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AAP- the real deal

No AAP Puns Were Used In The Making Of This Headline
I like this part of the year, when people have finally shut up about how “Dude I got so wasted on the 31st that I made out with the shoe rack it was epic bro”. It’s also when we’ve shrugged off the disappointments of the previous year so as to make room for new steaming piles of disappointment.

Having said that, one thing that I’m really looking forward to in 2014 is the rise of the Aam Aadmi Party. Let’s face it – everyone loves a good underdog story, unless their name is Sheila Dixit. Arvind Kejriwal is Daniel-san from Karate Kid (and now I’m picturing Anna as Mr. Miyagi in a corner going, “Fast on, fast off” before melting into a puddle of irrelevance.)

Kejriwal may have been criticised for his populist schemes but damn it all, because he has created history by becoming the first man from Ghaziabad to ever garner positive press. Otherwise all you get are headlines like “Ghaziabad man slits wrist after pet buffalo spurns his advances.” (In case you Bombay people are wondering, Ghaziabad is sort of like the Kurla of U.P – lots of murders, one mall.)

Now while Kejriwal may have an IIT-IRS background, his most important qualification is still ‘Did Not Preside Over A Scam Factory Or Mass Murder’. Another thing that everyone seems to have latched on to is the extreme middle-classness of the man. For example, everyone loves the fact that he still drives a WagonR, which is understandable because other politicians wouldn’t even let their dogs pee on a WagonR. These relatable traits make for great news, so you can expect to see more such middle-class headlines in the future. For example:

Kejriwal haggles with sabziwala, calls him chor; housewives scream in ecstasy.

Mrs. Kejriwal judges neighbour’s daughter for talking to boy, Khap Panchayat offers external support.

Kejriwal gets new car sticker that looks like puppy peering out from boot, AAP fans say, “No bro, too much tacky.”

Kejriwal also resonates with the elites because now they get to feel good about themselves by outsourcing their humility to him. This is what people said when they found out about Kejriwal taking the metro:

“Wow, that is commendable. He is a man of the people. Such a nice, middle-class uncle type guy. I bet his hobby is telling every kid in his mohalla to stop playing and go study for IIT-JEE. If this were a film, he’d be the family friend played by Satish Shah. Jai Hind.”

And this is what people actually thought:

“Shoot me if I’m still taking public transport in my 40s.”

It’s hugely entertaining to watch AAP navigate the political arena. The festivities kicked off with the swearing-in ceremony at Ramleela Maidan, where Kejriwal actually started singing about honesty in the middle of his speech, much to the delight of Delhiites who responded with “OYE DJ HONEY SINGH BAJA AUNTY PULLSS BULA LEGI!”

Then we saw the emergence of poet and AAP right-hand man, Kumar Vishwas. (Fun Fact: His romantic poetry is widely used to console North Indian engineering students after they get dumped for being, well, North Indian engineering students.)

Vishwas announced his candidature for 2014 from Amethi, and dared both the Gandhi scion and Narendra Modi to take him on. I like this sudden burst of zing that’s come in after the Delhi victory. The AAP is like a Yashraj heroine who is quiet and demure at first, but then has her first ever drink and transforms into a wild and whimsical beast that fears nothing, not even pre-marital sex. This challenge is basically the AAP’s version of “Dum hai toh bahar nikal!” It’s as if their campaign is sponsored by Maa ka Doodh. (Apparently they hired Dharmendra to help spread this message, but he kept referring to Kumar Vishwas as “Chhotu, drink bana.”)

Kejriwal finally zeroed in on his official residence this week, choosing to forego the bungalow he’s entitled to, for a duplex flat on Bhagwan Das Road, which has to be the most middle-class sounding address in the world. The only way it could be more middle-class is if he bought the flat at Big Bazaar.

But even this wasn’t enough for the BJP, who said that a duplex apartment goes against the principles of austerity. And who better to tell you about fiscal prudence than the party that promises to spend millions on a house for an imaginary being?

