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AAP Government's First Decisions: Cheaper Power, Free Water, Demolition Ban

AAP Government's First Decisions: Cheaper Power, Free Water, Demolition Ban


Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his cabinet

NEW DELHI: After insisting that it will not work to timeframes set by the media, the Aam Aadmi Party government in Delhi has jump-started its plan to slash electricity bills and provide free water.

After the first meeting of his cabinet on Monday, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal directed the finance and power departments to send their proposal on how to cut power tariffs by half.

The three-day-old government has also asked the Delhi Jal Board to work on distributing up to 20,000 litres free water a month to every home.

During its previous 49-day stint last year, the AAP-led government had announced a 50 per cent subsidy for up to 400 units of power consumed, which cut electricity bills by half. AAP also ordered an audit into the finances of three private power distribution companies in Delhi, alleging that they were overcharging consumers.

"Until that audit is completed, the government has asked for power tariffs to be cut," said a senior official.

It is not clear yet whether the government will compensate private power companies for the losses or ask them to bear the costs.

The new government also banned demolitions in Delhi, even though it does not own any land in the capital.

An official statement said the government wants to "take a holistic view on the policy of demolitions in residential areas and slums." The opposition BJP, however, said the order means nothing as the Delhi government has no control over land and the police.

Arvind Kejriwal, who was sworn in as the new Chief Minister of Delhi on Saturday, had during his campaign promised that his government would replace slums with permanent structures and not raze a single home.

AAP came to power after winning a landslide victory in the Delhi assembly polls. To execute its 70-point manifesto, the party has decided to bring in sector-specific experts who will work with the Chief Minister's Office.

On its first working day, AAP faced media anger over a ban on their entry to the Delhi Secretariat. Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia left the media centre after being bombarded with questions.

AAP Government's First Decisions: Cheaper Power, Free Water, Demolition Ban
Welcome of Kolkata 2015, check CP and see impact of demolition ban.
Regarding Electricity and water bills, told by couple of my friends who voted for AAP, are higher by alteast 50% higher instead of No bill or reduced bill.
For some reason i got this alert today :(
Not sure why you decided to answer while understanding how long it has been even if the alert was sent out today, but anyways I shall try answering you....

Look you are missing the point again and again...Coming up with a plant of you own is a welcome move...and i have nothing to do with it being feasible or not...atleast a genuine try is praiseworthy....however subsidy is an easy way out, creates hell lot of issues and is not praiseworthy which is what you were doing...Am i clear this time??
Subsidy is not a long term goal of AAP, it is an immediate measure and this has been said number of times... So why keep coming back with the same thing again and again...

Your love hate for Modi is your prerogative...however this notion of hate filled riots is absurd...what about the hate filled riots of Congress/SP and all other political parties out there...this bogey of secular and communal is all a myth..as said every single party wants to take benefits from vote banks....Poor appeasements in form of subsidy is another way of vote bank politics...
So when did I say that Congress/SP are angels? I do understand that so never supported them anytime, If subsidy is a form of poor appeasement then doling out cheaper lands and other benefits to corporates is also a form of appeasement albeit to rich.....

Looks like you don't because if you see our history we are full of such comments...the only difference is that media is reporting them much more(nothing wrong with it) then what was done earlier....and may be this is creating an impression...
So has the media become too vigilant that they decided to report them all of a sudden or do they have a hidden agenda?

Both are wrong...no??
Both are wrong but vary in severity. How do you intend to compare a slap with a murder?

That may lead to even bigger problems...anyhow not a topic for us to debate...
So is it harmful? If poor people are getting elevated from poverty, how is it causing problems? Please elaborate...

Let's take this news on face value(which is stupid but still)...who is in power in UP?? what Modi has anything to do with it?
Because individual BJP leaders and BJP's ideological mentor has voiced its support for "Ghar Wapsis"

Now you are acting insane...plz don't defend the undefendable...Plebiscite has been debunked by India and there is no question of it..talking about it you are playing Pak lines..so if this is not anti-national then what else would be...
We live in a free country and a democracy and have right to form opinions... One can make a comment and there would be people out their to label it anti-national because it is their perspective. But that doesn't mean one is...

