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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

I just visited the Indian Defence forum to see what they had to say about this , this was my first visit there and I have to say I was quite surprised , they are so pathetic and immature , personal insults , death threats and what not , and they ask why people don't like them , those words give an impression of their country , they can go ruin themselves I guess.
on topic : awesome achievement, I'm still laughing at the immaturity of the butthurt indians.

Yup it was pretty disgusting, i visited it too. I guess even many Indians would prefer having a sane discussion here on PDF than to go to Indian defence forum
They are just saying what their media tells, they majority believes it's all about just paint job and that too not much shiny even changes color while flying.

I know bro, These kids compare a missile launch to a man getting an enlargement wink; No it's not blue pill its the real thing. Trust me ur wife will notice! haha
I am no expert on the matter, but I think it does little to neutralize India's ABM shield

1) S-400 can trace (and hence attempt to target) the missile well inside Pakistan's airspace, or well before it has started descent for multiple war head delivery
2) If we believe the capabilities of S-400, it is little (or no) different for it to be faced with 1 missile or 4 smaller missiles at a time

So, in my humble opinion, where MIRV capability will aid future critical developments, there it cannot be dubbed as an anti anti-missile shield weapon
1. Negative. Contrary to the popular belief, MIRV deployment begins during ascent after termination of boost phase.
2. True that the difference Ababeel brings to the table is only 3 times more RVs, however S-400's terminal exo/endo-atmospheric interception envelope can not intercept ballistic targets with speeds over 4800m/s (~Mach 15).
Aji thora bold part ko explain tou kariye. :P
Explain the bold part please. How?
The missile will be test fired from Pakistani territory which is roughly 200 KM from Indian border. Indian radars can pick up the missile during launch phase and hit the missile during its course.

The Green pine radars can pick up even small objects like foot ball that fly 100's of km away.

This missile cannot be a shield to implement the left over agenda after partition for pakistan.
Bro it carries hardly 2-3 warheads.It's just a SHAHEEN with slightly modified airframe .Real MIRVs which can't be destroyed are procured by USA or Russia.Their MIRV even has more than 10 warheads.
Our BMDs are enough for this missile.
All You indian kids are funny. Do you actually think It's possible to fake a missile test in this day and age? With all the spying tools n technology i.e radars, satellites ? Do you actually believe that Pakistan launched a missile into the sky and India didn't know What kind it was? Where it was headed? If India didn't know then i have to say All ur intelligence agencies, Ur militaire, ur airforce and all the junk u spend billions of dollars on procuring from Isreal, Russia, U.S is Absolutely Waste of money n junk.
Like i said not the color of missile this time, it's a matter of Grammer and twisting of words. Look here boy Pakistan wasn't trying to impress the Pakistani Public definitely not pdf fans when it performed the test. It was sending a message a message to India. Trust me Indian Navy, Raw, Iaf, etc... Was watching the test on their fancy gadgets from russia, Isreal, USA. Come on now we live in the 21st century. N please don't try to tell me Pakistan Launched a missile and Indian air Force, raw, Navy didn't know what kind it was n wher it was going.
India have no such capability to track missile tests by other countries with such precision..
For acquiring MIRV tech, you have to master many sophisticated technologies from boosters to radars, seekers and sophisticated mission control centers..Also cutting edge techs like weapon dispersion, thermonuclear miniaturization, re entry of mirvs etc.. If Pakistan conducted a successful MIRV tech demonstration, it's a big leap for Pakistan in the field of defence technology.
Bro it carries hardly 2-3 warheads.It's just a SHAHEEN with slightly modified airframe .Real MIRVs which can't be destroyed are procured by USA or Russia.Their MIRV even has more than 10 warheads.
Our BMDs are enough for this missile.

These days there are technologies which can destroy the missile in the enemy territory itself. The missile has to travel some time to cross the border. Mean time there is enough time for ABM systems.

The MIRV capability comes handy once the missile nears the target.
Is it just me or does this 'infographic' mentions MIRVs somewhere?

Edit: My bad, I seem to have engaged the wrong person. You have a nice day, sir. :cheers:

Thought of answering you, deleted my post. Thanks for notifying me.
These days there are technologies which can destroy the missile in the enemy territory itself. The missile has to travel some time to cross the border. Mean time there is enough time for ABM systems.

The MIRV capability comes handy once the missile nears the target.
Also it takes time to change different trajectories..For a nearest country like Pakistan it can be destroyed even before releasing first warhead..
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