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Abbottabad Operation MUST Be Reinvestigated & Pakistani Accomplices Brought To Book

Out of curiosity what exactly stinks from Pakistan's security standpoint ?
at the end of the day your golden goose OBL got cooked

finally OBL exposed many .
Show me one piece of hard evidence to prove that OBL was killed in Abbotabad.

the house was demolished because the terrorist was found there .
finally OBL exposed many .

the house was demolished because the terrorist was found there .

As far as USA goes there is nothing that OBL can expose. America had nothing to do with Arab Muhajdeen in Afghanistan. Now I do not know what the deal with Saudi Arabia is. I cannot speak for Pakistani-Saudi dealings in this regard.
Has anyone asked why the Abbottabad Commission has not released its report?

Pakistan has a long history of evading the truth. Whether it's 1971, Abbottabad, the mysterious death of Zia ul Haq, the assassination of Benzair Bhutto, Kargil, or whatever. In face of big questions, Pakistan proverbially likes to put its head in the ground and hopes the problem just goes away, when, in reality, it just festers like an unhealed injury.

One can only imagine how this project to the rest of the world.

after OBL raid pakistan jailed and punished dr shakil afridi proves who kept OBL in abbottabad.
If the raid did not happen why jail the poor doctor for 30+ years ?

problem is people are angry that their closely guarded secret was out that they kept OBL in their country .
frustration led to punishment of dr shakil afridi .
problem is people are angry that their closely guarded secret was out that they kept OBL in their country .
frustration led to punishment of dr shakil afridi .

I would disagree about the closely guarded part
There was no such operation, just theatrics to end the Afghan war. Pakistan benefited greatly from this episode.

denial thy name is that ^. Your military & civilian leaders have accepted it happened but some like you continue to live in wishful denial. Add this to 'Armstrong never landed on moon', 'earth is flat', 'illuminaties did nine eleven' etc.
After Musharraf you should thank Kiyani was there. I know Mr Kasana he is uncle (Mamo) of my childhood friend. But he is dead wrong here. Kiyani was the one who changed the game of Army. From training, and equipment, and boosting morale Kiyani changed the game of Pakistan Army for good. Intelligence failure happens. Nobody in their right mind would have thought that Osama would choose a city that too Abotabad to hide in plain sight. Plus in 2011 you lacked coverage of your western borders.

Mr Zarvan, I am selling Brooklyn Bridge and I am 100% Sure smart (smart) person like yourself will make millions every day
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