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Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

Really? So that basically is a sweeping judgment for Indonesia (240 million people), Malaysia (30 million), and the Philippines (100 million).

Your true colors come out.
Indonesia and Malaysia are muslim dominated. They have connection with Middle-east, a potential ally for the polar-world order. Unlike you and Phillipines, you both have a history. You both depend on the US. Am I right, my friend?
Possible if you return all 12 Paracel islands back to us...Until then ,we have made it clear that no negotiation is possible regarding the Spratly unless you return the Paracel islands and that is just the island issue...

And Japan supports our Vietnamese partners in the quest to maintain regional stability. Critical to our interest is the maintain all respective powers to respect the territorial integrity of partners in accordance to international law and to follow through with precedents.

Indonesia and Malaysia are muslim dominated. They have connection with Middle-east, a potential ally for the polar-world order. Unlike you and Phillipines, you both have a history. You both depend on the US. Am I right, my friend?

But Indonesia , Malaysia, Brunei are all island nations. And thus, as per your sweeping charge, are to be undependable.

Be direct, my Chugukojin friend, and not duplicitous / two faced.
The Chinese don't have a say in the strategic relationship Japan has with India. And it is apparent that the new Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi , who has a strong history with working with Japan, will be a perfect leader for India during this time. I believe that with Abe leading Japan and Modi leading India, will be a time of treat auspicious growth between our two countries.
The problem is Modi is a right-wing and don't look the US favorably like you do. This will cause problem in any potential alliance in the India-Japan. There is not trust between you and India. India view you as a potential investment life saver to help their economy. Unfortunate for you, Modi is also a pro-China investment and business cooperation and he already invited our Leader Xi for a state visit later this year.
The problem is Modi is a right-wing and don't look the US favorably like you do. This will cause problem in any potential alliance in the India-Japan. There is not trust between you and India. India view you as a potential investment life saver to help their economy. Unfortunate for you, Modi is also a pro-China investment and business cooperation and he already invited our Leader Xi for a state visit later this year.

Modi was just recently elected into office. We have yet to learn of his position in the geopolitical stage. But I am confident of strong Japanese and Indian cooperation.
But Indonesia , Malaysia, Brunei are all island nations. And thus, as per your sweeping charge, are to be undependable.

Be direct, my Chugukojin friend, and not duplicitous / two faced.
The muslim connection is the main reason why Indonesia and Malaysia will at least attempt to keep your master US at bay. They will never side with you to be subservient.
The muslim connection is the main reason why Indonesia and Malaysia will at least attempt to keep your master US at bay. They will never side with you to be subservient.

Jakarta (Antara News) - Whenever Indonesian and Japanese officials meet, their agenda topics usually concern economic issues, particularly on trade and investment cooperation.

But, it seems now Japan wants to open a new chapter of cooperation with Indonesia, which is one of the country`s main partners in economic cooperation.

When the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) Chief of Staff, General Eiji Kimizuka, paid a courtesy call on President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in Jakarta on January 29, 2013, Kimizuka discussed the need to establish military cooperation between the two nations.

Indonesia and Japan have agreed to increase cooperation in military, particularly concerning military training and exercises, human resources development, defense industry, contra-terrorism, and disaster handling, Indonesian Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said at the presidential palace, after attending the meeting between Yudhoyono and Kimizuka.

"In principle, in the past the bilateral cooperation between Japan and Indonesia focused on the economic field, but now they said their government is also ready to establish cooperation in the military field," Minister Purnomo told the press.

Purnomo said during the meeting Indonesia has also invited Japan to participate in the joint anti-terrorism drill which will be held in the Indonesian Peace and Security Center (IPSC) in West Java Province in September this year.

"Japan has agreed to take part in the counter-terrorism exercise involving 18 countries," the minister said.

He said Japan has decided to develop its self-defense force following unfavorable security situation in East Asia, although it was not allowed according to its Constitution after World War II.

"They informed Indonesia about their future plans. Although after WW II Japan was not allowed to develop its military power, the situation changes now," Minister Purnomo stated.

The Japanese Empire had occupied Indonesia, known then as the Dutch East Indies, during World War II from March 1942 until after the end of War in 1945. The Japanese troops had also invaded several other countries.

The US dropped two deadly atomic bombs on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, forcing the Japanese government to agree to surrender on August 14, 1945. On September 2, 1945 World War II officially ended.

Since then, the Japanese people have decided to become a pacifist nation. Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, which is sometimes referred to as the "Peace Constitution", denies Japan the right to declare war and forbids the establishment of a large army or navy.

It states "the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right and the threat of use of force as means of settling disputes" and armed forces "will never be maintained."

But, Japan`s stance has shifted following tension with China on the territorial dispute in the East China Sea.

