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Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

In recent years, China have been trying to disband state run companies in favour of private companies. There will be less state controlled companies in China, which will not be good for China's national security.

Xi Jinping favors the SOE more than the POE, but right now he has to let some POEs become the minor shareholders of the SOEs, since many SOEs are plagued by the corruption of the princelings.

Due the corruption, many SOEs have huge liability and debt, so they need more capitals from the POEs.
Xi Jinping favors the SOE more than the POE, but right now he has to let some POEs become the minor shareholders of the SOEs, since many SOEs are plagued by the corruption of the princelings.

Due the corruption, many SOEs have huge liability and debt, so they need more capitals from the POEs.
A change of SOE leaderships is what's needed. I don't see why POE's money are required. China can print money and filter down to SOE.
Having seen so many POE in the west selling their souls to make a buck regardless of national security, Chinese leadership must do more to prevent these greedy POEs from gaining control of the economy. THis has already happened in the US and Europe.
A change of SOE leaderships is what's needed. I don't see why POE's money are required. China can print money and filter down to SOE.
Having seen so many POE in the west selling their souls to make a buck regardless of national security, Chinese leadership must do more to prevent these greedy POEs from gaining control of the economy. THis has already happened in the US and Europe.

He is trying to bring down those corrupt rats as much as he can.

Here is the executive of the CNPC. He is a puppet of Zeng Qinghong's princeling faction.

Jiang Jiemin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BTW, this is China's internal issue, it is not appropriate to discuss here.
A change of SOE leaderships is what's needed. I don't see why POE's money are required. China can print money and filter down to SOE.
Having seen so many POE in the west selling their souls to make a buck regardless of national security, Chinese leadership must do more to prevent these greedy POEs from gaining control of the economy. THis has already happened in the US and Europe.

Since those POEs were mostly owned by the relatives of those corrupt high-rank officials and princelings.

The best way to confiscate their properties is to lure them into the trap.

Xi Jinping has just recently confiscated many coal mines from those greedy private owners.

Once India have risen sufficiently just like China is today confronting the US because of clashing interest, India will do the same with China. For now they will lie low and do anything to secure investment in their infrastructure and economy.

For China, it still has time to learn from this. India will never ally with China in the long run, they have dreams of becoming the top dawg of the whole world and even beat China at the end and they may very well do it, unless China is careful and builds a strong alliance based on SCO and create an integrated economy in Asia that can easily counter the Indian threat.

Being from South Asia, I will tell you guys one thing, no one understands Indians more than fellow South Asians. Take it from us, they can beat China,.Japan, the US, EU and then some, if they can rise and acquire technology. They may lack in performance, but they make up for it with deception and cunning, which many of you guys lack.

This is REALLY interesting. Someone's voicing my stance on the Indian factor I call it. I have good friends from India and they are very successful. But, from an American standpoint, they are dangerous in many ways. Reason? Pure and simple, they have little if any, care for the US and its interest. Together on the dice they sing the "Strategic Partnership" anthem. But that's not the goal. There ain't no "Strategic Partnership" with the US in average Indian person's mind. It's a matter of $$$$. US is that ladder that India is climbing to get to the top of the fruit tree with $$$$ on it. When it gets up there, they'll sit by the fruit and will kick the ladder down. I wish our leadership in Washington could see it. The Indians will own the US (whatever ownership is left out of it, as they already own pretty much everything at some level) and my countrymen aren't catching up to it. The Indian businessmen are extremely cunning and deceptive and that's what I don't like about them. Nothing is fair deal, its just what serves their purpose no matter what. Another sad part is that thousands of Indians here on technical visas are using their friends legal papers to work in a place that otherwise goes to an American. But the gov't isn't doing proper checks and balances. These guys have it made for them here in the US and they are putting most of their money in India and then some in the US, every passing year shows you a much bigger Indian footprint inside the US and their lobby is already the best after Israel's.

So good for India and we are behind you with all of our $$$$ until you need them. But then kick our behind hard so we the Americans may learn what the he*ll we did to ourselves by outsourcing all jobs, technology, research and then allowing anyone from India on any status to come here, take any job whether they qualify or not or even have the documentation to work here or not...!!!

Ten years more I think and the tides will turn. You'll see a super assertive India. We'll just become the North America, still the best military and tech, but economically, India and China will take over. Sad part is, we let that happen by giving India trillions of dollars in the shape of investment and trillions more by bringing the labor force in millions to the US who did everything good, right, dirty and messed up to take jobs and built their internal network that then employs, refers and gives jobs only to their community. Even my employees try to do the same but I try to hire a mix and focus on Americans more as its my duty, beyond my personal greed. I will always support America's national security interests, and the American economy and jobs is one of it.

