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‘Admitting you are a secularist can get you killed in Pakistan’

your arab masters will sure dislike any islamic union which does not give them the power-seat!

When you give children too much religion you turn them into psychopathy, OCD & scrupulosity patients! Every human society has only progressed under secularism. Christianity and Judaism collapsed under their own weight and Islam is on the same path as well. Once the youth wakes up from the slumber of wasted years there will be many bloody revolutions, borders will be redefined, people will be killed and governments will be overthrown!

to create a ruling class and a ruled class. This is what it is all about!
Sir these things can be discussed and solved Sir this will take sometime but this will happen Sir and too much Islam makes a person more better and better and more love for humanity and hatred for evils comes in his heard or her heart

@Zarvan lets say you go over to Afghanistan with your idea, then march into Iran where shias will ask what have you done for shias in Pakistan? Then when you march near Turkey and they hear that Saudis will also be part of this group...What do you think their response will be?

Not until each country is slapped out of their NATIONALISM and united under ISLAM can anything be formed!

AS FOR EU it was formed because RELIGION was not taken into account...Then there were laws which benefitted everyone...THEY UNITED with a based IT IS EUROPEAN UNION (union meaning collection of sets is the set of all distinct elements in the collection.)

Now if you want to pull countries together under 1 banner or in ENGLISH WE CALL IT UNITE and that banner happens to be ISLAM a religion...THEN YOU must start by uniting the MUSLIMS so that they can actually agree to come under 1 flag!
Sir this is not the easy thing but this is the only way out Sir and Sir First read How European Union is working they have their countries and many of their own economy policies Sir we can have that kind of thing
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When you give children too much religion you turn them into psychopathy, OCD & scrupulosity patients! Every human society has only progressed under secularism. Christianity and Judaism collapsed under their own weight and Islam is on the same path as well. Once the youth wakes up from the slumber of wasted years there will be many bloody revolutions, borders will be redefined, people will be killed and governments will be overthrown!

Well, Islam asked for moderation now if someone misused that that is not the religion's problem it is the problem of the user....

Christianity and Judaism collapsed because politics overpowered religion...Islam is going down because THAT rule is being followed starting with SULTANATES!

@Talon Kindly read the definition of Secularism.

IS there something you can not understand? :blink:
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Sir this is not the easy thing but this is the only way out Sir and Sir First read How European Union is working they have their countries and many of their own economy policies Sir we can have that kind of thing

Please read my post
lets say you go over to Afghanistan with your idea, then march into Iran where shias will ask what have you done for shias in Pakistan? Then when you march near Turkey and they hear that Saudis will also be part of this group...What do you think their response will be?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/social...-get-you-killed-pakistan-5.html#ixzz2JGYNJIoU
Sir sorry for first 2/3 is not atheist still majority vast majority believes in GOD Sir still Islam is growing and Islam never said all will accept the truth accepting truth and leaving evils is not an easy thing Sir first know what Islam have said before talking crap again and again Sir and in yes either you are with Islam or you are with kufr their is no grey area

May be not in theory but in practice a world majority is still atheists.

Yup you got that right!

They were more duniyawi than religious!

It started off fine with the Rashidin khalifs but after that it was more about power...In the middle they acknowledged education and that period only was the golden age! the rest was abuse of power and authority!

It was supposed to be a democracy! In fact the 1st set of democracy before the west even knew what democracy was! But it went down it crap because of lack of trust hence the leadership became "throne" passed from father to son....

The Rashiduns do not have their hands clean! Studying some history will help here. They were probably the biggest wealth hoarding war mongers of their time.

Nope @Zarvan we need to start from scratch unite Muslims! THAT alone can only make anything move on!

Sir through this we can unite Muslims by forming European Union kind of thing and ending visa and making trade and business easier with each other and forming joint Military force we can bring Muslims lot closer

To have unity among a diverse range of people one has to have tolerance for others - a rare commodity among muslims and with self-righteous attitude, black and white theories and attitudes there is very little hope for progress in this regards. And the most importantly question of all time - who gets to be the kahlifa?

Sir I just said start with forming a Euorpean union kind of thing and that Khalifah thing is possible what problem of some people is they are to obsessed with master USA that even if they abuse their family their parents their children they feel proud that is the problem of Most secular liberal jerks in Muslim world at least and Sir for Muslims their is only one option Islam secularism is kufr and we are Muslims not kafirs

No one is obsessed with master USA more than the jehadi/tableegi breed ready to sell for dollars. Calling other liberal and secular jerks is of no benefit when much of the nuisance around the world has been perputated by the jehadi and tableegi breed motivated by US Dollars! Khalifas killed more fellow Muslims for their greed of power & wealth than the liberal/secular jerks ever could. Teaching censored history cannot cover facts!

By the way stop using that Anglo-Saxon world "Sir". Find something of your own!
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God doesn't exist in Secularism

Not necessarily! In secularism GOD should not intervene in affairs of the state...Meaning the govt can pass any bill which is anti religion and the religious bodies can stand with their banners in protest and that is about as far as religion will go...Meaning reduce the power given to religion and limit down...
May be not in theory but in practice a world majority is still atheists.

The Rashiduns do not have their hands clean! Studying some history will help here. They were probably the biggest wealth hoarding war mongers of their time.

To have unity among a diverse range of people one has to have tolerance for others - a rare commodity among muslims and with self-righteous attitude, black and white theories and attitudes there is very little hope for progress in this regards. And the most importantly question of all time - who gets to be the kahlifa?

No one is obsessed with master USA more than the jehadi/tableegi breed ready to sell for dollars. Calling other liberal and secular jerks is of no benefit when much of the nuisance around the world has been perputated by the jehadi and tableegi breed motivated by US Dollars! Khalifas killed more fellow Muslims for their greed of power & wealth than the liberal/secular jerks ever could. Teaching censored history cannot cover facts!

By the way stop using that Anglo-Saxon world "Sir". Find something of your own!
Sir you are obsessed with USA Sir not theory but fact still the majority of countries believe in GOD but and obsession of secular ashamed jerks is clear cut with USA they are ready to sell their honor and everything else for dollars and Muslims can form joining organisation and soon talks will happen because what Kufrs have done to Muslim lands this is not very far away
May be not in theory but in practice a world majority is still atheists.

The Rashiduns do not have their hands clean! Studying some history will help here. They were probably the biggest wealth hoarding war mongers of their time.

Depends on which history books you read! Humans are corrupt but the best example by far could have been the Rashidin khalifs...the rest following produced the start of monarchy called sultanates which in Islam's definition on its own is HARAM because Islam preached democracy!

@Talon Your post talks about something else. That's why. Leave it.
@KRAIT That is loveicons post you quoted!

By the way stop using that Anglo-Saxon world "Sir". Find something of your own!
@somebozo prefers you using BHAI SAHAAB for him rather than sir :)
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@Talon The hitwall was for Loveicon's post. :D

Rest was for your post.
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Not necessarily! In secularism GOD should not intervene in affairs of the state...Meaning the govt can pass any bill which is anti religion and the religious bodies can stand with their banners in protest and that is about as far as religion will go...Meaning reduce the power given to religion and limit down...

Acknowledging God while running state affairs means you are already under influence of religion
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