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AAP- the real deal

Fooled? Infact he was wanting to sit in opposition. Why wasnt BJP able to make a govt when they cud have. They were the 1st invitees for forming a govt.
BJP already said that they didn't have the clear majority. They stood till the end what they have been saying from the day one.

AK should have stood up to his ethics and went for re election. But he didn't.

How many people sent sms decided, out of total population of Delhi ? % of total population ?

Anyways, I have discussed a lot to AAP supporters.

Its like AAP gives certificate of honesty and incorruptible. Others are chor.
I am not whining. I am laughing at these people who voted for him and now will pay for it. :P

Bro..the rest of India is not as delusional ...AAP just got a few votes because of their door to door campaigning and the free popularity Anna gave him , even then he failed to get sufficient vote share.
Congress will be the party getting destroyed in the process and AAP will be the inexperienced bunch who are already being exposed within 48 hours...
BJP already said that they didn't have the clear majority. They stood till the end what they have been saying from the day one.

AK should have stood up to his ethics and went for re election. But he didn't.

How many people sent sms decided, out of total population of Delhi ? % of total population ?

Anyways, I have discussed a lot to AAP supporters.

Its like AAP gives certificate of honesty and incorruptible. Others are chor.
For starters, the whole intent of AAP for making a govt was not pushing the people for re elections. You dont even know how much money is utilised in elections and hence elections is the last resort. Infact if he wud have gone for elections, some other person like you wud have accused AAP for forcing ppl to go for election when Congress were allowing them to make a govt. As many mouths, so many words.

About SMS thing, it was not only SMS but other medium too. there was pamplet, door to door questioning, sms , social media, etc and also know that this exercise was done by an independent company who had expertise in market research and had efficient technologies to do so as efficient as they can. So if you ask me whether I trust that company, I wud say I trust them only as much as I trust any private independent company who beleieves in executing their job perfectly as requested and get their money paid.

Now regarding AAP is honest and others chor then you shud know that the whole reason why APP was formes is that othe parties were not ready to prove otherwise. IF other parties were not chor then AAP wudnt have come into formation. Why do you think AK joined Anna if he wanted to get into politics? Have u ever see how he was insulted on TV and challenged to form a party and run. So he did. This proves that other parties are chor and in tym u will see their chori step by step. :)
For starters, the whole intent of AAP for making a govt was not pushing the people for re elections. You dont even know how much money is utilised in elections and hence elections is the last resort. Infact if he wud have gone for elections, some other person like you wud have accused AAP for forcing ppl to go for election when Congress were allowing them to make a govt. As many mouths, so many words.

About SMS thing, it was not only SMS but other medium too. there was pamplet, door to door questioning, sms , social media, etc and also know that this exercise was done by an independent company who had expertise in market research and had efficient technologies to do so as efficient as they can. So if you ask me whether I trust that company, I wud say I trust them only as much as I trust any private independent company who beleieves in executing their job perfectly as requested and get their money paid.

Now regarding AAP is honest and others chor then you shud know that the whole reason why APP was formes is that othe parties were not ready to prove otherwise. IF other parties were not chor then AAP wudnt have come into formation. Why do you think AK joined Anna if he wanted to get into politics? Have u ever see how he was insulted on TV and challenged to form a party and run. So he did. This proves that other parties are chor and in tym u will see their chori step by step. :)

Just because Kejrival formed a party all other parties are chor ?...... what kind of common sense is that ? There are plenty of good we well as bad people in both the parties. Claiming AAP is the only gem in this entire country is nothing more than ignorance...
AK joined anna to get publicity , when he got enough publicity he formed his political party..just like Lalu. AAP is anti national , there are more than enough reasons to prove that point
OK. Interesting points. One by one.
Just because Kejrival formed a party all other parties are chor ?...... what kind of common sense is that ?
No, Just coz other parties are chor, AK formed the party.Consider the otherwise. Opposite not true. :D
There are plenty of good we well as bad people in both the parties. Claiming AAP is the only gem in this entire country is nothing more than ignorance...
Exactly, but those good people dont have any control on thos bad people. Ultimately the comman man suffers and he blames the party and not the wrong people. Rightly so. Do u really think if a leader is clean and strong in a party, he cant bring a positive change? If that was the case, we wud have seen that change but we dint. Bottomline is, Even if I am not corrupt, I wont do or cant do anything to stop my colleauge doing corruption. Which means you might be a true individual but are not a true social worker which is the real definition of a politicians if in case we have fugoten.
AK joined anna to get publicity , when he got enough publicity he formed his political party..just like Lalu. AAP is anti national , there are more than enough reasons to prove that point

Thats insane. :D . Arvind never went to form a political party but was insulted by both major parties. seeing govt non serious bout his and anna's efforts, he was forced to form a party. He always knew Anna is a staunch opposer of their getting into politics. Any fool wil do so purposely and get infamous. It only shows AK never did anything to form a party. Till last moment he requested all to pass lokpal and not force them into politics. I ask you to get into details. also AK dint needed Anna for publicity. If you dont know, it was AK who came up with Right to Information Act and then nobody in youth section knew bout Anna. Infact for ur knowledge, Anna and AK started working much together before Anna coming into scene. Now temme how has AK used Anna for publicity?

Anti national? Dude, do u think what all u believe and put here can be supported by enough logic?

Hum sab to bevkoof hain, AAP supporters hi sabkuch jaante hain. :coffee:
Agar aap Bewkoof nahin hain to complete research karke aaein. There are lot of lack of factual knowledge among anti AAP people. In simple words thoda idhar udhar se gyaan leke aaein. Whatever you criticism bout AK is, do confirm it. Internet pe sab milega.
I have a very Bad feeling ... This man is gonna dismantle the Country in a Number of states...

