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AAP slashes infrastructure funding to pay for water and power subsidy

i understood perfectly, which is why i was objecting. :)
I knew you will the first to object, so not at all surprised :-)
That's what i wanted to say and that's what i think is right...
Providing free electricity and water by compromising Infrastructure growth is not a good decision according to me...
People saying here Delhi has enough infrastructure :lol:
What stupidity?

Infrastructure is not what people need their basic necessities like water, electricity, safety etc takes more importance so spare us of your Bs
Laalu always spoke like you, he always said that roads were for the rich people, as poor people did not had the bikes or cars there was no need to lay roads, and they did not need hospitals poor people did not had the money to spend, are you of bihari origin?:tongue::tongue::tongue:
nam was dead after the death of nasser and tito, so nam doesn't count... are you a college student or jobnik??
If you would use the grey hairs that you might have then you would get to know that Nehru was a starwart of NAM...NAM was dead or not is not the point here...point is Nehru also believe that National security is not required and learned his lessons the hard way...and people like you are still living in that la-la land even though history has taught us a lessons some 5 decades ago...now who is being an infant here i will leave it for the readers to decide....

okay... "accept socialism or remain a anti-human society".
Better to be anti-human then....

national interest?? why did cuba send a few hundred thousand soldiers to fight against nato in angola in the 70's, so far from home?? what was their "national interest" in endangering lakhs of their soldiers?? huzoor, insaaniyat bhi kuch cheez hai.--------------------
Feel free to leave for Syria...you can also help our neighbors in their fight against terrorism...
People get the government they deserve, if this is what Delhi voted for, this is what they are going to get.

It also seems as if Kejru is refusing to provide funds to MCD, cool, that will only exacerbate things.

Entertainment from Delhi seems on cards and rest of India gets to enjoy. Lets see how long it takes for Kejru and gang to convert Delhi to Kolkata.
The Muffler Man who came in from the cold to change the world! Oh yeah!

But this yahoo is robbing Peter to pay Paul for water. And now relegating development to provide freebies to his constituency! Jeeez! That's the great AAPtard strategy!

Muffler Man for PM!

If this sucker halts the metro expect massive protea this is not Bengal
While we are discussing the AAP priority, A string of Crooked Kejari is out yesterday. He is using abusive language about prashant Bhushan and yogendra Yadav. Shameless AAP spokesman defended that on TV discussion. WHat a bunch of Shameless people.

@malgudi , @Guynextdoor2

Hi guys your role model Kejri caught in sting once again saying that salo ko Pichhawade pe lat mare bahar nikalna chahiye Kamino ko (About Yogendra Yadav and Prashant bhushan and Prof Anand). Now AAP has an objection to Political party coming in RTI which was a main demand of them when they were not in politics)

I like to know whether there is any change in your views or you guys continue to worship him like you continued to worship after Interview fixings, Hawala money acceptance, Sting of purchasing congress MLA etc. etc. Interesting to know Bhakta's reaction about their kejri god.
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While we are discussing the AAP priority, A string of Crooked Kejari is out yesterday. He is using abusive language about prashant Bhushan and yogendra Yadav. Shameless AAP spokesman defended that on TV discussion. WHat a bunch of Shameless people.

@malgudi , @Guynextdoor2

Hi guys your role model Kejri caught in sting once again saying that salo ko Pichhawade pe lat mare bahar nikalna chahiye Kamino ko (About Yogendra Yadav and Prashant bhushan and Prof Anand). Now AAP has an objection to Political party coming in RTI which was a main demand of them when they were not in politics)

I like to know whether there is any change in your views or you guys continue to worship him like you continued to worship after Interview fixings, Hawala money acceptance, Sting of purchasing congress MLA etc. etc. Interesting to know Bhakta's reaction about their kejri god.

In the long run, its great for India that Kejru came to power and now has the onus to deliver on governance and not merely shout from opposition. The RTI thing is just one of the things that'll see an about face. The sting only further lays bare the hypocrite that this man is. Now I am convinced there are much more damaging exposes waiting to unfold.

If one seriously thinks about it, future of Kejru is another Lalu/Mulayam/Mamta, a regional leader who believes in all that's wrong with Indian politics and is delusional enough to think they can become PM.

Of course, Delhi suffers, but I have absolutely no sympathy for them, or atleast those who voted for this pretentious, sanctimonious, repugnant bunch of hypocrites.

By the way is it true that people were defending 'kamina'? Then suggest, they wear topis with 'I am kamina'. Seriously, with such a leader, how else will the AAPtards be?

Anyway, Delhi has paid for this entertainment for a five year term, lets enjoy.
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While we are discussing the AAP priority, A string of Crooked Kejari is out yesterday. He is using abusive language about prashant Bhushan and yogendra Yadav. Shameless AAP spokesman defended that on TV discussion. WHat a bunch of Shameless people.

