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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

id assume this is just to validate the mirv part of the missile works, id expect athe induction of a missile that can comfortably hold the mirv section that can do 3000km so it can fire from any point in pakistan to any point in india
Just a suggestion , someone changed the "Title of the thread in morning after it was confirmed it was a MIRV" after the thread was started perhaps that may be the reason why the forum is acting up on this particular thread, a wild guess. May be the change did not get updated in all systems correctly if the site suffered minor down time

Worth a quick check if that may be indirectly effecting some of the issues on the site i.e clicking and page links

@Zaki I think you accidentally gave him a negative rating on that comment ?
Both Babur 3 and this missile are at initial development stages and these missiles take years to mature.

Pakistan makes tall claims, simple as that.

How Babur 3 and Ababeel are at initial developmental stages when they are based on Operational and working designs ?

Just as The JASSM-ER is an advanced version with a range of 1000 KM of the AGM-158A cruise missile (370KM). The JASSM-ER has 70% hardware commonality and 95% software commonality with the original AGM-158 JASSM.

Pakistan hasnot built Babur 3 and Ababeel from the scratch.
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Both Babur 3 and this missile are at initial development stages and these missiles take years to mature.

Pakistan makes tall claims, simple as that.

at least we test Systems before we brag about them, not like you guys, your fellow Countrymen has been shooting down our Fighters with Mystical S-400 which you did not even have , let alone integrate completely ...
Mubarak to Pakistani nation. Inshalllah you are stronger than ever. As a norwegian-bengali i salute Pakistan. Now the next crucial step is to fullfill the huge economic potential of Pakistan. By Allahs will you become prosper.

Hopefully my birth country also be strong enough to resist foreign interference and bullying. It will happen. India cant keep subjugating 170 million single-ethnic Bangladeshi muslims.

So what you say? Pakistan "borrow" us nuke tech in 10 years ?? Come on yaar :p::p::p::p:
Both Babur 3 and this missile are at initial development stages and these missiles take years to mature.

Pakistan makes tall claims, simple as that.

Not as tall as indian claims that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. That it was impossible for Pakistan to ever do so.............:lol::lol:
Good Job but which Missile is this or have they changed name of the Missile ?
Its tip is change only because of Multiple warheads capability as mentioned that it can attack multiple targets. otherwise Pakistan has 2000KM Shaheen2 and 2750KM Shaheen 3 so there is no logic of another missile in the mid of both.
Why cant we use these sort of missles for air defense?? We need to make a air defense shield to counter supersonic and subsonic missles??
MIRV capable missiles cannot be used for missile defense...well they can but it would be a waste. MIRV capability of the missile would play no part in it so might as well hit the incoming missile with a non MIRV missile...and that's essentially a BMD system.
My sincere advice to indians:
Yaara, look at the time, it's past 4.00 PM in Pakistan, ISPR......Chuthi....still trying.
And i suppose you would just phone the helpline of SPD to get more "details" and they would give you a kind advice of making the call during office hours. Kids of today's age...
whats so special? I thought Pakistan has missiles which could go up to 8,000 km.
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