So that’s the situation just five days into 2014, and it’s only going to get more chaotic. It’s a long road ahead for the AAP, but I’m optimistic, because those Maruti cars are known to go on for ages.

(Note: This is my HT column dated 5th Jan 2014.)

See thats problem with you guys..If someone is trying to do something better..you won't give him time. the subsidies he offered on Electricity and Water..Its purely for poors or AAM adami who do not use more then 400 k watt in a month. riches are using more then 1000 kw so theses subsidies are not for them. He is auditing electric companies which no other Govt has done so far. How only subsidies on Electric and water can deplete the treasure in 3-4 months. Its only 65 crore delhi govt. has to pay from there pocket. On the other side commonwealth games scandals is more then 500 crore. 65 crore is peanut for Delhi govt. Has any other govt. leaders going personally in between common man and providing them shelters or listening their problems. NO!!!

That 65 crore is the figure for first quarter ( the total figure is 200 crores ) and the rest is to be adjusted with the outstanding money discoms own.
Now the real issue here is that the Discoms are already incurring losses because of inadequate tariff hike.
Regarding Auditing Electric companies: They are already getting audited by CAG-empanelled auditors imo. The CAG audit is unlikely to bring in thousands of crores as is being thought.

The only viable option seems to be going back to pre-2002 and kick out the private sector from this. Will be interesting to see what this new govt. does.

And Yes.. CMs have many times gone personally in between common man. Such symbolic gimmicks have happened numerous times and have almost every time resulted in dud.
Aftermath of Fukushima

Well , That is scary .

But then again we cannot make our nation's development held hostage by 'what if' scenarios .

Thats not a "what if" that is "what it is".
We will be extinct soon if we rely on NPPs.
And Imagine if during a war our enemy decides to attack the NPPs??? What then???
Thats not a "what if" that is "what it is".
We will be extinct soon if we rely on NPPs.

It is surely a what if scenario . What if something wrong happens with the reactor ?? Isn't that primary question here .

We cannot plan anything based on a what if scenario .

There are several hundreds of nuclear reactors in the world decommissioned , operational and planned .

How many major accidents with NPPs had happened untill now ?? Just 3 afaik .

And Imagine if during a war our enemy decides to attack the NPPs??? What then???

Again a what if scenario .

The enemies also have nuclear reactors . They very well know that an attack on Indian reactors will be reciprocated .
An open letter to Arvind Kejriwal: Stop behaving like 'enthu cutlet'

Dear Mr Kejriwal,

When Delhi was going to polls in December last year, many people across the country were urging their friends in the national capital to give Aam Aadmi Party a chance. You were a political newborn, who offered to provide solution to the people's day-to-day problems. You looked genuine and real. You seemed like someone who deserved to be given at least one opportunity. So, when the humongous political wave, created by the Anna movement, reached the shore, you became the Chief Minister of Delhi.

It was a happy moment for several people who took vicarious pleasure in your impressive electoral performance. Now, people were expecting your government to do magnificent work. After all, that's what was expected of you. Well, it takes time to do magnificent things. So, you decided to go ahead first with a little munificence and distributed some freebies. No problem so far.

But your political roadmap indicates that we have a reason to worry because you now plan to take the wave beyond the shore: you and your party are planning to ride the wave in other parts of the country. What else explains your desire for a country-wide political conquest without telling the people in real terms why they should vote for you? Why should people beyond Delhi believe in a party with no antecedents and which has absolutely no wish to build a positive image on the basis of what they do, and not what they say, Mr Kejriwal?

The Aam Aadmi Party has has got a mandate to govern Delhi. It should do that properly and set an example of governance if they can. That's why people in Delhi voted for you. That's why Indians in various parts of the world urged others to vote for you despite knowing that you had come to the horizon with no political history. People in Delhi have played a huge gamble and it's time for AAP to prove that they did not bet on the wrong horse. Your political slate is clean because it has no past. It's time for you to write something constructive on it.