He is Crazy but he is silent ... Please friends dont vote for a Party which has policy against the most Fundamental thing of country ...

That is from Kashmir to Kanyakumar this land should remain united ...
Fooled? Infact he was wanting to sit in opposition. Why wasnt BJP able to make a govt when they cud have. They were the 1st invitees for forming a govt.

Kejriwal too 1st asked the people and we all saw that 60+% people wanted them to make a govt if they can.

They till date attack congress but still congress provide them support.

Why dont u explain us about Politics of BJP and Congress to take their respective actions? :)

In fact it was Kejriwal who said "If we don't get clear majority, we will sit in opposition", but BJP practiced that in reality. And now you are trying to prove that AAP and Kejriwal was some kind of "Victim" here to form the Govt. and become CM of Delhi !!

And may I know who conducted that "People's poll", who monitored it, who counted the votes, and who declared the verdict of "60+%" opinion in favor of forming Govt.?
You are talking to an Aam Aadmi who has seen enough of politics & politicians.
You mean, I am talking to an Aam aadmi who is so brutalized by money mincing politicians that he has taken by default that its the birth right of a Politician to make money thru corruption. You mean you are a jaundiced person who see everything yellow? You mean everyone gets into politics to get dirty and corrupt? Even Anna says so but AK proves it otherwise. why do u think he left his 1 crore job to travel in metro for his job?
OK. Interesting points. One by one.

No, Just coz other parties are chor, AK formed the party.Consider the otherwise. Opposite not true. :D

his openion...nothing more

Exactly, but those good people dont have any control on thos bad people. Ultimately the comman man suffers and he blames the party and not the wrong people. Rightly so. Do u really think if a leader is clean and strong in a party, he cant bring a positive change? If that was the case, we wud have seen that change but we dint. Bottomline is, Even if I am not corrupt, I wont do or cant do anything to stop my colleauge doing corruption. Which means you might be a true individual but are not a true social worker which is the real definition of a politicians if in case we have fugoten.

When you become a political party the size of Congress or BJP there are bound to be a few bad people, that does not mean you generalize the entire party to be wrong. Kejrival saying "i am the only honest CM" is utterly stupid and ignorant and filled with self praise...

Do you know the kind of nonsense he has said against Modi and other members without an ounce of proof or backing.

Thats insane. :D . Arvind never went to form a political party but was insulted by both major parties. seeing govt non serious bout his and anna's efforts, he was forced to form a party. He always knew Anna is a staunch opposer of their getting into politics. Any fool wil do so purposely and get infamous. It only shows AK never did anything to form a party. Till last moment he requested all to pass lokpal and not force them into politics. I ask you to get into details. also AK dint needed Anna for publicity. If you dont know, it was AK who came up with Right to Information Act and then nobody in youth section knew bout Anna. Infact for ur knowledge, Anna and AK started working much together before Anna coming into scene. Now temme how has AK used Anna for publicity?

Its Kejrival which asked anna to opt out of the lokpal bill 2 years back when it was agreed to be discussed in parliament. Its Kejrival which allowed the politicians to provide them with an escape route....

Anti national? Dude, do u think what all u believe and put here can be supported by enough logic?

kashmir bech do referendum se
Recruit idiots who give fatwa to female journalists and who sympathize with terrorists
and they also have full time support from all the communist parties in India..
stop kundakalam nuclear power plant ( idiot wants to give 50% free electricity but does not want it to be generated cheap)..
Not even 48 hours and he started giving free bees giving a huge strain on Delhi economy..
agar BJP kare to balatkar , AAP kare to chamatkar

Agar aap Bewkoof nahin hain to complete research karke aaein. There are lot of lack of factual knowledge among anti AAP people. In simple words thoda idhar udhar se gyaan leke aaein. Whatever you criticism bout AK is, do confirm it. Internet pe sab milega.

DO some research yourself on the kind of anti national morons Kejrival is associated with...
AK is gonna Prove to be 47 for India... Beware...

These People are Marxist Terrorist Naxals ...
In fact it was Kejriwal who said "If we don't get clear majority, we will sit in opposition", but BJP practiced that in reality. And now you are trying to prove that AAP and Kejriwal was some kind of "Victim" here to form the Govt. and become CM of Delhi !!

And may I know who conducted that "People's poll", who monitored it, who counted the votes, and who declared the verdict of "60+%" opinion in favor of forming Govt.?
Cicero Associates & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

They are the company who do independent surveys for AAP. Dont fuget, AAP needs to do any manipulation with these firms for personal gains. If personal gain was the intent of AK, he cud have earned much more than a politician being in Income Tax. Why did he bring RTI? Can anyone explain?
You mean, I am talking to an Aam aadmi who is so brutalized by money mincing politicians that he has taken by default that its the birth right of a Politician to make money thru corruption. You mean you are a jaundiced person who see everything yellow? You mean everyone gets into politics to get dirty and corrupt? Even Anna says so but AK proves it otherwise. why do u think he left his 1 crore job to travel in metro for his job?

Anna says so because he knows Kejriwal more closely than you and I know.

What actually Kejriwal has already proven? That someone who is actually a rich person in real life is traveling in metro to show off how "Aam" he is? Many politicians have done that before.

He said that he won't go with any other party, he went with the most corrupt party Congress to form the Govt. and fight corruption? What he proved, that he is power hungry?

He said he will reduce cost, reduce wastage, theft, corruption, etc. to give free water and cheap electricity, what he did in reality? He simply gave subsidy? What was the hurry? Election? Why? He is not supposed to be power hungry!! What he proved here?

See, I never thought Kejriwal is any different from any cheap politician, if you haven't noticed; apart from the populist politics, he also played the communal politics. So far what he has proven is not encouraging.
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