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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

Perfect name :angel:
Congratulations to Pakistan for being so quick at MIRV tech.

Ensure it reaches media. Maybe then our BMD program can start moving again.

LEMOA Has Facilitated DTTI Thus India Has Got A Wide Range of Defence and Strategic Technologies

Till now " Zero " is the number of item India has gained through DTTI.

They are offering us EMALS , but no reactors , neither allowing use of Russian ones , from where do we power those EMALS?

Similarly they are offering us JV of next generation JAVELINS , but not allowing us access to its Algorithms. What advantage do we get then ?

Similarly Mini Drones and Local Assembly , but not allowing use of Indian Raw Materials. How do we bring down their unit cost then ?

They have also stopped Israel from selling us Arrow , David's Sling and Iron Dome systems and asking us to buy a more costly and less effective PAC3.

India will continue to buy P8 , Helicopters and Transport Aircrafts , but not anything else. May be a F16 assembly line , but with Trump, that's not happening .
Allah hu Akbar. This is a great milestone.

That said, we need to understand that its is a MIRV capable missile but MIRV capability has not been tested. Pakistan only tested the viability of the mother-missile that will carry the missiles into the stratosphere. It will be 1-4 years before the actual MIRV capability of the missile is tested by actually launching the Re-entry vehicles.

MIRV capability test looks something like this:

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MIRV, Multiple Warheads with multiple target engaging, 2200 KM of first test, name is ABABEEL-1.... more to come.... enough said....

What a start of 2017... Babur-III SLCM (second strike capability)
Ababeel-1, MIRV.............. Congrats.... another doctrine by the rival is frozen now as Cold-Feet-Start-Doctrine-2.

A long due that we achieved, a blessing of ALLAH indeed.

This is isolation effects bhai and we have to remind world that please don't forget us and we are feeling lonely because of Indian isotation
How do you intend to take out a MIRV? Has it ever been done before?

Man, what did I tell you guys about MIRV not so long ago. This is just a dream come true!

Only a month in to 2017 and we're gifted news of the SLCM and now MIRV. Congrats everyone.

Just incredible!
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Allah hu Akbar. This is a great milestone.

That said, we need to understand that its is a MIRV capable missile but MIRV capability has not been tested. Pakistan only tested the viability of the mother-missile that will carry the missiles into the stratosphere. It will be 1-4 years before the actual MIRV capability of the missile is tested by actually launching the Re-entry vehicles.

MIRV capability test looks something like this:


You are basing this grand claim on?
Shaheen-III and Abbabeel may have different navigational and evasive mechanisms.
From the looks of it, Abbabeel is a totally different ball game.


Buddy was shaheen 3 mirv or is ababeel our first mirv missle?
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