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AAP- the real deal

Their current antics don't support this theory much. Why would they sit in Dharna against the UPA Govt? This has been a mutually destructive campaign for AAP and INC if that's true. The INC is on it's way out while AAP just had it's reputation shattered.

There have been a few instances of Left-leaning people also being part of NAC, most notably Jean Dreze. Participation in that may not point to an allegiance to Congress.

The only thing i can see is that they want to SHOW to the people of India that they are against Congress completely. You have to understand that AAP or no AAP, Congress is loosing 2014 big time, but if there was NO AAP, majority vote would have gone to BJP. But now, we have a SPLIT & a hung Parliament.

The reason why I say they are Team B of Congress, is b'coz that Congress now looks like completely acknowledging the fact that they aren't winning, but, if they can't win, they won't let BJP win either.

Just think if there wasn't any AAP in recent Delhi Elections, BJP would have swiped Delhi completely, now they want to replicate this on national scale.
The only thing i can see is that they want to SHOW to the people of India that they are against Congress completely. You have to understand that AAP or no AAP, Congress is loosing 2014 big time, but if there was NO AAP, majority vote would have gone to BJP. But now, we have a SPLIT & a hung Parliament.

The reason why I say they are Team B of Congress, is b'coz that Congress now looks like completely acknowledging the fact that they aren't winning, but, if they can't win, they won't let BJP win either.

Just think if there wasn't any AAP in recent Delhi Elections, BJP would have swiped Delhi completely, now they want to replicate this on national scale.

Which leads me to question what exactly did AAP gain by this negative publicity? Like how they readily offered outside support, the Congress-dominated Home Ministry could also have readily suspended those Police Officers and increased AAP's popularity. But instead, AAP is saddled with notoriety out of this episode.
Which leads me to question what exactly did AAP gain by this negative publicity? Like how they readily offered outside support, the Congress-dominated Home Ministry could also have readily suspended those Police Officers and increased AAP's popularity. But instead, AAP is saddled with notoriety out of this episode.

People's memory is short & In India, often negative publicity works even more than positive one sometimes.

Remember the sting operation just before Delhi elections? it hardly seems to had any negative impact to AAP.

Just to add a point, take even PDF for eg., now even hardcore Congressis are saying AAP is the real deal, wonder what they want to convey. The ultimate goal seems that just BJP shouldn't win somehow, even if that means a hung Parliament???
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People's memory is short & In India, often negative publicity works even more than positive one sometimes.

Remember the sting operation just before Delhi elections? it hardly seems to had any negative impact to AAP.

That was before their true character had yet to manifest itself in Governance. Who knows, AAP might have lost a few seats out of that debacle too. Shazia Ilmi went down narrowly didn't she? That sting operation might have cut her chances too.
Want to contradict on TWO points:

1. Transparency on funds - It can't be said with 100% surety that they have 100% transparency in funding, they just say that they are completely transparent.

Not on funds, on earnings of politicians. Here in Germany politicians have started to openly show their earnings on their websites or make them available to the public. When you can see how much money they earn and from which sides they get money, it's why harder to bribe them or to buy political power for your own cause. And isn't corruption the main reason why AAM / AAP were born?
The more you force politicians, government officiers and employees to be transparent, the more you can reduce the corruption in India.

2. Direct Democracy - It is the biggest JOKE for a country like India with 120 crore people.

That's why I said on state level! It's good to deal with local issues and partialy on national levels too (energy, infrastructure for example), but not for defence, or foreign policy of course. Other countries have shown that it can work, so why shouldn't it in India? In fact, this is the perfect time for India and direct democracy, becaus the Indian voter is young and politically active. When you want to include the public, you have to include them and not only wait till they are as old as the politicians.

Just say for eg. let's say that the Govt. want to decide on the price of LPG cylinders, they ask directly to the people & ofcourse even the richest person will say that they should be priced as low as it can be (much better - FREE), but than where is ECONOMICS in all this???

Wrong, because if they are free or very cheap, not rich have even more benefits than the poor. Look at AAPs promise about the free water now. Sounds good, but makes no sense unless you also take to account how mach a family requires. A family with 3 people will have way more of 700l free water than a family of 5 and at the end the smaller family must pay less, because the 700l covers more of their requirement. Same goes for LPG, a poorer family often includes more people, which means they require more LPG. So it's not the prize of LPG that is the problem, but their consumption. A rich family with just 1 kid, that also cook even less than in the past doesn't consume much LPG. So reducing the price is an even bigger advantage for them again.

or will ask to emotional people on streets???

Or will turn crazy and simply attack Pakistan, because their voters would require such a move, isn't that what the BJP is likely to do? So they are not perfect either, just like the Congress has it's problems too and you shouldn't judge AAP as a whole just because of these recent issues.
I still hope that they will calm down a bit, try to get rid of useless people in their party (the law minister should be the first one) and learn what governance means. If they then find a way to combine the responsibility with their ideas as much as possible, they can have a positive effect on India. Be it directly with their work, or indirectly because they force other parties to change.
isn't that what the BJP is likely to do?