At the end who lost....the ordinary Americans!!! While a few got richer because of their greed.
We could've countered it better by being buddies with both India and China but we decided to go against the Communism again and went to Nationalist Hindus. GREAT!!!
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Too many Chinese have voiced their opinions in this thread. I want to hear from our Russian partners @vostok , @senheiser , and our Vietnamese partners @Viet , @Rechoice , @Soryu , @ViXuyen .

Also i extend this to any of the Korean, Indonesian, Malaysian, Filipino posters here.
No serious negotiations with Japan can be before they cease to be a vassal of the United States. Japan - a traditional enemy of Russia in the Far East. China has always been much closer to Russia than Japan.
And nowadays, in the conditions of the U.S. sunset and beginning redivision of the world, Russia is an ally of China.
Woah so many cocky people on this thread

Im not taking sides but just so its out there.. Vietnam has around 60 naval ships. China has around 500. Something to keep it mind when saying "we are going to kick *country name here* out of the waters".
why do we only have 60 and Chinese 500 ships?

I can tell you. China is a pathetic country.

Do you know how many wars they raged against Vietnam?
Any idea know how many times they supported our enemies raging wars against Vietnam?

Chinese are natural born coward, and always keen to seek wars with Vietnam (China has 1.4b people, while Vietnam has 90m). They avoid to confront a country of similar size and power such as Russia and America. Chinese politics is dirty, always seeks ways to keep Vietnam down.

Technology transfer , lol. In your dreams. You will be a customer of japan for second rate weaponry.
even second rate is good enough.
The Vietnamese is quiet. I really want to hear the Vietnamese vision for Asia in this discussion, especially from the little brother like @ViXuyen who I think is a true Vietnamese with Asian's interest in mind. Come talk brotha!
I have expressed a 10-point plan long a while how Vietnam and China can settle the dispute in the SC Sea. But you rather want to dictate than negotiate the terms. Hopeless.

Too many Chinese have voiced their opinions in this thread. I want to hear from our Russian partners @vostok , @senheiser , and our Vietnamese partners @Viet , @Rechoice , @Soryu , @ViXuyen .

Also i extend this to any of the Korean, Indonesian, Malaysian, Filipino posters here.
Many signs recently coming from Vietnam leadership indicate Vietnam is on track to negotiate an alliance with America and Japan.
We need protection against China aggression.
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Many signs recently coming from Vietnam leadership indicate Vietnam is on track to negotiate an alliance with America and Japan.
We need protection against China aggression.
Hurry up, I hope it will be finished as soon as possible, then we have every reason and excuse to strike vietnam at will. I have lost my patience, hope our government too.

My best wish is US and Japan brave enough to send their troops to vietnam to protect you. let us see what vietnam will be left after becoming a batttlground. I coundn't wait.
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I do not respect some service men in Bangladesh, because they are corrupt traitors who took money from India and are killing unarmed people for protesting in streets. So far the Indian puppet govt. killed thousands on Indian instruction.

India broke Pakistan using some of our in house traitors, and China did not recognize this new state till the pro-India Mujib was killed in 1975.

West Pakistan army tried to cleanse the country of traitors, but they made some excessive killing which was their mistake. But all of this started due to Indian organized killing of non-Bengali Muslims in then East Pakistan, that triggered the civil war. So India planned and instigated for years prior to the actual start of civil war in 1971.

In this way, India broke Pakistan and thus created two weak nations out of a bigger stronger united Pakistan, they consider it their biggest success and they are not wrong. Both wings of Pakistan have been stupid and both of us lost. Pakistan worked hard, became a nuclear power, while we remained a weak nation militarily, because since 1971, we became infiltrated and compromised by India.

Bangladeshi citizens need to get visa to go to India, so this is another lie. There is visa free access for Hindu nation Nepal, but even this Hindu majority nation also dislike India because of their interference in Nepal internal matters. Buddhist Sri Lanka also dislike India, because India sponsored and trained LTTE terrorist separatists there. All South Asian nations want to ally with China to counter Indian threat regardless of religious background.

You want Bangladesh as your state? I don't think you do, your Hindutva nationalists will never accept such a huge Muslim population and a small land to go with it. So your policy is to strangle us as much as possible and to keep us weak. So you dam up our river and make Bangladesh desert and you put your puppet dictator in place so we cannot even protest, elect strong leaders and develop our nation. And you dump your cheap worthless products in our market and want to keep a monopoly in this market, but keep non-tariff unwritten barrier to keep our product out.

Bangladesh main income from India? Are you joking? Our main income is from garment industry selling in world market and labor remittance from mid-east and Malaysia. Indian illegal 500,000 workers remit $3.5 billion per year from Bangladesh, while working as intelligence assets and trying to take control of garment factories. Many Hindu's also make money in Bangladesh and then invest their capital in India making houses or buying businesses there before moving, so there is big capital flight happening to the tune of few hundred million per mothe country of traitors, but they made some excessive killing which was their mistake. But all of this started due to Indian organized killing of non-Bengali Muslims in then East Pakistan, that triggered the civil war. So India planned and instigated for years prior to the actual start of civil war in 1971.