Japan is trying to raise its profile in a new way, offering military aid for the first time in decades and displaying its own armed forces in an effort to build regional alliances and shore up other countries` defenses to counter a rising China, New York Times reported recently.

According to the US media, Japan has approved a $2 million package for its military engineers to train troops in Cambodia and East Timor in disaster relief and skills like road building. Japan`s Ministry of Defense said it planned to double its military aid program next year to help Indonesia and Vietnam.

Following the meeting between the Indonesian and the JGSDF delegations, Julian A Pasha, a presidential spokesman, told the media that the Indonesian and Japanese governments have agreed to intensify cooperation in maintaining stability in the Southeast Asian, East Asian, Asia and the Pacific regions.

The two nations have agreed that the stability in Asia must be maintained, and Japan as well as Indonesia will actively contribute to safeguarding of the regional security.

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa also confirmed that the two countries` delegations in the meeting discussed cooperation in military.

"The discussions concerned efforts to further strengthen the bilateral cooperation including in maintaining the (regional) stability," the minister stated.

In the meeting, General Eiji Kimizuka was accompanied by Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Yoshinori Katori, Colonel Yoshihisa Nakano (the head of the research and division C4 of the JGSDF`s Program and Policy Department), and the Japanese embassy`s Defense Attache Captain Toshiako Kondo.

President Yudhoyono was flanked by Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa, Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Army Chief of Staff General Pramono Edhie Wibowo and Teuku Faizasyah, a presidential special staff for international relations.

On January 18, 2013, President Yudhoyono held a bilateral meeting with the visiting Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe, in Jakarta, to discuss efforts to strengthen bilateral cooperation in all fields, not only in the economic sector.

"As we have known, the bilateral relations between Indonesia and Japan are very sound, solid and keep on flourishing, including cooperation in defense and military," Yudhoyono said after the meeting with Abe.
Modi was just recently elected into office. We have yet to learn of his position in the geopolitical stage. But I am confident of strong Japanese and Indian cooperation.
You need to learn about Modi. He is a pro-business but come to political interest, he's a hardliner and dislike the US. Ask the Indian in here, my friend. At best, they will maintain their non-alliance role.

Long live to the future of Japanese and Indonesian cooperation. Japan helped the Indonesians realize their indpedence movement from the Dutch in the Pacific War. So we have deep affections for each other.

Jakarta (Antara News) - Whenever Indonesian and Japanese officials meet, their agenda topics usually concern economic issues, particularly on trade and investment cooperation.

But, it seems now Japan wants to open a new chapter of cooperation with Indonesia, which is one of the country`s main partners in economic cooperation.

When the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) Chief of Staff, General Eiji Kimizuka, paid a courtesy call on President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in Jakarta on January 29, 2013, Kimizuka discussed the need to establish military cooperation between the two nations.

Indonesia and Japan have agreed to increase cooperation in military, particularly concerning military training and exercises, human resources development, defense industry, contra-terrorism, and disaster handling, Indonesian Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said at the presidential palace, after attending the meeting between Yudhoyono and Kimizuka.

"In principle, in the past the bilateral cooperation between Japan and Indonesia focused on the economic field, but now they said their government is also ready to establish cooperation in the military field," Minister Purnomo told the press.

Purnomo said during the meeting Indonesia has also invited Japan to participate in the joint anti-terrorism drill which will be held in the Indonesian Peace and Security Center (IPSC) in West Java Province in September this year.

"Japan has agreed to take part in the counter-terrorism exercise involving 18 countries," the minister said.

He said Japan has decided to develop its self-defense force following unfavorable security situation in East Asia, although it was not allowed according to its Constitution after World War II.

"They informed Indonesia about their future plans. Although after WW II Japan was not allowed to develop its military power, the situation changes now," Minister Purnomo stated.

The Japanese Empire had occupied Indonesia, known then as the Dutch East Indies, during World War II from March 1942 until after the end of War in 1945. The Japanese troops had also invaded several other countries.

The US dropped two deadly atomic bombs on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, forcing the Japanese government to agree to surrender on August 14, 1945. On September 2, 1945 World War II officially ended.

Since then, the Japanese people have decided to become a pacifist nation. Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, which is sometimes referred to as the "Peace Constitution", denies Japan the right to declare war and forbids the establishment of a large army or navy.

It states "the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right and the threat of use of force as means of settling disputes" and armed forces "will never be maintained."

But, Japan`s stance has shifted following tension with China on the territorial dispute in the East China Sea.

Japan is trying to raise its profile in a new way, offering military aid for the first time in decades and displaying its own armed forces in an effort to build regional alliances and shore up other countries` defenses to counter a rising China, New York Times reported recently.

According to the US media, Japan has approved a $2 million package for its military engineers to train troops in Cambodia and East Timor in disaster relief and skills like road building. Japan`s Ministry of Defense said it planned to double its military aid program next year to help Indonesia and Vietnam.