Just if we keep our eyes open we may see bold part is BS....Senior Ministers on the floor of the parliament have given statements....BJP spokepersons have given variois statements...however that is not enough for us...because we want Modi and only Modi to speak...anyhow now even he has spoken...however now what?? Nothing!!...we will keep playing this communcal card..simple...
BJP distances itself from Sakshi Maharaj's remarks on Hindus - IBNLive
Days After Controversial Comment, BJP Showcauses Lawmaker Sakshi Maharaj
Maybe you did not try reading my post quite well... Atleast that is what I understood... Reposting it again, please go through the bolded part again

"AAP immediately came out stating that it is not their official stand but did we see the same kind of response when Sadhvi's and Maharaj's were busy making obnoxious statements... And yet Modi maintained a stoic silence over it and only came out of his shell when the LS proceedings were repeatedly disrupted..."

And the reason why I/we expect Modi to speak up is because I/we have become accustomed to him speaking on anything and everything during the years 2013-2014. So what has muted him all of a sudden?
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Not sure why you decided to answer while understanding how long it has been even if the alert was sent out today, but anyways I shall try answering you....
because it is not right to leave debate in the middle...a technical glitch caused the delay..

Subsidy is not a long term goal of AAP, it is an immediate measure and this has been said number of times... So why keep coming back with the same thing again and again...
because it was you who termed this subsidy as an example of intent...from day 1 i am saying this is not intent....as dolling out freebies is crap...intent would be real action plan...

So when did I say that Congress/SP are angels? I do understand that so never supported them anytime, If subsidy is a form of poor appeasement then doling out cheaper lands and other benefits to corporates is also a form of appeasement albeit to rich.....
Yes they are however it needs to be quantified...Anything that leads to employment generation and progress of the economy is good ...anything which is related to crony capitalism is bad...whereas poor appeasement in form of subsidy is simply playing to vote bank politics without worrying about the negative impact it will have on economy and in turn will hit the same poor...now tell me why rich and middle class who can very well afford paying their bills should get subsidy?? What kind of logic is this??

So has the media become too vigilant that they decided to report them all of a sudden or do they have a hidden agenda?
That's why gave you example of rapes..do you think Gang Rapes were not happening before?? so suddenly why you see so much news about them?? was medial not vigilant then or there is hidden agenda?? answer is none of these...Media highlights a rape in Delhi far more than something happening in a distant village...why?? think about it and perhaps you will get the answer to your question...

Both are wrong but vary in severity. How do you intend to compare a slap with a murder?
It's not about severity...because whatever both said their respective parties distant themselves from that....and as suggested in the last post what bhushan said was sinister as well...anyhow let's move on this one...

So is it harmful? If poor people are getting elevated from poverty, how is it causing problems? Please elaborate..
because people can be elevated from poverty only when they have proper jobs....all this freebies don't last forever, no??..Also this is immoral...now will you support me asking for sexual pleasure from a poor in return of money?? Am i not taking advantage of their situation?? Also think about it....all the sides have loads of money...so will be turn religion into a battle ground of who has bigger d1ck(read money) to convert?? will that be good for India??

Because individual BJP leaders and BJP's ideological mentor has voiced its support for "Ghar Wapsis"
i am not sure how to respond to it...because there are more than a bunch of individual leaders including our PM who have rejected this notion...now if you want to clinge on to those individuals then it is your choice...

We live in a free country and a democracy and have right to form opinions... Oneis can make a comment and there would be people out their to label it anti-national because it is their perspective. But that doesn't mean one is...
No anything which is going to hurt national interests is anti-national...i am sikh and there was a Khalistan movement...now if i start asking for Khalistan would that be anti-national activity or freedom of speech?? think about it...

Maybe you did not try reading my post quite well... Atleast that is what I understood... Reposting it again, please go through the bolded part again

"AAP immediately came out stating that it is not their official stand but did we see the same kind of response when Sadhvi's and Maharaj's were busy making obnoxious statements... And yet Modi maintained a stoic silence over it and only came out of his shell when the LS proceedings were repeatedly disrupted..."

