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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

How do you intend to take out a MIRV? Has it ever been done before?

Actually India doesn't need MIRV to take on Pakistan. India needs MIRV to take on China. MIRV is useful when your enemy has a large land to cover.
DAWN want us to fight our enemy india with pencil, ballpoint, assignment registers & A+ grade quizzes we are pushed into spending heavily in making and buying weapons because of son of a bit*h india the worst neighbour any country can get so if i were to choose between survivability and education i would go for survival in a heart beat
This is called as Psychological warfare. Common people do not understand and are easily swayed by gimmicks. The Dawn or ET are not naive that they do not know defence is as imp as social development. They won't tell who is stopping Gov from making teachers attend schools and stop ghost teachers. Who is stopping gov from taking schools back from being stables for village animals. They won't go there because they won't get paid in overseas accounts by their 'masters'. Maligning defence and working as fifth coloumnists is their job.
MIRV-capable missiles[edit]
See also[edit]

See, Pakistan.............. congrats... again everyone.....


Agni-V is still mentioned in the same list.... but further described in link as ......(my previous post was incomplete)

In future, Agni-V is expected to feature Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRVs) with each missile being capable of carrying 2–10 separate nuclear warheads.[42] Each warhead can be assigned to a different target, separated by hundreds of kilometres; alternatively, two or more warheads can be assigned to one target.[41] MIRVs ensure a credible second strike capability even with few missiles.
Though, it's nearly impossible to intercept re-entry vehicle anyway, but now it got dodgy as well. Defense system will spend sometime thinking 'Lawaan lawaan kaino lawaan' if the resources at hand are constrained.
Laean laean tere nal ankhian ...
What is the point other than unavoidable circumstances? Mind it, we are not enjoying the friendly love like India but still, we have it and right on time. Previously we needed tactical nukes for Cold-Feet Start-1 and now this one for the new threat of Cold-Feet-Start-2. If it has to be calcualted like late then I am sure, none made any promise of date or day or claimed to achieve such capability however, you will be surprised in upcoming, months or a year about "unbelievable from Pakistan" tings. We had our need, our resources, our doctrine, priorities and many other things and still, I am not pointing anything specific Indian program here but still, be a impartial analysts and see the Indian claim w.r.t. expected date of any achievement and the day actually did... There are many programs you can read about... Therefore, I have been saying, no need to remind as such as we are aware and none every claimed officially anything in this regard.

Indian missile program does not enjoy any friendly love either. As I mentioned India's space program got delayed by years due to sanctions and India had to develop it's own technologies and neither there was any China and Russians were very diplomatic when it comes to sensitive technology.

It may be a threat to Israel because it will take their anti BM weapon time to reach and intercept the missile and may miss it before it gets into terminal phase. MIRV or No MIRV once the warhead is released it is extremely tough to intercept the warhead.

So India's ABM is mainly developed to take down the missile before it gets into terminal phase and when any BM is launched from Pakistan, India has advantage to intercept before it gets into terminal phase due to shorter displacement.

So MIRV is simply more economical than single warhead missile, that's the only use for Pakistan.
Actually India doesn't need MIRV to take on Pakistan. India needs MIRV to take on China. MIRV is useful when your enemy has a large land to cover.

That's understandable but my point was isn't the whole point of MIRV technology to render ABM systems useless?

With this test and Babur 3, Pakistan has just rised the stakes and in a massive way.
Stop please i am begging you!. No more isolation please.

Alhumdullah RAAB-UL-ALAMEEN. Congrats to my whole nation and the whole team of the project as well as institutions involved in it. I wish soon we will have ICBM. We have all technology we just need to add another stage on these missiles. All current Pakistani missiles are single stage.
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