@malgudi , @Guynextdoor2

Hi guys your role model Kejri caught in sting once again saying that salo ko Pichhawade pe lat mare bahar nikalna chahiye Kamino ko (About Yogendra Yadav and Prashant bhushan and Prof Anand). Now AAP has an objection to Political party coming in RTI which was a main demand of them when they were not in politics)

I like to know whether there is any change in your views or you guys continue to worship him like you continued to worship after Interview fixings, Hawala money acceptance, Sting of purchasing congress MLA etc. etc. Interesting to know Bhakta's reaction about their kejri god.

He just spoke as any angry individual would do moreover the convo was private . Yo Ya and PB wanted to sabotage his campaign we the people still stand by AK , so please i ask you humbly spare and go beg for your ache din
He just spoke as any angry individual would do moreover the convo was private . Yo Ya and PB wanted to sabotage his campaign we the people still stand by AK , so please i ask you humbly spare and go beg for your ache din

As expected. Bhaktas unwilling to change. Not only he said that in anger but he has planned to kick out Yogendra Yadav and Prashant bhushan (As a part of clean party campaign to clean the party from clean people). I am sure that bhaktas like you shall still continue to worship him. I hail your devotion. I am awaiting for response of other Bhakta , the great @Guynextdoor2 . (This remind me the name of old kings like Chandra gupt 2 etc.)

Yes, PB and YY wanted to sabotage his mission to bring in corrupt people in party and accept Hawala money.
As expected. Bhaktas unwilling to change. Not only he said that but he has planned to kick out Yogendra Yadav and Prashant bhushan (As a part of clean party campaign to clean the party from clean people). I am sure that bhaktas like you shall still continue to worship him. I hail your devotion. I am awaiting for response of other Bhakta , the great @Guynextdoor2 . (This remind me the name of old kings like Chandra gupt 2 etc.)


bhakt calling others bhakat :rofl:

Yo Ya and PB are the only opportunists in the party please induct them into your BJP - we no longer need those who can't stand AK as convener

bhakt calling others bhakat :rofl:

Yo Ya and PB are the only opportunists in the party please induct them into your BJP - we no longer need those who can't stand AK as convener

PB gave an example yesterday. He said that there is one MLA (ex engineer of Delhi and Highly corrupt) who has 1000 cr of property. When he was in other party, Kejri used to give an example of this guy to convince people that other party gives ticket to corrupt people.Now Kejri gave him ticket and he is MLA. PB also said that Kejri wanted to break congress and buy MLA to whom he had charged that BJP has purchased them for 4 crore. However, Bhaktas unwilling to see anything wrong in God Kejri.

In the long run, its great for India that Kejru came to power and now has the onus to deliver on governance and not merely shout from opposition. The RTI thing is just one of the things that'll see an about face. The sting only further lays bare the hypocrite that this man is. Now I am convinced there are much more damaging exposes waiting to unfold.

If one seriously thinks about it, future of Kejru is another Lalu/Mulayam/Mamta, a regional leader who believes in all that's wrong with Indian politics and is delusional enough to think they can become PM.

Of course, Delhi suffers, but I have absolutely no sympathy for them, or atleast those who voted for this pretentious, sanctimonious, repugnant bunch of hypocrites.

By the way is it true that people were defending 'kamina'? Then suggest, they wear topis with 'I am kamina'. Seriously, with such a leader, how else will the AAPtards be?

Anyway, Delhi has paid for this entertainment for a five year term, lets enjoy.

Very True. This is a back stabbing to the people who Joined AAP thinking that this is a clean party. I am imagine how they would have been feeling now. This is a betrayal from one cheater who sabotage whole movement.
"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money to spend." - Margaret Thatcher

@jamahir what is your take on this very astute observation. Socialism is junk and should be thrown into the nearest dustbin
While we are discussing the AAP priority, A string of Crooked Kejari is out yesterday. He is using abusive language about prashant Bhushan and yogendra Yadav. Shameless AAP spokesman defended that on TV discussion. WHat a bunch of Shameless people.

@malgudi , @Guynextdoor2

Hi guys your role model Kejri caught in sting once again saying that salo ko Pichhawade pe lat mare bahar nikalna chahiye Kamino ko (About Yogendra Yadav and Prashant bhushan and Prof Anand). Now AAP has an objection to Political party coming in RTI which was a main demand of them when they were not in politics)

I like to know whether there is any change in your views or you guys continue to worship him like you continued to worship after Interview fixings, Hawala money acceptance, Sting of purchasing congress MLA etc. etc. Interesting to know Bhakta's reaction about their kejri god.

Chickenshit controversy. Maybe instead of sting operation BJP should do some real work. Bhakt is obviously a moron.
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