And the reason why I/we expect Modi to speak up is because I/we have become accustomed to him speaking on anything and everything during the years 2013-2014. So what has muted him all of a sudden?
because elections are the place where you speak...government is the place where you work....and when senior ministers in his govt. have given comments on the floor of parliament, yet for every single fringe element comment, we start asking for PM's comment then is it justified??

for example We have been accustomed to hearing kejriwal a lot...however from last one month when AAP was going down the gutter due to internal fighting how many times did we hear him?? Were you complaining even then??
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because it was you who termed this subsidy as an example of intent...from day 1 i am saying this is not intent....as dolling out freebies is crap...intent would be real action plan...
Read my posts again, I said decreasing electricity and water bills is his intent and subsidy would be the temp solution till an alternative cheap source is not made available.

Yes they are however it needs to be quantified...Anything that leads to employment generation and progress of the economy is good ...anything which is related to crony capitalism is bad...whereas poor appeasement in form of subsidy is simply playing to vote bank politics without worrying about the negative impact it will have on economy and in turn will hit the same poor...now tell me why rich and middle class who can very well afford paying their bills should get subsidy?? What kind of logic is this??
You seem to be unaware of the fact that there are certain conditions which comes along with freebies. Do you think the free water and cheap electricity is unlimited? Would a rich or upper middle class family use the same amount of water or electricity as compared to a poor or lower middle class family?

That's why gave you example of rapes..do you think Gang Rapes were not happening before?? so suddenly why you see so much news about them?? was medial not vigilant then or there is hidden agenda?? answer is none of these...Media highlights a rape in Delhi far more than something happening in a distant village...why?? think about it and perhaps you will get the answer to your question...
And why do you think it highlights rapes in Delhi? Do they have some vendetta against Delhites? Well the following link will help you why Delhi is loved by media...

Indian states ranked by rape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Apply the same case to BJP/Sangh ideologues and you will understand why they are a hated lot....

because people can be elevated from poverty only when they have proper jobs....all this freebies don't last forever, no??..Also this is immoral...now will you support me asking for sexual pleasure from a poor in return of money?? Am i not taking advantage of their situation?? Also think about it....all the sides have loads of money...so will be turn religion into a battle ground of who has bigger d1ck(read money) to convert?? will that be good for India??
FYI, Many converts are helped with housing, jobs, businesses, schooling etc, so how come it is wrong and immoral. If you are not forcing yourself or intimidating them and if they are doing it out of free will while transacting monetarily, how is it termed as taking advantage of their situation. Well yes, what's wrong in having a d!ck measuring contest, atleast the poor will get some attention and benefits....

i am not sure how to respond to it...because there are more than a bunch of individual leaders including our PM who have rejected this notion...now if you want to clinge on to those individuals then it is your choice...
Well rejected after a hue and cry was raised, else our MaunModi would have ignored them, Tell me why is repeat offenders not being kicked out. If Modi is so sincere about his intentions of Sabka saath...... then what is stopping him, he has an absolute majority, so why does he need these hate mongers in his kit.

No anything which is going to hurt national interests is anti-national...i am sikh and there was a Khalistan movement...now if i start asking for Khalistan would that be anti-national activity or freedom of speech?? think about it...
So if they have some concerns, you won't listen to them but instead suppress them by labeling them as anti-nationals? Is that what you are saying? We are a democracy and everyone is free to voice their opinions without being violent...

because elections are the place where you speak...government is the place where you work....and when senior ministers in his govt. have given comments on the floor of parliament, yet for every single fringe element comment, we start asking for PM's comment then is it justified??
for example We have been accustomed to hearing kejriwal a lot...however from last one month when AAP was going down the gutter due to internal fighting how many times did we hear him?? Were you complaining even then??
Arvind came out and spoke as soon as he was in Delhi, please care to read the news before commenting, whereas Modi doesn't want to comment on issues which he once gleefully took up....
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Read my posts again, I said decreasing electricity and water bills is his intent and subsidy would be the temp solution till an alternative cheap source is not made available.
Now we are repeating...so i will leave it here....simple point is intent will be shown when some constructive work on so called alternate cheap source will be available...and plz check as this thread was opened by you...check the news on which you are showing their intent...