In this way, India broke Pakistan and thus created two weak nations out of a bigger stronger united Pakistan, they consider it their biggest success and they are not wrong. Both wings of Pakistan have been stupid and both of us lost. Pakistan worked hard, became a nuclear power, while we remained a weak nation militarily, because since 1971, we became infiltrated and compromised by India.

Bangladeshi citizens need to get visa to go to India, so this is another lie. There is visa free access for Hindu nation Nepal, but even this Hindu majority nation also dislike India because of their interference in Nepal internal matters. Buddhist Sri Lanka also dislike India, because India sponsored and trained LTTE terrorist separatists there. All South Asian nations want to ally with China to counter Indian threat regardless of religious background.

You want Bangladesh as your state? I don't think you do, your Hindutva nationalists will never accept such a huge Muslim population and a small land to go with it. So your policy is to strangle us as much as possible and to keep us weak. So you dam up our river and make Bangladesh desert and you put your puppet dictator in place so we cannot even protest, elect strong leaders and develop our nation. And you dump your cheap worthless products in our market and want to keep a monopoly in this market, but keep non-tariff unwritten barrier to keep our product out.

Bangladesh main income from India? Are you joking? Our main income is from garment industry selling in world market and labor remittance from mid-east and Malaysia. Indian illegal 500,000 workers remit $3.5 billion per year from Bangladesh, while working as intelligence assets and trying to take control of garment factoriesy. Many Hindu's also make money in Bangladesh and then invest their capital in India making houses or buying businesses there before moving, so there is big capital flight happening to the tune of few hundred million per month.

What you are dealing with is exposing India and its misdeeds in Bangladesh land mass since 1947.

Very nice.Sitting in Us you can pass such BS.But poor polevaulters from BD dont agree with you.For them South India is a gifted land.You know ,we know BD ct end a single cwithoutday without India .Your boasting is not good.Your BD can talk about your freedom because od us.Your freedom is our alms.
Really 2trillion dollar can move without BD.we can move without you But you cant move without us .that is the difference.Bhutan and Nepal citizens can move in toIndia without a visa all they need is some id card.And they valued their relation with.So there is no discrimination against Nepalese or Bhutanese in India but stupid polevaulters always a head ache to us.illegal s.
SAARC leaders attends our PM ceremoney.That talk alot about your stupid BS rants.We always aim for good cooperation but when you take it as granted and sheltered terrorits against us we will take action for our national security.we will take again that in future.
And we dont allows anyones hegemoney in India.
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Nice to see that Indonesia is being courted. Unlike courting Vietnam or Philippines the side who manages to get Indonesia on their side will automatically have South-East Asia region on their palm.
And Japan supports our Vietnamese partners in the quest to maintain regional stability. Critical to our interest is the maintain all respective powers to respect the and to follow through with precedents.

Sure Japan has an interest in the respect of territorial integrity of partners in accordance to international law. Except when it comes to South Korea and Russia. Aren't you claiming territories that they hold. Under what international law or right does japan claim the Kuril islands from Russia and the Dokdo islands from South Korea ?

But Indonesia , Malaysia, Brunei are all island nations. And thus, as per your sweeping charge, are to be undependable.

All those countries you mentioned are all claiming against each other not only against China. So China is merely one of the six claiments in the Spratly islands and one of the three claiment in the Paracel.
Hurry up, I hope it will be finished as soon as possible, then we have every reason and excuse to strike vietnam at will. I have lost my patience, hope our government too.

My best wish is US and Japan brave enough to send their troops to vietnam to protect you. let us see what vietnam will be left after becoming a batttlground. I coundn't wait.
why do you want to invade Vietnam just because we seek alliance with other countries?
Many countries have security alliance with America. When will you invade S Korea, Japan, Taiwan and many other in the region and the world?

If you haven´t noticed: Vietnam is a sovereign nation. We do what we like. Do you ask us for permission if you do military excises or make alliances with others? Do you respect us at all?

No, You have no say. You are zero. Don´t pretend you are God.

as for Japan, Vietnam has just proposed a field defence cooperation. That means, we would soon see Japanese army in Vietnam and vice versa, Vietnam army in Japan. Exciting times ahead.

Vietnam wants field defense cooperation with Japan - News VietNamNet
Nice to see that Indonesia is being courted. Unlike courting Vietnam or Philippines the side who manages to get Indonesia on their side will automatically have South-East Asia region on their palm.

Indonesia should join BRICS. It would give Indonesia the prestige it deserves, and may even boost SEA's image from a backwater to a region that produces winners.
Indonesia should join BRICS. It would give Indonesia the prestige it deserves, and may even boost SEA's image from a backwater to a region that produces winners.

As long as its not a formal alliances its possible. Indonesia prefer neutrality over all else though.
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