Following the meeting between the Indonesian and the JGSDF delegations, Julian A Pasha, a presidential spokesman, told the media that the Indonesian and Japanese governments have agreed to intensify cooperation in maintaining stability in the Southeast Asian, East Asian, Asia and the Pacific regions.

The two nations have agreed that the stability in Asia must be maintained, and Japan as well as Indonesia will actively contribute to safeguarding of the regional security.

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa also confirmed that the two countries` delegations in the meeting discussed cooperation in military.

"The discussions concerned efforts to further strengthen the bilateral cooperation including in maintaining the (regional) stability," the minister stated.

In the meeting, General Eiji Kimizuka was accompanied by Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Yoshinori Katori, Colonel Yoshihisa Nakano (the head of the research and division C4 of the JGSDF`s Program and Policy Department), and the Japanese embassy`s Defense Attache Captain Toshiako Kondo.

President Yudhoyono was flanked by Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa, Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Army Chief of Staff General Pramono Edhie Wibowo and Teuku Faizasyah, a presidential special staff for international relations.

On January 18, 2013, President Yudhoyono held a bilateral meeting with the visiting Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe, in Jakarta, to discuss efforts to strengthen bilateral cooperation in all fields, not only in the economic sector.

"As we have known, the bilateral relations between Indonesia and Japan are very sound, solid and keep on flourishing, including cooperation in defense and military," Yudhoyono said after the meeting with Abe.
Do you want me to cite our military collaboration, especially on missile and training too? You see, my friend. Indonesia is playing you for self-interest but they won't side with you to confront us directly and betray the Muslim vision which is very similar to us.
Do you want me to cite our military collaboration, especially on missile and training too? You see, my friend. Indonesia is playing you for self-interest but they won't side with you to confront us directly and betray the Muslim vision which is very similar to us.

1. China is not muslim; your government endorses an anti-religion stance and hence you persecute the muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang.

2. Indonesia was incensed with your so called 9 dash claim that includes the Indonesian-administered Natuna Islands. Leading to them to bolster military presence in that region.

You need to really read more before you spew nonsensical jargon, my Chugukojin friend.
Modi was just recently elected into office. We have yet to learn of his position in the geopolitical stage. But I am confident of strong Japanese and Indian cooperation.

Modi and Majority of Indians favor Japanese money over Chinese. The era of Congress is over AND NOW what what majority Indians think, will prevail.

Modi first coutry of visit will be Japan.

China should immediately resolve the Border issues and bank role projects very close to Modi heart to change his intentions. TIME is running out of China..if Abe moves faster than China....

Modi / Indians do not count on Americans .......He will not engage much with Americans./ Europeans. Its going to be Japan, Russia and China that Modi will engage more now. Its the Age of Asia now..
Modi and Majority of Indians favor Japanese money over Chinese. The era of Congress is over AND NOW what what majority Indians think, will prevail.

Modi first coutry of visit will be Japan.

China should immediately resolve the Border issues and bank role projects very close to Modi heart to change his intentions. TIME is running out of China..if Abe moves faster than China....

Modi / Indians do not count on Americans .......He will not engage much with Americans./ Europeans. Its going to be Japan, Russia and China that Modi will engage more now. Its the Age of Asia now..

Japana - Hindi Bhai Bhai !
1. China is not muslim; your government endorses an anti-religion stance and hence you persecute the muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang.

2. Indonesia was incensed with your so called 9 dash claim that includes the Indonesian-administered Natuna Islands. Leading to them to bolster military presence in that region.

You need to really read more before you spew nonsensical jargon, my Chugukojin friend.
1. We have a very productive relationship with all Muslim states. Our pivot to the Middle-east will demonstrate that in the future. Don't lie, there are Hui Muslim that peacefully co-exist with Han and other ethnic minority. The separatist Uighurs are the one that we go after. The common Uighurs still live peacefully.

2. Nonsense. We never claim Natuna and recognize it is Indonesia's island. Again, don't use 9-dash line to smear your anti-China campaign. You need to stop claiming Dokdo as your. It is inherently belong to Korea. Stop your imperial ambition. Korea have suffer a lot from you.
1. We have a very productive relationship with all Muslim states. Our pivot to the Middle-east will demonstrate that in the future. Don't lie, there are Hui Muslim that peacefully co-exist with Han and other ethnic minority. The separatist Uighurs are the one that we go after. The common Uighurs still live peacefully.

2. Nonsense. We never claim Natuna and recognize it is Indonesia's island. Again, don't use 9-dash line to smear your anti-China campaign. You need to stop claiming Dokdo as your. It is inherently belong to Korea. Stop your imperial ambition. Korea have suffer a lot from you.

Jakarta. In a move that could have serious repercussions for the security situation in the South China Sea, Indonesian officials on Wednesday acknowledged that China was claiming part of Indonesia’s Riau Islands province as its own territory.