You seem to be unaware of the fact that there are certain conditions which comes along with freebies. Do you think the free water and cheap electricity is unlimited? Would a rich or upper middle class family use the same amount of water or electricity as compared to a poor or lower middle class family?

Dude...i am fine with your support to the party but please don't put lame points here..This is what Sisodia himself have said

"The reduction in power tariff will benefit 36,06,428 families, which is around 90% of the city's population," Sisodia said,

Now once again the subsidy is a stupid move however subsidy to middle and rich class is even more sinister...

And why do you think it highlights rapes in Delhi? Do they have some vendetta against Delhites? Well the following link will help you why Delhi is loved by media...

Indian states ranked by rape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Apply the same case to BJP/Sangh ideologues and you will understand why they are a hated lot....

Not sure if you are purposefully missing the point however let me help...Nirbhaya in Delhi gets far more coverage than some Nirbhaya in a remote corner of this country.....this is my point...once again...for god sake apply your brain...Law and Order is a state subject...Modi can't do jack about UP police beating Bajrang Dal black and blue...in short morons like these were there, are there and going to stay irrespective of Modi in the center or outside it...however with Modi being in power reports on such morons gets the maximum mileage...

FYI, Many converts are helped with housing, jobs, businesses, schooling etc, so how come it is wrong and immoral. If you are not forcing yourself or intimidating them and if they are doing it out of free will while transacting monetarily, how is it termed as taking advantage of their situation. Well yes, what's wrong in having a d!ck measuring contest, atleast the poor will get some attention and benefits....
Well if this is what you find absolutely fine then let's say we two have been brought up with different values...so let's move on...because as said in the last post as well that with the same logic it would be fine for me to buy sex from a poor in need of money...this to me Sir is absurd...and remember morally degraded society dies a slow but painful death...

Well rejected after a hue and cry was raised, else our MaunModi would have ignored them, Tell me why is repeat offenders not being kicked out. If Modi is so sincere about his intentions of Sabka saath...... then what is stopping him, he has an absolute majority, so why does he need these hate mongers in his kit.
Bold part is a set pattern, so not surprised...he doesn't do something he is criticized...he does something he is criticized...and as far as keeping people in the party is concerned i will love to see such people being kicked out...however politics is weird...and honestly i have seen a party whom i thought would bring clean politics going down the gutter pretty soon...

So if they have some concerns, you won't listen to them but instead suppress them by labeling them as anti-nationals? Is that what you are saying? We are a democracy and everyone is free to voice their opinions without being violent...
Concerns?? Plebisite in kashmir is Pakistan stand...supporting that stand is some bloody concern for you?? What kind of democracy is this?? Last thing you should do is defend this...so please stop replying to this part...

Arvind came out and spoke as soon as he was in Delhi, please care to read the news before commenting, whereas Modi doesn't want to comment on issues which he once gleefully took up....
This is absolute bias and nothing else...the crap was going on for more than a month..we have seen his sting while he was not in Delhi as well...anyhow i have nothing to do with your political patronage so let's agree to disagree on this one and move on....
Now we are repeating...so i will leave it here....simple point is intent will be shown when some constructive work on so called alternate cheap source will be available...and plz check as this thread was opened by you...check the news on which you are showing their intent...
No its you who is repeating, show me one statement of mine where I said that giving subsidies is AK's intent. I said AK wants to provide cheap power, water and other basic things. I've already posted a news article where he is looking out for alternate cheap source but I am not sure why you keep coming back with monotonous statements...

Dude...i am fine with your support to the party but please don't put lame points here..This is what Sisodia himself have said

"The reduction in power tariff will benefit 36,06,428 families, which is around 90% of the city's population," Sisodia said,

Now once again the subsidy is a stupid move however subsidy to middle and rich class is even more sinister...
What's so lame over here? I asked you certain questions but you decided to ignore them and instead started judging my points.... Am I seeing a similar pattern which I normally get to see from other "nationalist" posters over here?

