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AAP slashes infrastructure funding to pay for water and power subsidy

and should the center spend money to buy more western/israeli weaponary or for the first time in india's history, spend for real benefits of citizens??
Even after getting a good hard spanking from China in 62 you people are still not out of the idiotic nehru philosophy?? he also thought defence spending is useless...results we all know!!
LOL AAPtards
Delhi has enough infrastructure?? Seriously?? :lol::lol:
Sorry to say but Nations don't grow by providing free water and electricity...how many years this will work?? It will be a burden on Delhi and India.
Focusing on growth, business, Employment, Educations will solve this problems
What stupidity?

Infrastructure is not what people need their basic necessities like water, electricity, safety etc takes more importance so spare us of your Bs

Do you know what infrastructure and subsidies are`?
Even after getting a good hard spanking from China in 62 you people are still not out of the idiotic nehru philosophy?? he also thought defence spending is useless...results we all know!!

nehru did things on the contrary.

didn't nehru send indian army to join the western forces in korea war ( against dprk ussr, china )?? didn't nehru allow american military to set-up radioisotope-powered radio interception stations in the himalayas?? didn't nehru take india deeply into the western bloc??

all this enmity that indian establishment speaks of is of india's own making... this statement cannot be avoided.

why isn't indian military supplying to the syrian military, which has been fighting a proxy invasion by nato for the last four years?? in fact, why aren't indian military units in syria helping the syrian army... after all, they went when usa called in 1950.
nehru did things on the contrary.

didn't nehru send indian army to join the western forces in korea war ( against dprk ussr, china )?? didn't nehru allow american military to set-up radioisotope-powered radio interception stations in the himalayas?? didn't nehru take india deeply into the western bloc??
Either your knowledge on subject is limited or may be not writing clearly...it is a known fact that Nehu believed in NAM so defence spending sound wastage to him...after 62 spanking he learned his lesson...

all this enmity that indian establishment speaks of is of india's own making... this statement cannot be avoided.

I am all for freedom of speech...so prove the above absurd claim or fix the post...

why isn't indian military supplying to the syrian military, which has been fighting a proxy invasion by nato for the last four years??

?? What the hell are you talking dude?? What is our national interest in there??
Kejri is a stooge of foreign power created to destabilize the nation like ukerine. That is why you will see a lots of fund coming from abroad. Former RAW agent has exposed him. You can watch R N Singh on you tube. Now these people shall do Dharana and try to create hurdle in each and every development project either on the name of environment or farmer or on the name of human rights etc. They shall never talk about the Human right of our brave police men and army person but always advocate the Human rights of traitor and anti national. For example kejari went to the place of Batla house terrorist and said that encounter was fake. He will never visit the house of Martyred Mohan chand sharma to console his family.
Either your knowledge on subject is limited or may be not writing clearly...it is a known fact that Nehu believed in NAM so defence spending sound wastage to him...after 62 spanking he learned his lesson...

nam was dead after the death of nasser and tito, so nam doesn't count... are you a college student or jobnik??

I am all for freedom of speech...so prove the above absurd claim or fix the post...

okay... "accept socialism or remain a anti-human society".

?? What the hell are you talking dude?? What is our national interest in there??

national interest??

why did cuba send a few hundred thousand soldiers to fight against nato in angola in the 70's, so far from home?? what was their "national interest" in endangering lakhs of their soldiers??

huzoor, insaaniyat bhi kuch cheez hai.


Its simple providing free electricity and water by cut on Infrastructure funds is not good at all.
People who are supporting this decision on this thread are not Indians (Fake ids) or maybe those who don't like growth of this country but instead love free electricity and water.
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I think they are intelligent enough to understand basic economic principles, they just choose to disregard it in favor of some form of super-socialist ideology.

70% of Delhi voted for them knowing their ideology including people here on this thread who are now acting as if they had nothing to do with the victory of party. Delhi deserves what it is getting.
Its simple providing free electricity and water by cut on Infrastructure development is not good at all.
People who are supporting this decision on this thread are not Indians (Fake ids) or maybe those how don't like growth of this country but instead love free electricity and water

please review your words. :)
tell me, does surat still have plague outbreak, from all the filth it has??

free electricity and free homes must be made human right... yes, free this, that, everything is real development... not purchase of 126 western fighter jets.
why not free world cup no need to play hard, bhaite raho aur cup aajayega, why not free gold medals in Olympics, why not free education for all, free lunch at taj hotels, free suv cars, free, travel on metro, free travel on indian air lines, free payment without work, free treatment, free vegitables, free dal, free sweets, free, free, free, free, free, free, free, free, free, delhi the capital city of free goods, wow the people of delhi now need not work atall they can sit on their easy chairs and mausam ka mazaa lo, except for ammas children we are not so privilaged in the south, i am thinking of shifting to delhi

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