Just want to contradict on this part.

I think you are talking about Operation Parakram?

But than, It could had been a real Operation suggested by the Indian Army to the Govt. Not for attacking Pak, but to see if the current war doctrine is suitable to the 21st century or not. Do remember, Cold Start Doctrine was formed only after the experience of Parakram.
1. Wrong, because if they are free or very cheap, not rich have even more benefits than the poor. Look at AAPs promise about the free water now. Sounds good, but makes no sense unless you also take to account how mach a family requires. A family with 3 people will have way more of 700l free water than a family of 5 and at the end the smaller family must pay less, because the 700l covers more of their requirement. Same goes for LPG, a poorer family often includes more people, which means they require more LPG. So it's not the prize of LPG that is the problem, but their consumption. A rich family with just 1 kid, that also cook even less than in the past doesn't consume much LPG. So reducing the price is an even bigger advantage for them again.

2. Or will turn crazy and simply attack Pakistan, because their voters would require such a move, isn't that what the BJP is likely to do? So they are not perfect either, just like the Congress has it's problems too and you shouldn't judge AAP as a whole just because of these recent issues.

1. So does it not mean that AAP's policy is flawed as far as free water and it's billing is concerned? I would like them to relook such policies and their impact rather than sit on Dharnas over silly reasons.

2. When has BJP attacked Pakistan over a Terrorist attack? They took no action against Pakistan neither after the Parliament attack nor after IC-814 hijacking.
Which leads me to question what exactly did AAP gain by this negative publicity? Like how they readily offered outside support, the Congress-dominated Home Ministry could also have readily suspended those Police Officers and increased AAP's popularity. But instead, AAP is saddled with notoriety out of this episode.


There is a chance that they do not realise that the publicity they are getting is negative.

I have lived in Delhi for 9 years and could tell you by experience that the " natives " of Delhi are racist to the core. The address north easterners as " Chinki ", People from UP and Bihar as " Bhaiyyas ", Punjabis as refugees and anyone with dark skin as Madrasi and it is not service class which has settled in Delhi but "natives", people who make their living by renting out room to people from outside Delhi who are Racist in chief and borderline thugs.

This khirki gaon raid was initiated by these people only and AAP may not really know that the publicity they are getting is negative.

There is a chance that they do not realise that the publicity they are getting is negative.

I have lived in Delhi for 9 years and could tell you by experience that the " natives " of Delhi are racist to the core. The address north easterners as " Chinki ", People from UP and Bihar as " Bhaiyyas ", Punjabis as refugees and anyone with dark skin as Madrasi and it is not service class which has settled in Delhi but "natives", people who make their living by renting out room to people from outside Delhi who are Racist in chief and borderline thugs.

This khirki gaon raid was initiated by these people only and AAP may not really know that the publicity they are getting is negative.

I think Kejriwal and his ilk are smart enough to figure out exactly what kind of publicity they're getting. After all, they're very active in the cyberworld and media.
I think Kejriwal and his ilk are smart enough to figure out exactly what kind of publicity they're getting. After all, they're very active in the cyberworld and media.

Somnath bharti does not seem to be smart.

The reason that i never liked AAP even during anna phase is because i always rightly saw it's leaders as megalomaniacs. Kejariwal is someone who is full of himself and could have thought that if he throws his weight behind law minister, people would accept his narrative without question.

Thinking that he could get away with a white lie ( forging Ugandan high commission support ) tell a lot about his personality and thought process.
Somnath bharti does not seem to be smart.

The reason that i never liked AAP even during anna phase is because i always rightly saw it's leaders as megalomaniacs. Kejariwal is someone who is full of himself and could have thought that if he throws his weight behind law minister, people would accept his narrative without question.

Thinking that he could get away with a white lie ( forging Ugandan high commission support ) tell a lot about his personality and thought process.

Well, which leader isn't a Megalomaniac in Indian Politics? AAP's popularity had everything to do with dissatifaction with the current crop of Leaders who always thought they were above the Law.

Obviously, he and his party would have plenty of detractors, which was why I had resolved to judge them by their actions and not take anyone's word for it.

It's testimony to Kejriwal's wit that he was able to mask his manipulations under the banner of the disillusioned common man.Up until this episode, I was comfortable with the work they were doing.But if this is the scheme of things to come, I'm afraid I see a threat to the Republican framework of India. Corruption can weaken the structure, but not crumble it. But AAP's actions have potential to tear it down completely, and hence I don't intend to support them anymore.
Somnath bharti does not seem to be smart.

The reason that i never liked AAP even during anna phase is because i always rightly saw it's leaders as megalomaniacs. Kejariwal is someone who is full of himself and could have thought that if he throws his weight behind law minister, people would accept his narrative without question.

Thinking that he could get away with a white lie ( forging Ugandan high commission support ) tell a lot about his personality and thought process.

Modi is not megalomaniac...he is there in the goodness of his heart.
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