Not sure if you are purposefully missing the point however let me help...Nirbhaya in Delhi gets far more coverage than some Nirbhaya in a remote corner of this country.....this is my point...once again...for god sake apply your brain...Law and Order is a state subject...Modi can't do jack about UP police beating Bajrang Dal black and blue...in short morons like these were there, are there and going to stay irrespective of Modi in the center or outside it...however with Modi being in power reports on such morons gets the maximum mileage...
No I am not purposefully missing anything but I am forced to believe that you are willfully ignoring my point. Nirbhayas of remote corner never got coverage and nor do they get now. But yes Nirbhayas of other Urban and metro areas always had media attention. So compared to any urban or rural area, Delhi has the highest rate of rapes for every 1,00,000 people as indicated by my source but I am not sure why you ignored that part. Law and Order are state subjects but so are BJP MPs, Modi's subjects, So if Modi is unable to do jack about them, he is no good either.

Well if this is what you find absolutely fine then let's say we two have been brought up with different values...so let's move on...because as said in the last post as well that with the same logic it would be fine for me to buy sex from a poor in need of money...this to me Sir is absurd...and remember morally degraded society dies a slow but painful death...
Its not about values, Its about rationality. Why do you intend to stop someone who out of free will, with out any force is willing to offer their services, if you don't want to utilize their services you are free to do so but why force those poor from offering their services just because your values don't permit them. You are free to hold your morality/views but please stop at just that...

Bold part is a set pattern, so not surprised...he doesn't do something he is criticized...he does something he is criticized...and as far as keeping people in the party is concerned i will love to see such people being kicked out...however politics is weird...and honestly i have seen a party whom i thought would bring clean politics going down the gutter pretty soon...
So in short, its OK to accommodate these goons for the "weird" politics. Well if I follow your line of statement, then AAP easily outshines other parties atleast by the people they have and the politics they practice. Now they going to gutter is your view, not really a fact.

Concerns?? Plebisite in kashmir is Pakistan stand...supporting that stand is some bloody concern for you?? What kind of democracy is this?? Last thing you should do is defend this...so please stop replying to this part...
No its not about some stand but rather about people. Its about those people(Kashmiris) who should feel as Indian as us. And this can't be achieved by forcing yourself on them. You tell me what is democracy if this is not. And please just because you are outraged/angered/disappointed by different views, don't mean I have stop speaking of it. Anyways I shall oblige you and agree on not getting deep into it.

This is absolute bias and nothing else...the crap was going on for more than a month..we have seen his sting while he was not in Delhi as well...anyhow i have nothing to do with your political patronage so let's agree to disagree on this one and move on....
You answered your own question, he was not in Delhi to respond to whatever was happening in Delhi. So how do you intend to force him to reply over those happenings. But once he was back, he came out and took necessary actions. On the same lines, I would want to ask if it is OK to ask/force Modi to respond on current happenings in his party when he is on foreign trips.

And at the very end, I would want to say that I want this debate to not go sore or nasty, so please avoid using statements such as these "for god sake apply your brain", they are distasteful and are not of my liking. If you can't avoid them, then please feel free to move on.....
No its you who is repeating, show me one statement of mine where I said that giving subsidies is AK's intent. I said AK wants to provide cheap power, water and other basic things. I've already posted a news article where he is looking out for alternate cheap source but I am not sure why you keep coming back with monotonous statements...

Check when you started the thread..what news you posted(which talks about only subsidy)then check your Post# 30 where you attributed this actions as walking the talk and then read my post# 48....Now please tell me who is repeating what!!

