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Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

First, our 9-dash claim is a reference. We never said it was territorial water. Free lance is open inside the 9-dash claim.

Why china said it offers int'l bidding 9 blocks near Vietnam's shore for oil exploration in 2012? It is based on 9 dash line map?



How explain about this, the chinese?
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It's highly laughable that some USAremicans are questioning the source of information of other forum members when all they can quote are US sources without one ounce of understanding what is happening on the ground in many old EU countries.

Reading articles about the relationship between the US and EU-countries does not reflect the true sentiment of the vast majority either, because our mainstream news media are all controlled by transatlantists. But go into the comment sector and you will more likely see what most people think about the US. The sentiment has turned dramatically ever since the banking crisis. The NSA scandals plus the Ukraine crisis were the last drops to bring the bucket to overflow.
According to reports of Economists, a majority of Germans understand or support Russia's action in Ukraine, which is really a slap on US face, who boast the whole world support its isolation on Russia
Indeed. I hope that the Indonesian side remembers the contribution Japan gave to Indonesia during its plight against the Dutch imperialists.

Indonesiya Raya!

Of course we remember. We name one of our street after a Japanese admiral.

BTW word from the wise don't hope to much from Abe. Old "tricky dick" is much more trustworthy than him.
It's highly laughable that some USAremicans are questioning the source of information of other forum members when all they can quote are US sources without one ounce of understanding what is happening on the ground in many old EU countries.

Reading articles about the relationship between the US and EU-countries does not reflect the true sentiment of the vast majority either, because our mainstream news media are all controlled by transatlantists. But go into the comment sector and you will more likely see what most people think about the US. The sentiment has turned dramatically ever since the banking crisis. The NSA scandals plus the Ukraine crisis were the last drops to bring the bucket to overflow.
No doubt the NSA revelations have hurt EU-American relations but I see no real majority emerging that would favour a turn from "Atlantacism" to Putin's vision. There simply is no future in that. Europeans know that which is why they did not hesitate to suspend Russia's membership in the G-8, now G-7 group, despite the threat to natural gas supplies from Russia. Indeed, the further east one goes in Europe, the more fearful European countries are toward Russia...and for good reason. The invasion of the Crimea and eastern Ukraine has strengthened NATO ties, not weakened them.

According to reports of Economists, a majority of Germans understand or support Russia's action in Ukraine, which is really a slap on US face, who boast the whole world support its isolation on Russia
Hmmm, someone forgot to tell the German people that.

50% support economic sanctions against Russia.
51% support travel restrictions and freezing the assets of Russian politicians.
69% support economic and financial assistance to the new Ukrainian government.
Let me try to draw a parallel between the Eastern and Western theatre. The EU seems to have some problems with Russia (in fact, we don't, but that's a different story), East and Southeast Asia seem to have problems with China. Both regions rely on the US to counter these two countries. Now, take away the US (more likely than you think) and the only one caught with its pants down are the Asian countries.

Why? The only capable country (technology, economy and manpower wise) in the East is Japan, the rest, in fact only Vietnam and Philippines are against China, are dirt poor and lack any technology. All these two countries have is low quality manpower.

The EU on the other hand has Germany, France, Italy and the Benelux (leave the US mole UK outside) with all the high-tech, economic and high quality manpower clout to build up a formidable military if there arises a need. That's why more and more people come to realize the need to get out of US-led NATO and form our own alliance, not to counter Russia but to form an even greater Eurasian economic zone spanning from Lisbon to Shanghai without the US being able to play dirty tricks.

Without the US, Japan is pretty much on its own and with a stagflationary economy going well into its third decade, I don't see anything positive for Japan in its future.

So why the chinese jumping up and down when Japan military buildup?:taz:
And the chinese are still crying about WW2 as a reason to contain Japan?
So why the chinese jumping up and down when Japan military buildup?:taz:
And the chinese are still crying about WW2 as a reason to contain Japan?
It is just desperate plee because they know once the samurai picks up his gear they have no chance. It is too late anyway. Soon Japan will have the finest army in east-Asia.
No doubt the NSA revelations have hurt EU-American relations but I see no real majority emerging that would favour a turn from "Atlantacism" to Putin's vision. There simply is no future in that. Europeans know that which is why they did not hesitate to suspend Russia's membership in the G-8, now G-7 group, despite the threat to natural gas supplies from Russia. Indeed, the further east one goes in Europe, the more fearful European countries are toward Russia...and for good reason. The invasion of the Crimea and eastern Ukraine has strengthened NATO ties, not weakened them.

It's hard for you to understand that not going with the US doesn't equate to going to bed with Russia. The EU is economically, technologically and also demographically capable to be an independent group working independently with Russia and other partners.

The G8/ G7 group is a joke at best. Listen to the people on the ground, as I have told you, not the mainstream media. See the shitstorms the mainstream media has created against the transatlantist propaganda. Look at the parties that have gained ground and see their agendas.

Hmmm, someone forgot to tell the German people that.

50% support economic sanctions against Russia.
51% support travel restrictions and freezing the assets of Russian politicians.
69% support economic and financial assistance to the new Ukrainian government.

Your source?

My source: Majority against more NATO presence in Eastern Europe (that not even a mainstream media can suppress)
Mehrheit gegen stärkere Nato-Präsenz in Osteuropa - Politik-News - Süddeutsche.de
Hmmm, someone forgot to tell the German people that.

50% support economic sanctions against Russia.
51% support travel restrictions and freezing the assets of Russian politicians.
69% support economic and financial assistance to the new Ukrainian government.
Even assum your number is right, around 50% is not a good number at all, considering it comes from one of your so-called strongest allies.
why do we only have 60 and Chinese 500 ships?

I can tell you. China is a pathetic country.

Do you know how many wars they raged against Vietnam?
Any idea know how many times they supported our enemies raging wars against Vietnam?

Chinese are natural born coward, and always keen to seek wars with Vietnam (China has 1.4b people, while Vietnam has 90m). They avoid to confront a country of similar size and power such as Russia and America. Chinese politics is dirty, always seeks ways to keep Vietnam down.

even second rate is good enough.
Dirty politics to deal. With dirty viets. Poetic and necessary .
I think right now, Japan navy is No. 1 in East-Asia.
Yup, but that is not enough. Their navy will get even more stronger. They need to work on their airforce. Soon they will get f-35 but they are also busy with their own 5th gen jet that will be devastating. More importantly they need stronger land army that can invade and occupy parts of China.
Your source?


The EU is economically, technologically and also demographically capable to be an independent group working independently with Russia and other partners.
That very well may be....but it did not stop that same EU from imposing sanctions against Russia, however cautious they may be in that effort. :azn:

Even assum your number is right, around 50% is not a good number at all, considering it comes from one of your so-called strongest allies.
I would consider 50% to be remarkable given Germany's dependence on energy supplies from Russia.
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