation there is.

re-read the post that i wrote earlier
Let him meet him, so what? His visit doesn't figure much on the radar of the Kashmiri population anyway.
Your post is typical reflection of the reason why you will always find the resistance in Kashmiris
Bloated ego !
Kashmiri indigenous freedom struggle is a dead horse, not just today, but since it's very beginning.

Had there been any ounce of authenticity there, then we would have seen similar movements in Pakistani Kashmir too.

Anyways, whatever resistance was there has been crushed by local Kashmiris only.

Oh yes there was. In every negotiation there is.

re-read the post that i wrote earlier

Quoting it for you here :

1. The Government of Pakistan should undertake to use its best endeavours:

(a) To secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting, and to prevent any intrusion into the State of such elements and any furnishing of material aid to those fighting in the State;

2. The Government of India should:

(a) When it is established to the satisfaction of the Commission set up in accordance with the Council's resolution 39 (1948) that the tribesmen are withdrawing and that arrangements for the cessation of the fighting have become effective, put into operation in consultation with the Commission a plan for with-drawing their own forces from Jammu and Kashmir and reducing them progressively to the minimum strength required for the support of the civil power in the maintenance of law and order;
You should get in touch with an isis proponent and argue with him..As far as I am concerned they are doing what muslims have done over the centuries when killing millions. .The reason why none are surprised by their actions..just revolted as our ancestors would have felt by their presence.

The reason why most countries are afraid of their increasing population in their respective countries.
Listen even a historian can show you how stupidly you are brainwashed and desperate to bash

1) MANY scholars hundreds have condemned ISIS REPEATEDLY but your skin still crawls of what happened in india for 300 yrs!

2) MANY scholars signed and issued that ISIS and ITS LIKES are UNISLAMIC but you keep siding that ISIS is Islamic - Stop being a terrorists apologist or what I call a terrorist believer because of brainless people like you terrorists think they are famous and getting supports

3) When you dont know what is Islam dont bother commenting on it and looking like a 1st class fool!

4) As for not being surprised...WHO ISNT? Only indians coz in their brain it has been drilled Islam is bad coz indian Muslims get subsidy in their system ....Well that is india's fault and your brainwashed fault to not be able to distinguish right from wrong....
Anyways, whatever resistance was there has been crushed by local Kashmiris only.

Dont quote Pakistan here, We have not oprssed them in any way.

We dont have AFSPAS

The links states otherwise:

Murder in Uniform – Kashmir’s infamous “fake encounter” | Tribune International (Australia)

Another atrocity in Kashmir - The Hindu

MediaJotIndian Army Shows Extreme Atrocities in Kashmir

Keep your B.S lies such as resistance was crushed by Local Kashmiris to yourself

1. The Government of Pakistan should undertake to use its best endeavours:

(a) To secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting, and to prevent any intrusion into the State of such elements and any furnishing of material aid to those fighting in the State;

2. The Government of India should:

(a) When it is established to the satisfaction of the Commission set up in accordance with the Council's resolution 39 (1948) that the tribesmen are withdrawing and that arrangements for the cessation of the fighting have become effective, put into operation in consultation with the Commission a plan for with-drawing their own forces from Jammu and Kashmir and reducing them progressively to the minimum strength required for the support of the civil power in the maintenance of law and order;


Typical selective reading to suits one needs, A disgusting display of Biased view

However, both India and Pakistan failed to arrive at a truce agreement due to differences over interpretation of the procedure for and the extent of demilitarisation. One sticking point was whether the Azad Kashmiri army was to be disbanded during the truce stage or at the plebiscite stage.

In November 1948, although both the Indian and Pakistani governments agreed to hold the plebiscite, the failure of Pakistan to withdraw its troops from Kashmir was a violation of the agreed conditions for holding it and the process stalled.[33] Furthermore, the Indian Government distanced itself from its previous commitment to hold a plebiscite. India then proposed that Pakistan withdraw all its troops first, calling it a precondition for a plebiscite. Pakistan rejected the proposal on the grounds that the Kashmiris would be unable to vote freely in the presence of the Indian army and in the light of the friendship between Sheikh Abdullah and Indian Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. However, Pakistan proposed simultaneous withdrawal of all troops followed by a plebiscite under international aegis, which India rejected. As a result, Pakistani forces did not unilaterally withdraw
Dont quote Pakistan here, We have not oprssed them in any way.

We dont have AFSPAS

The links states otherwise:

Murder in Uniform – Kashmir’s infamous “fake encounter” | Tribune International (Australia)

Another atrocity in Kashmir - The Hindu

MediaJotIndian Army Shows Extreme Atrocities in Kashmir

Keep your B.S lies such as resistance was crushed by Local Kashmiris to yourself

Most of the members of CRPF or JAKLI there are local Kashmiris only.
The reason there tensions is due to cross border terrorism. You don't have such issues in Pakistani Kashmir because you don't have terrorists there. Had it been an independence movement by Kashmiris, then we would have seen the effects in both the parts. What does that tell us ? There is no independence movement!! Only attempts of land grabbing!!
Most of the members of CRPF or JAKLI there are local Kashmiris only.
The reason there tensions is due to cross border terrorism. You don't have such issues in Pakistani Kashmir because you don't have terrorists there. Had it been an independence movement by Kashmiris, then we would have seen the effects in both the parts. What does that tell us ? There is no independence movement!! Only attempts of land grabbing!!


Because they know we are not grabbing land like you are, We have not imposed our harsh will on them , unlike you.

And The rest are the links that I have posted. All is the proof of what is happening.

No matter how much you deny it, It will not change the ground reality of oppression committed by the Indian forces using the power of AFSPA

Because they know we are not grabbing land like you are, We have not imposed our harsh will on them , unlike you.

And The rest are the links that I have posted. All is the proof of what is happening.

No matter how much you deny it, It will not change the ground reality of oppression committed by the Indian forces using the power of AFSPA

Not true. Pakistan tried to invade Kashmir only a few months after it's creation, even before it's countrymen had a proper idea of Pakistan's map. Now we don't have a problem with that as well. But it became our problem when the Maharaja of Kashmir acceded to India on 26th October, 1947. Then, it became our concern.
Not true. Pakistan tried to invade Kashmir only a few months after it's creation, even before it's countrymen had a proper idea of Pakistan's map. Now we don't have a problem with that as well. But it became our problem when the Maharaja of Kashmir acceded to India on 26th October, 1947. Then, it became our concern.

Handing over part of Kashmir to china by pakistan - was it part of the deal? was it cleared by the UN, and was it approved by the kashmiris?
Not true. Pakistan tried to invade Kashmir only a few months after it's creation, even before it's countrymen had a proper idea of Pakistan's map. Now we don't have a problem with that as well. But it became our problem when the Maharaja of Kashmir acceded to India on 26th October, 1947. Then, it became our concern.

You keep on constantly change the tide of the subject every time your one-sided opinion is debunked.

It wasn't invaded after the fall of Hyderabad, India couldn't be trusted with Kashmir. The fact that local Population was Muslim and Maharaja Hindu> Kashmir was never given a proper chance to Air its view regarding the accession

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