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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

For ICBM , we need to give explanation to world, if we don't satisfy their question, then surely sanctions on the way, same reason India will not test more than 5000 km missile, as their enemy is china. And they will not test more than this.
You have to walk with world, otherwise world will drag you 15 years behind due to sanctions. We will not test ICBM. Not going to happen as our enemy is India and our shaheen series covers them well.
Our enemy is ISIL.
You can raise this point. That this missile has been designed to ruin nights of Khawarijies. Got my point?
If you want to target Pakistani missiles immediately after Launch then you need very fast interceptors because if you check the speed of shaheen 3 there is no interceptor in the world that can chase it down. No country posses such interceptors
Israeli/Russians must be having grandest parties. They'll come up with new specs, drawings etc., and sell the weapons!!! "They believe in conjectures not in the TRUTH". Do you want to bankrupt India??? Last time the USSR got financially dissolved due to this cat and mouse game!!!!

Congratulations Pakistan.
So,when do we get a few?:azn:
In this age of Uncle Trump, nothing is off the tweets or tables....
Found the required warning:



Israeli/Russians must be having grandest parties. They'll come up with new specs, drawings etc., and sell the weapons!!! "They believe in conjectures not in the TRUTH". Do you want to bankrupt India??? Last time the USSR got financially dissolved due to this cat and mouse game!!!!
ISI is the best designer of dissolving someone in the finical game. You buy weapons up to a certain point and gain sudden advantage but you can never continue on the path. Pakistan planned long term to develop weapons India went for short term success now we have out raced them to catch us now it will take trillions not billions. Very difficult to establish R&D now it will take decades to come up with a solution.
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