The Indonesian Military’s (TNI) Air Commodore Fahru Zaini, who is a member of the defense strategy unit at the office of the coordinating minister for political, legal and security affairs, said that China had included parts of the Natuna Islands within its so-called nine-dash line.

This line indicates the border of China’s maritime claims, comprising almost the entire South China Sea. An image depicting the nine-dash line was also included in newly issued Chinese passports.

“What China has done affects the Unitary State of Indonesia,” Fahru said in Natuna on Wednesday.

“As such, we have come to Natuna to see firsthand the strategic position of the TNI, especially in its ability, strength and its deployment of troops, just in case anything should happen in this region.”

Indonesia is not the only country whose territory China has laid claim to, with Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Taiwan all experiencing similar problems in the South China Sea.

Fahru emphasized that in order to protect Indonesian territorial integrity, it was important to strengthen social cohesion in the country’s outlying areas, like the district of Natuna.

“[In] border areas such as Natuna, the unity of people across all ethnicities needs to be strengthened — unity needs to be prioritized so that it will not be easily influenced by other countries,” he said, adding that Indonesia was strategically located, with foreign boats and aircraft passing by on a daily basis.

“This strategic location can be an advantage, but there are some downsides. It all depends on how we implement it as a state,” Fahru said.

Gen. Moeldoko, the TNI chief, last week flew to China to attend a meeting with his Chinese counterpart to affirm Indonesia’s commitment to stabilizing the volatile South China Sea area.

Returning from his trip, Moeldoko said he had plans to further strengthen Indonesia’s presence in the Natuna Islands, because of their strategic location.

“We have to continue monitoring the developments in the South China Sea cautiously,” Moeldoko told reporters last week, as quoted by Tempo.co.

He emphasized that any negative events taking place in the area could have a dangerous impact on Indonesia, saying that he had asked the heads of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force to put together a formula to strengthen the military force in Natuna.

He also added that the military would be adding at least one Army battalion in addition to strengthening its existing naval base in Natuna.

“We will also prepare fighter aircraft in the area,” he said.

Seems like China has yet again ruffled the feather of another major player in the region. Indonesia. As we speak, we are courting stronger relationship with them.
Jakarta. In a move that could have serious repercussions for the security situation in the South China Sea, Indonesian officials on Wednesday acknowledged that China was claiming part of Indonesia’s Riau Islands province as its own territory.

The Indonesian Military’s (TNI) Air Commodore Fahru Zaini, who is a member of the defense strategy unit at the office of the coordinating minister for political, legal and security affairs, said that China had included parts of the Natuna Islands within its so-called nine-dash line.

This line indicates the border of China’s maritime claims, comprising almost the entire South China Sea. An image depicting the nine-dash line was also included in newly issued Chinese passports.

“What China has done affects the Unitary State of Indonesia,” Fahru said in Natuna on Wednesday.

“As such, we have come to Natuna to see firsthand the strategic position of the TNI, especially in its ability, strength and its deployment of troops, just in case anything should happen in this region.”

Indonesia is not the only country whose territory China has laid claim to, with Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Taiwan all experiencing similar problems in the South China Sea.

Fahru emphasized that in order to protect Indonesian territorial integrity, it was important to strengthen social cohesion in the country’s outlying areas, like the district of Natuna.

“[In] border areas such as Natuna, the unity of people across all ethnicities needs to be strengthened — unity needs to be prioritized so that it will not be easily influenced by other countries,” he said, adding that Indonesia was strategically located, with foreign boats and aircraft passing by on a daily basis.

“This strategic location can be an advantage, but there are some downsides. It all depends on how we implement it as a state,” Fahru said.

Gen. Moeldoko, the TNI chief, last week flew to China to attend a meeting with his Chinese counterpart to affirm Indonesia’s commitment to stabilizing the volatile South China Sea area.

Returning from his trip, Moeldoko said he had plans to further strengthen Indonesia’s presence in the Natuna Islands, because of their strategic location.

“We have to continue monitoring the developments in the South China Sea cautiously,” Moeldoko told reporters last week, as quoted by Tempo.co.

He emphasized that any negative events taking place in the area could have a dangerous impact on Indonesia, saying that he had asked the heads of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force to put together a formula to strengthen the military force in Natuna.

He also added that the military would be adding at least one Army battalion in addition to strengthening its existing naval base in Natuna.

“We will also prepare fighter aircraft in the area,” he said.

Seems like China has yet again ruffled the feather of another major player in the region. Indonesia. As we speak, we are courting stronger relationship with them.
This is why you cannot lie without looking at fact. We never claim Natuna. No evidence. The article only mention that Natuna's EEZ is inside the 9-dash line and it caused concern for Indonesia but we already told Indonesia to not concern over minor issue.
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