Just to be on same page...giving subsidy is not walking the talk..concrete actions on reducing power tarrifs by respecting economic prudence is....please state your point and let's move on this one for good :)

What's so lame over here? I asked you certain questions but you decided to ignore them and instead started judging my points.... Am I seeing a similar pattern which I normally get to see from other "nationalist" posters over here?
I didn't ignore anything...that's why called them lame...Please even a kindergarden kid will crack this that if 90% of the population is covered under this subsidy then all the points about usage by poor, middle and rich goes for a toss...In short 90% of the population in delhi consume less that 400 units and will be subsidized...now unless and until you are saying that 90% of Delhi population is poor and deserves subsidy then can we atleast conclude that this scheme covers a good amount of non deserving people(from subsidy perspective) and thus unfortunate....can you be this honest with me??

No I am not purposefully missing anything but I am forced to believe that you are willfully ignoring my point. Nirbhayas of remote corner never got coverage and nor do they get now. But yes Nirbhayas of other Urban and metro areas always had media attention. So compared to any urban or rural area, Delhi has the highest rate of rapes for every 1,00,000 people as indicated by my source but I am not sure why you ignored that part.
Comon buddy...you are repeating my point and kind of agreeing to it..not sure if you have realized this...Media shows those stories which have maximum mileage....showing a rape in delhi has much more mileage than a remote village...similarly highlighting Hindu orthodox moronic actions has much more mileage while BJP in power than otherwise...Just one off topic point....the % of rapes reported in Delhi vs Actuals is much better than remote areas...however that doesn't make delhi any safe place...just an observation that i want to share...

Law and Order are state subjects but so are BJP MPs, Modi's subjects, So if Modi is unable to do jack about them, he is no good either.
I already said i want them out.....however are you willing to say that this so called forced conversion allegation has nothing to with Modi or his MP's....given you agree law and order is a state subject??

Its not about values, Its about rationality. Why do you intend to stop someone who out of free will, with out any force is willing to offer their services, if you don't want to utilize their services you are free to do so but why force those poor from offering their services just because your values don't permit them. You are free to hold your morality/views but please stop at just that...
Taking advantage of someone's poverty is not free will...if you can't even differentiate that then i agree we should stop right here....

So in short, its OK to accommodate these goons for the "weird" politics. Well if I follow your line of statement, then AAP easily outshines other parties atleast by the people they have and the politics they practice. Now they going to gutter is your view, not really a fact.

When i clearly said i want them to be out why you wrote that?? I said politics is weird because i can't make much sense why these people are still in...similarly AAP has disappointed on many terms where they failed to live upto the high moral ground they were championing...Last one month has shown us a lot of muck...so going down the gutter is in this sense...they have won 67 seats, going to stay for 5 years and are hopefully going to do good work...

No its not about some stand but rather about people. Its about those people(Kashmiris) who should feel as Indian as us. And this can't be achieved by forcing yourself on them. You tell me what is democracy if this is not. And please just because you are outraged/angered/disappointed by different views, don't mean I have stop speaking of it. Anyways I shall oblige you and agree on not getting deep into it.
National interests are supreme and disintegration of country is last thing we should support in the name of democracy...now this is my last comment on this topic, feel free to reply if you still want to...

You answered your own question, he was not in Delhi to respond to whatever was happening in Delhi. So how do you intend to force him to reply over those happenings. But once he was back, he came out and took necessary actions. On the same lines, I would want to ask if it is OK to ask/force Modi to respond on current happenings in his party when he is on foreign trips.
Sweet ;) ... the whole saga happened for over a month....he was outside delhi for how long?? Anyhow i have no problems with him speaking or not because i believe it is not necessary for Arvind to speak every time and on every issue...There are ministers and other supporting staff for the same reason..They are his voice...This is true for Modi as well...his senior most ministers spoke on this....they had debates in Parliament....he himself spoke in Parliament...now if we want to ignore all that then no-one can help here...

And at the very end, I would want to say that I want this debate to not go sore or nasty, so please avoid using statements such as these "for god sake apply your brain", they are distasteful and are not of my liking. If you can't avoid them, then please feel free to move on.....
Agreed...yes they are distasteful and i apologize....however one request...if you are blind AAP supporter or/and strong Modi hater then please call it out...otherwise some of your reply make me wonder why is this simple thing not getting across and i tend to loose control(not an excuse and i will mind my words from now on!!)
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