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Abu Dhabi crown prince 'proposed killing Taliban leaders'



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Feb 28, 2019
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United Arab Emirates
Mohammed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi's crown prince, proposed to set up an assassination programme targeting top Taliban leaders during a meeting with the top US diplomat earlier this year, the Middle East Eye (MEE) news website has reported.

The crown prince made the offer during Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's visit to the UAE on January 12 amid disagreements over the progress of peace talks between US and Taliban negotiators, MEE reported on Thursday, citing to a source with detailed knowledge of the meeting.

According to the source, bin Zayed told Pompeo that Washington risked allowing Afghanistan to fall back into the hands of the "backward, bearded bad guys" and proposed hiring mercenaries to kill Taliban leaders to weaken the group's negotiating position.

Pompeo was visibly taken aback by the offer, but said nothing, the source reportedly said.

The UAE has supported US efforts to broker a peace deal with the Taliban, and hosted a first round of negotiations between the two sides late last year in Abu Dhabi.

But bin Zayed is believed to have been frustrated that subsequent rounds of negotiations were moved to Qatar's capital, Doha, at the insistence of the Taliban, which has maintained a political office there since 2013.

In January, US and Taliban negotiators held a six-day meeting - which was described by Pompeo on Twitter as "encouraging" - in Doha, which also hosted marathon talks over 16 days in February and March.

According to MEE's source, bin Zayed warned Pompeo that withdrawing US forces from Afghanistan risked a regression back to 2001, prior to the US-led invasion that overthrew the Taliban government in Kabul.

The US hopes that a negotiated deal with the Taliban, which continues to battle Afghan government and international forces, could allow it to start withdrawing some of its 14,000 troops still in the country before the end of 2019.

But bin Zayed suggested instead organising what he called a "Blackwater-style" operation to "wage an assassination campaign against the first-line leadership of the Taliban" in order to prevent it from achieving its chief political demands, the source reportedly said.

Blackwater was the private security firm founded by Erik Prince, hired by the CIA in 2004 to locate and kill al-Qaeda operatives covertly.

It gained notoriety over its activities in Iraq where several contractors opened fire on unarmed civilians in Iraq's capital, Baghdad in 2007, killing 14 people and wounding 17 others.


Killing top official, in my opinion, would prolong the war. Since, there will be many factions and there will be in-fighting, and no central control so no way of negotiating.
I don't mean to insult, and undermine the 18 year war on terror, but I also do.

"Top Taliban Leaders" - who are we talking about here? There are around 60,000 members of the Taliban in concentrated areas of Afghanistan. There are millions of troops, satellites, intelligence agencies, spy drones and weapon systems IN and around the Taliban right now.

The first thing you do is you 'know your customer'. Make a list of your enemies, know everything about them and then destroy them. Its not a delicate complicated process. Its simple. You go and kill them.

They cant identify the enemies. Or they don't want to.

Please tell me, for the last 18 years what have these folks been doing? I'll tell you what.... They have been helping the Taliban.

2001 = 20,000 members
2019 = 60,000 members

60,000 - 20,000 = 40,000 increase.

So they spent 19 years carpet bombing the planet and managed to do a magic spell that instead of destroying the enemy, tripled them. Please don't tell me 'historical context, you don't know this fact and that fact and its a harsh reality'. An excuse is an still only an excuse.

The bottom line is the war machine is run by monkeys.

The real question that no one wants to ask is.. Who is going to hold the war machine and its representatives to account for total failure of reaching any its objectives whatsoever?

The US has been using this strategy of assassinating top Taliban leadership when ever they got the opportunity. It doesn't work because the Taliban don't operate like a conventional army. The leadership isn't as directly involved in the tactical and there are a bunch of local commanders who do most of the planning and execution.

Killing top leadership during negotiations would not just be bad for a US withdrawal with some sort of face saving but also really be a disaster on the world stage. You just don't call people over for negotiation and kill them. That has always been considered against agreed protocols.

Killing them during war is one thing but killing negotiators during peace talks is a whole different thing.


The US has been using this strategy of assassinating top Taliban leadership when ever they got the opportunity. It doesn't work because the Taliban don't operate like a conventional army. The leadership isn't as directly involved in the tactical and there are a bunch of local commanders who do most of the planning and execution.

Killing top leadership during negotiations would not just be bad for a US withdrawal with some sort of face saving but also really be a disaster on the world stage. You just don't call people over for negotiation and kill them. That has always been considered against agreed protocols.

Killing them during war is one thing but killing negotiators during peace talks is a whole different thing.


