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Aafia Siddiqui Convicted

What about you TruthSeeker , Cant you just Email any one of your congressmen to take notice of this issue and can help for her release . It would be highly appreciated ..! Thanks

OK, I will find as much of the trial transcript as I can and see what were the physical facts that were against her. That is, apart from the witness accounts. My impression is that there were no physical facts that indicated her guilt, only the US personnel and Afghan interpreter's accounts. If so, I will write to my Senators and tell them that, in my opinion, the trial result was not just and why. I will ask them to please be sympathetic to any plan to re-repatriate her to Pakistan. Unfortunately, this matter cannot easily be influenced from Congress. Since a jury of 12 citizens found her guilty, the only effective route to her release is to appeal for a new trial. When I have prepared, I'll post my "findings", rationale and note to my Senators on this thread and send you a visitor's message that I have done so.
OK, I will find as much of the trial transcript as I can and see what were the physical facts that were against her. That is, apart from the witness accounts. My impression is that there were no physical facts that indicated her guilt, only the US personnel and Afghan interpreter's accounts. If so, I will write to my Senators and tell them that, in my opinion, the trial result was not just and why. I will ask them to please be sympathetic to any plan to re-repatriate her to Pakistan. Unfortunately, this matter cannot easily be influenced from Congress. Since a jury of 12 citizens found her guilty, the only effective route to her release is to appeal for a new trial. When I have prepared, I'll post my "findings", rationale and note to my Senators on this thread and send you a visitor's message that I have done so.

Thankyou Mr TruthSeeker :tup: . Actually overwhelmingly majority here in Pakistan believes that She is innocent and her trial was not just . Prime Minister Gillani has also urged the US gov for her release , just to build the trust and strenthen the relations btw the two countries . I think its possible to put forward such an argument , Despite being at odds ..!
"She saw her chance to kill Americans and she took it," Assistant U.S. Attorney Christopher LaVigne told jurors. "Not only did she have the motive and intent to harm the United States, she had the know-how to do it."
It was a witch hunt. The very description of hers is so wrong, she is being referred to by the mainstream US media as Lady Al Qaeda. All emotions, no facts.

She had to be convicted, if she is acquitted, the secret that Pakistani government has been handing over suspects to the US government would be outed. The same missing persons case for which Musharraf had to remove the Chief Justice, the same case for which he ended up getting the boot himself.

Notice that they didn't even try her for terrorism (even though the American media had long convicted her as Lady Al Qaeda), because that would be opening a can of worms as to where was she really arrested, where was she held, where are her kids, whats her husbands connection with AQ and CIA (another Balawi situation?), did Khaled Sheikh ACTUALLY take her name? She got tried on none of that but yet these "facts" were blasted time and again against her.

I guess she was right to have been mocking the court, she knew it was all a farce and didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning it, despite all the science supporting her.
Interesting; they freed backwater personnel who were most probably guilty of killing innocents without due justification in Iraq due to a technicality that somehow inhibited justice from taking course.

anyhow, at least they don't chop off hands of thieves like you barbaric M O S L E M S, eh?
Yet another blunder from yanks this is the biggest down fall for america 4 a paublic point of view in pakistan or perhaps in muslium world .Alot of big names are involed for keeping Dr Siddiqui in for 7 years without any solid evidences failure of CIA which they don't want to accpect..
Her lawyers should investigate if there was a mistrial, the Jury took quite a long time, enough time for the spooks to make a move upon the Jury and force a certain verdict.

Forget reasonable doubt, there was a whole list of exculpatory evidence in support of her and virtually none against her. That is doubt galore.

[[Here is what I have written to send to my two Senators, Webb and Warner. I haven't sent it yet. I will wait a day for you to offer any suggestions.]] Sent as below.

February 5, 2010
Dear Senator Webb, [Warner]

Please be advised that the recently concluded trial of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, in New York City, for attempted murder, produced a guilty verdict which, on its face, was unjust and colored by prejudice against a defendant who was labeled as an al Qaeda terrorist in daily New York City press reports throughout the trial. The jury was not sequestered and the trial was replete with innuendo about Dr. Siddiqui’s jihadi motivations. However, the prosecution repeatedly stated she was not on trial for terrorism, but purely for attempted murder of US and Afghan personnel at a police holding location in Ghazni, Afghanistan.

The problem that I have with the trial and its result is that a person was brought to the United States and charged with attempted murder in our Courts without any reasonable crime scene investigations having been performed. The result was that no physical evidence was presented that Dr. Siddiqui ever held a rifle, ever fired a rifle, or ever struck anyone with the rifle. No evidence was presented that the rifle was even loaded. There was no evidence that Dr. Siddiqui has ever in her life fired a rifle, let alone an M-4, the carelessly mislaid weapon which she was alleged to have taken up in the incident.

The eyewitness testimony of the US and Afghan servicemen and FBI agents were surprisingly inconsistent with each other at the trial and inconsistent with the sworn statements that were made by them shortly after the incident. During cross examination Special Agent Eric Negron said a thought had crossed his mind that this could have been a set-up by the Afghan National Police. But, he did not mention this critical thought in any of his subsequent statements. So, clearly exculpatory evidence was omitted from the record from the very beginning. The “gut reaction” of this FBI investigator, on-scene in Afghanistan, had it been pursued, may have led to an entirely different understanding of the event. Just like the US Warrant Officer who shot Dr. Siddiqui, FBI Special Agent Negron was also not able to explain statements he gave earlier regarding the incident which significantly differed from his testimony at trial.