On the contrary, you and your party, like an 'enthu cutlet' — an expression used in Chennai to describe those brimming with energy without any reason, as if they are on a sugar rush — are busy expanding your tentacles in other parts the country. And in some cases you are even becoming a nuisance. For example, earlier this week in Patna, a group of AAP members got violent because the authorities of the Patna Medical College and Hospital removed illegal shanties on its campus. Your party members' argument was: the action should not have been taken during winter. Really? In that case, should police drag criminals out of their warm beds in winter or should they wait till blankets are no longer required? Will you explain this inane argument by the members of your party, Mr Kejriwal?

I understand your party is under excessive media focus and anything and everything you say is picked up for scrutiny and criticism by political opponents. But that's part of the game, sir, isn't it? In real terms you have done nothing except pontificating on social media. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Yes, it is true that the two major political parties are corrupt. But who knows about you, sir? You are yet to establish yourself as a leader. You have capitalised on people's frustration with the system. Nobody blames you for that. People have heard enough from you what you stand for and what you aim to achieve. Now, it's time for you to shut up, start work and let your work speak for itself. And that is going to take time, sir. So, you take your time because nobody is rushing you up.

But if you go for the easier option and allow your party members to run around like an enthu cutlet, your party, instead of becoming a tree, will turn out to be a creeper which is starting wilting at the first sign of heat and arid weather
An open letter to Arvind Kejriwal: Stop behaving like 'enthu cutlet' | Business Standard
Friends please Support AAP party if you want to see prosper and progressive India. We have tried all other parties..they could not provide even food and shelter to million people in India..It's pathetic!! Lets bring a change!! So every Brother and sister saw my message in this forum..Support AAP party. Regards
I don't appreciate you using gay slurs my man. Especially when the members of the LGBT community would be appalled to associate with the likes of him.

Yeah actually I'm being unfair on them. It's just so damn effective, hard to resist :angry: . Yeah but it's my bad.
Friends please Support AAP party if you want to see prosper and progressive India. We have tried all other parties..they could not provide even food and shelter to million people in India..It's pathetic!! Lets bring a change!! So every Brother and sister saw my message in this forum..Support AAP party. Regards
Kejriwal 'a big megalomaniac with strong dictatorial streak', Digvijaya says - The Times of India
BHOPAL: In an apparent dig on Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal's brand of citizen activism, Congress general secretary Digvijaya Singh on Wednesday said emergence of AAP on the national scene was testimony to the fact that issues cannot be resolved on streets but only through democratic ways.

"It is much better if someone instead of shouting on the streets takes to politics, forms a party and enters assembly or Parliament," Digvijaya told reporters here.

"Everyone should realize that bills are passed and laws enacted only in Parliament and not onRamlila Maidan," he said without elaborating further.

He, however, said that both Kejriwal and BJP prime ministerial nominee Narendra Modi were "big megalomaniacs with a strong dictatorial streak."

"I am saying this as I know that both of them like to listen to only to their voices and do not pay heed to anyone else," Digvijaya said.

"It was because of this streak that Kejriwal drove away many people including Narmada Bachao Andolan leader Medha Patkar," he added.

Asked if Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi would be named as the party's prime ministerial nominee on January 17, he said, "Personally, I am strongly opposed to naming Prime Ministersor chief ministers before the polls."

About Priyanka attending a Congress meeting in New Delhi on Tuesday, Digvijaya said that she was looking after the party's media work for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.

She also takes a keen interest in party affairs in Raebareli and Amethi, he said.

On Congress's defeat in November 25 assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh, he conceded that the macro-management of the BJP was much better than that of his party in the state.

lagta hai Digvijay Singh pagal ho gaya! Only other day he advised Narendra Modi to learn humility from Arvind Kejriwal. Now both of them are Megalomaniacs? :eek: Koi toh elaaj karwawo iska!
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