Could someone explain how the Taliban work, because we need to model this system and build every military in the world around them.

1. Incredibly poor
2. Dwell in caves
3. Mostly illiterate
4. No body armour
5. Basic weapon systems
6. Wear flip flops
7. Do not operate using a chain of command
8. Seem to grow bigger while you kill them
9. Have no leadership
10. Brought down the US Army, NATO and ISAF
11. Seem to magically manifest unlimited 'ammunition' and 'weapons' out of thin air, while being surrounded by sanctions in a desert.
Could someone explain how the Taliban work, because we need to model this system and build every military in the world around them.

1. Incredibly poor
2. Dwell in caves
3. Mostly illiterate
4. No body armour
5. Basic weapon systems
6. Wear flip flops
7. Do not operate using a chain of command
8. Seem to grow bigger while you kill them
9. Have no leadership
10. Brought down the US Army, NATO and ISAF
11. Seem to magically manifest unlimited 'ammunition' and 'weapons' out of thin air, while being surrounded by sanctions in a desert.
Could someone explain how the Taliban work, because we need to model this system and build every military in the world around them.

1. Incredibly poor
2. Dwell in caves
3. Mostly illiterate
4. No body armour
5. Basic weapon systems
6. Wear flip flops
7. Do not operate using a chain of command
8. Seem to grow bigger while you kill them
9. Have no leadership
10. Brought down the US Army, NATO and ISAF
11. Seem to magically manifest unlimited 'ammunition' and 'weapons' out of thin air, while being surrounded by sanctions in a desert.
When you put it that way, it looks impossible. But it is True.
Mohammed bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi's crown prince, proposed to set up an assassination programme targeting top Taliban leaders during a meeting with the top US diplomat earlier this year, the Middle East Eye (MEE) news website has reported.

The crown prince made the offer during Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's visit to the UAE on January 12 amid disagreements over the progress of peace talks between US and Taliban negotiators, MEE reported on Thursday, citing to a source with detailed knowledge of the meeting.

According to the source, bin Zayed told Pompeo that Washington risked allowing Afghanistan to fall back into the hands of the "backward, bearded bad guys" and proposed hiring mercenaries to kill Taliban leaders to weaken the group's negotiating position.

Pompeo was visibly taken aback by the offer, but said nothing, the source reportedly said.

The UAE has supported US efforts to broker a peace deal with the Taliban, and hosted a first round of negotiations between the two sides late last year in Abu Dhabi.

But bin Zayed is believed to have been frustrated that subsequent rounds of negotiations were moved to Qatar's capital, Doha, at the insistence of the Taliban, which has maintained a political office there since 2013.

In January, US and Taliban negotiators held a six-day meeting - which was described by Pompeo on Twitter as "encouraging" - in Doha, which also hosted marathon talks over 16 days in February and March.

According to MEE's source, bin Zayed warned Pompeo that withdrawing US forces from Afghanistan risked a regression back to 2001, prior to the US-led invasion that overthrew the Taliban government in Kabul.

The US hopes that a negotiated deal with the Taliban, which continues to battle Afghan government and international forces, could allow it to start withdrawing some of its 14,000 troops still in the country before the end of 2019.

But bin Zayed suggested instead organising what he called a "Blackwater-style" operation to "wage an assassination campaign against the first-line leadership of the Taliban" in order to prevent it from achieving its chief political demands, the source reportedly said.

Blackwater was the private security firm founded by Erik Prince, hired by the CIA in 2004 to locate and kill al-Qaeda operatives covertly.

It gained notoriety over its activities in Iraq where several contractors opened fire on unarmed civilians in Iraq's capital, Baghdad in 2007, killing 14 people and wounding 17 others.



Pompeo must be laughing. Had this be an option....!!
Could someone explain how the Taliban work, because we need to model this system and build every military in the world around them.

1. Incredibly poor
2. Dwell in caves
3. Mostly illiterate
4. No body armour
5. Basic weapon systems
6. Wear flip flops
7. Do not operate using a chain of command
8. Seem to grow bigger while you kill them
9. Have no leadership
10. Brought down the US Army, NATO and ISAF
11. Seem to magically manifest unlimited 'ammunition' and 'weapons' out of thin air, while being surrounded by sanctions in a desert.

Your 11 point is the most important question. The weapons and ammo doesn't simply manifest from some thin air. It needs money, hell lot of money and without external support it is never possible to the level Taliban are having them.
Taliban of afghansitan have beaten the mighty soviets and Nato. Who is the prince of abu dhabi?
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