A major inconsistency was noted in the testimony of a Sgt. Williams who clearly remembered a female Medic, Rene Card to be standing outside just steps behind him – not in the room as she had earlier testified. In her testimony Medic Card had contradicted prior witnesses who had placed the M4 rifle and relevant witnesses at differing locations at the scene.

A Sgt. Cook who stood outside the ANP compound said he heard gun shots from the room on the second floor. He did not see Dr. Siddiqui with the gun or shooting a M4 rifle. He said he went to get the stretcher – but Dr. Siddiqui was already brought outside. This contradicts Medic Card who had testified she brought the stretcher in the room and had placed Dr. Siddiqui on the stretcher in the room.

Dr. Siddiqui denied on the witness stand that she had fired the rifle or even knew how to fire a rifle. She absolutely denied that she had attempted to murder anyone.

I cannot help but conclude had this been a “typical” attempted murder event in the United States, that physical evidence would have been collected immediately, witnesses deposed and the prosecution could have moved forward (or not) with strong, reliable facts for a jury to consider. However, in this case, none of that occurred. It clearly illustrates the problems of justly trying cases brought in from the “battlefield” wherein none of the normal crime scene procedures, and investigative follow up, have been done. The result is injustice. This jury should have had reasonable doubts about the guilt of Dr. Siddiqui, given the lack of physical evidence and the conflicting accounts of the witnesses.

It is obvious that the jury was prejudiced by the very noisy “Lady al Qaeda” publicity that surrounded her and her trial. No evidence was provided in the trial that she is or was affiliated with al Qaeda. Given the intense hatred that Americans feel about anything to do with al Qaeda, the sensationalist linking of Dr. Siddiqui in New York's local press and other media must have been seen and heard by the un-sequestered jury. Hence a set of trial evidence that would have called for an acquittal 99% of the time in a US Court, did not. The verdict was born out of irrational fear. The unfortunate result was unjust for Aafia Siddiqui.

What I would like you to consider about this case, from your position, is to be supportive of finding a way to repatriate Dr. Siddiqui to Pakistan. That is, on humanitarian grounds, and in light of the deeply held beliefs of the Pakistani public and government that this process has produced an unjust result for this troubled woman, let us find a way to let her return to Pakistan to serve her sentence, or to heal with her family under Government supervision. Perhaps there is an American serving in a Pakistani prison for whom a compassionate exchange makes sense.

The swift repatriation of Dr. Siddiqui is the right thing to do, and it would be greatly appreciated by the entire Pakistani Nation. Such an action would decrease the gulf between our two countries who have cooperated with each other for more than half a century. This gesture of friendship and goodwill by the United States could boost our image among the ordinary people of Pakistan during its front line fight against our mutual enemies. I sincerely believe that we could benefit more by repatriating her under appropriate supervision than by continuing to incarcerate her and have her continue to struggle with appeals within our Courts.

Thank you for considering this matter.

[Truth Seeker]


The above letter was sent on Friday, 2/5/2010.
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Shame on United states
If Afia has shooted the american soliders then wat about americans ..............who r killing innocent people in so called war against terror...
the decision is American justice for a Muslim woman.
ALLAH,s justice is remaining.
ALLAH help this brave woman and give him more patience to bear hardships as there is no Muhammad Bin Qasim in this 21st century.
Just went thru the thread-
It is obvious that the Govt[both past and present] has been making a fool of its own people.
TS a mention or two about the inappropriateness and the callous and casual use of damning terms like "Lady Al Qaeda" would conclude your letter perfectly. I've seen LA times, ABC and almost all major news outlets use this term to refer to her. She has not even been tried for terrorism.

Thanks for your contribution.
It's obvious from the way she acted during the trial that she wasnt fit to stand trial. Complete BS conviction.

When Dr Haneef was arrested on terrorism charges in Australia, the entire Indian media and civil society put pressure on Australia to secure his release, Pakistan needs to do the same.
t's obvious from the way she acted during the trial that she wasnt fit to stand trial. Complete BS conviction.

When Dr Haneef was arrested on terrorism charges in Australia, the entire Indian media and civil society put pressure on Australia to secure his release, Pakistan needs to do the same.

i thought many of you differentiated btw Australia and US and btw India and
Pakistan ..!
Thank you for your contribution Mr TruthSeeker , You really deserve more than thanks ..! Its perfect.
You can also add up that, To decrease the gulf btw the Two countries who have cooperated with each other for more than half a century and as gesture of friendship and goodwill the US can transfer the convicted DR Aafia Siddiqui where she can spent her life with her family under the GoP supervision . The GOP can provide certificate for her supervision to US on Demand . This could really boost up the image of US among the ordinary people of its front line and a vital ally in WOT which could ultimately decrease the criticism which US faces in the Pakistani Media ...!US could benefit more by transferring her , rather than convicting her and sending out a negative signal ...!

Best Regards
I am very much hopeful the US Gov might give this issue a thorough Review and the fight for her transfer is not over yet ..!
TS a mention or two about the inappropriateness and the callous and casual use of damning terms like "Lady Al Qaeda" would conclude your letter perfectly. I've seen LA times, ABC and almost all major news outlets use this term to refer to her. She has not even been tried for terrorism.

Thanks for your contribution.

I added a few more sentences about the prejudicial news stories.

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